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吴赞1,2, 彭云峰2,*(), 杨贵彪2, 李秦鲁2,4, 刘洋2,3, 马黎华1, 杨元合2,4, 蒋先军1,*()
Effects of land degradation on soil and microbial stoichiometry in Qingzang Plateau alpine grasslands
WU Zan1,2, PENG Yun-Feng2,*(), YANG Gui-Biao2, LI Qin-Lu2,4, LIU Yang2,3, MA Li-Hua1, YANG Yuan-He2,4, JIANG Xian-Jun1,*()

图1. 野外实地调查采样点和meta分析搜集的文献样点分布图。植被类型图来源于1:100万中国植被图(中国科学院中国植被图编辑委员会, 2001)。

Fig. 1. Distribution of the soil sampling sites and studies in the meta-analysis. Vegetation map was generated from China’s Vegetation Atlas with a scale of 1:1 000 000 (The Editorial Committee of Vegetation Map of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001).