  • 姓 名: 孙建新
    性 别:
    职 称: 教授
    专 业: 生态学/生态系统科学
    单 位: 北京林业大学林学院/北京林业大学林业应对气候变化研究所
    地 址: 北京市海淀区清华东路35号120信箱 100083
    电 话: +86-10-62337095
    电子邮件: sunjianx@bjfu.edu.cn
    1978.10-1982.07 内蒙古农业大学本科学习,获农学学士学位
    1986.11-1987.10 新西兰Lincoln大学进修,获研究生资历证书(Post-graduate Diploma)
    1988.03-1994.04 新西兰Canterbury大学硕/博连读,获林业博士学位
    1982.07-1986.10 内蒙古农业大学, 助教
    1994.05-1994.06 新西兰Landcare Research, Research Assistant
    1994.07-1999.12 新西兰Forest Research Institute, Research Scientist
    2000.01-2000.12 新西兰Canterbury大学,Research Fellow
    2001.01-2003.09 美国Oregon州立大学,Research Associate
    2003.10-2007.02 中国科学院植物研究所,首席研究员
    2007.03-至今 北京林业大学,教授二级博士研究生导师
    Ecological Processes副主编(2011-)
    Forest Ecosystems副主编(2014-)
    Journal of Plant Ecology编委(2009-)
    Journal of Forestry Research编委(2014-)
    Forest Ecology and Management咨询编委(2011-)
    Data Papers in Ecology编委(2012-)
    • 国家自然科学基金(面上)项目“亚热带-温带过渡区森林土壤有机碳固持机制及其微环境制约”,主持人。执行时间2015年1月至2018年12月。
    • 国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项“典型森林土壤碳储量分部格局及变化规律研究”之专题“华北典型林分类型土壤碳储量分部格局及变化规律研究”,主持人。执行时间2011年1月至2014年12月。
    • 科技部重大科学研究计划(973)项目“天然森林和草地土壤固碳功能与固碳潜力研究”课题5:土壤碳截获生物过程和机理,主持人。执行时间:2011年1月至2016年12月。
    • Wang J, You Y, Tang Z, Liu S, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2014) Variations in leaf litter decomposition across contrasting forest stands and controlling factors at local scale. Journal of Plant Ecology (in press) Doi:10.1093/jpe/rtu019
    • Ouyang S, Puhlmann H, Wang S, von Wilpert K, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2014) Parameter uncertainty and identifiability of a conceptual semi-distributed model to simulate hydrological processes in a small headwater catchment in Northwest China. Ecological Processes 3:14. Doi:10.1186/s13717-014-0014-9
    • You YM, Wang J, Huang XM, Tang ZX, Liu SR, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2014) Relating microbial community structure to functioning in forest soil organic carbon transformation and turnover. Ecology and Evolution 4(5): 633–647. Doi:10.1002/ece3.969
    • Ouyang S, Wang XP, Wu YL, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2014) Contrasting responses of net primary productivity to inter-annual variability and changes of climate among three forest types in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology 7(3): 309–320. Doi:10.1093/jpe/rtt066
    • Su H, Li YG, Liu W, Xu H, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2014) Changes in water use with growth in Ulmus pumila in semiarid sandy land of northern China. Trees – Structure and Function 28(1): 41–52. doi: 10.1007/s00468-013-0928-3
    • Yan DM, Zhao FY, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2013) Assessment of vegetation establishment on tailing dam at an iron ore mining site of suburban Beijing, China, seven years after reclamation with contrasting site treatment methods. Environmental Management 52(3): 748–757. doi: 10.1007/s00267-013-0092-y
    • Yu M, Sun OJ (责任作者) (2013) Effects of forest patch type and site on herb-layer vegetation in a temperate ecosystem. Forest Ecology & Management 300: 14–20. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2012.12.039
    • 余敏, 周志勇, 康峰峰, 欧阳帅, 米湘成, 孙建新(责任作者)(2013)山西灵空山小蛇沟林下草本层植物群落梯度分析及环境解释. 植物生态学报 37(5): 373–383.
