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Response of soil enzyme activities to litter input changes in two secondary Castanopsis carlessii forests in subtropical China
WEI Cui-Cui,LIU Xiao-Fei,LIN Cheng-Fang(),LI Xian-Feng,LI Yan,ZHENG Yu-Xiong

图1. 次生林和人促林中凋落物添加和去除后土壤酶活性的变化(平均值±标准偏差, n = 3)。小写字母表示同一林分下不同处理间的差异性(p < 0.05), 大写字母表示不同林分同一处理间的差异性(p < 0.05)。

Fig. 1. Soil enzyme activities under litter removal, control, and litter addition treatments in the two Castanopsis carlesii forests (mean ± SD, n = 3). The lowercase letters mean significant differences among treatments in the same forests (p < 0.05), the capital letters mean significant differences between the two forests under the same treatment (p < 0.05).