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森林根系分泌物生态学研究: 问题与展望
Root exudates and their ecological consequences in forest ecosystems: Problems and perspective
Hua-Jun YIN1,*(),Zi-Liang ZHANG1,2,Qing LIU1

图3. 调控闸门假说概念框架图。I阶段: 生物不利用土壤有机质(SOM)转化为生物可利用SOM; II阶段: 生物可利用SOM在微生物作用下发生的矿化分解过程。

Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of the Regulatory Gate Hypothesis. I phrase is the abiological transformation of non-bioavailable soil organic matter (SOM). II phrase is the biological mineralization of bioavailable SOM.