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熊慧1, 马承恩2, 李乐3, 曾辉1,2, 郭大立3,*()
Stomatal characteristics of ferns and angiosperms and their responses to changing light intensity at different habitats
XIONG Hui1, MA Cheng-En2, LI Le3, ZENG Hui1,2, GUO Da-Li3,*()

图6. 开阔和林下生境的两种蕨类植物(A-D)和两种被子植物(E-H)的气孔导度和光合速率随光强变化的响应曲线。虚线表示光照强度; A, E的黑色箭头可以看出光强降低时(1000到100 μmol·m-2·s-1)开阔生境的蕨类和被子植物气孔导度迅速降低, 气孔快速响应; C, G的黑色箭头可以看出光强降低时(1000到100 μmol·m-2·s-1)林下生境的蕨类和被子植物气孔导度变化很小, 气孔响应缓慢。

Fig. 6. Responses of stomatal conductance (Gs) and CO2 assimilation rate (A) in two ferns (A-D) and two angiosperms (E-H) in open and understory habitats for 30 minutes after each of four transitions in light intensity (PPFD) (dashed line). The two species in open habitats showed rapid stomatal closure following transition from high to low light (1000 to 100 μmol·m-2·s-1) (A and E, black arrows); whereas the two species in understory showed slow stomatal closure following transition from high to low light (1000 to 100 μmol·m-2·s-1) (C and G, black arrows).