    • Zhou Z, Zhang Z, Zha T, Luo Z, Zheng J, Sun OJ (2013) Predicting soil respiration using carbon stock in roots, litter and soil organic matter in forests of Loess Plateau in China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57: 135–143. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.08.010
    • Wang XP, Ouyang S, Sun OJ, Fang JY (2013) Forest biomass patterns across northeast China are strongly shaped by forest height. Forest Ecology & Management 297: 149–160. DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.01.001
    • Wu TJ, Hao SG, Sun OJ, Kang L (2012) Specificity responses of grasshoppers in temperate grasslands to diel asymmetric warming. PLoS ONE 7:e41764
    • 涂玉,尤业明,孙建新(责任作者)(2012)油松-辽东栎混交林地表凋落物与氮添加对土壤微生物生物量碳、氮及其活性的影响. 应用生态学报23(9): 2325–2331.
    • 苏华,李永庚,苏本营,孙建新(责任作者) (2012)地下水位下降对浑善达克沙地榆树光合及抗逆性的影响. 植物生态学报36(3): 177–186.
    • Liu JF, Sun OJ (责任作者), Jin HM, Zhou ZY, Han XG (2011) Application of two remote sensing GPP algorithms at a semiarid grassland site of northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology 4: 302–312.
    • Luo ZK, Wang EL, Sun OJ, Smith CJ, Probert ME (2011) Modeling long-term soil carbon dynamics and sequestration potential in semi-arid agro-ecosystems. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology 151: 1529–1544.
    • Yan QL, Zhu JJ, Hu ZB, Sun OJ (2011) Environmental Impacts of the Shelter Forests in Horqin Sandy Land, Northeast China. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 815–824.
    • Luo ZK, Wang EL, Sun OJ (2010) Can no-tillage stimulate carbon sequestration in agricultural soils? A meta-analysis of paired experiments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 139: 224–231.
    • Luo ZK, Sun OJ (责任作者), Wang EL, Ren H, Xu HL (2010) Modeling productivity in mangrove forests as impacted by effective soil water availability and its sensitivity to climate change using Biome-BGC. Ecosystems 13: 949–965.
    • Kong WJ, Sun OJ (责任作者), Chen YN, Yu Y, Tian ZQ (2010) Patch-level based vegetation change and environmental drivers in Tarim River drainage area of West China. Landscape Ecology 25: 1447–1455.
    • Yang K, Zhu JJ, Zhang M, Yan QL, Sun OJ (2010) Soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in forest ecosystems of Northeast China: A comparison between natural secondary forest and larch plantation. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 175–182.
    • Jin HM, Sun OJ (责任作者), Liu JF (2010) Changes in soil microbial biomass and community structure with addition of contrasting types of plant litter in a semiarid grassland ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 209–217.
    • Luo ZK, Sun OJ (责任作者), Xu HL (2010) A comparison of species composition and stand structure between planted and natural mangrove forests in Shenzhen Bay, South China. Journal of Plant Ecology 3: 165–174.
    • Yang K, Zhu JJ, Yan QL, Sun OJ (2010) Changes in soil P chemistry as affected by conversion of natural secondary forests to larch plantations. Forest Ecology & Management 260: 422–428.
    • Luo ZK, Wang EL, Sun OJ (2010) Soil carbon change and its responses to agricultural practices in Australian agro-ecosystems: A review and synthesis. Geoderma 155: 211–223.
    • Liu P, Huang J, Sun OJ, Han X (2010) Litter decomposition and nutrient release as affected by soil N availability and litter quality in a semiarid grassland ecosystem. Oecologia 162: 771–780.
    • 刘彩风, 张志强, 郭军庭, 查同刚, 孙建新(2010)晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区油松刺槐混交林蒸腾耗水. 中国水土保持科学 8(5): 42–48.
发布日期:2015-01-29 浏览: 7756

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