植物生态学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 575-582.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0313
所属专题: 全球变化与生态系统
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SHI Da-Lin
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工业革命以来, 不断加剧的人类活动所引起的大气CO2浓度增加、温度上升等全球变化问题, 正使得海洋生态系统面临着前所未有的压力。该文通过文献计量的方法分析了国内外的研究现状, 简要地回顾了全球变化对海洋生态系统影响研究的发展简史, 并聚焦海洋暖化、海洋酸化和富营养化与缺氧这三个核心研究方向, 重点阐述了它们对海洋生态系统初级生产的关键过程的影响, 总结了已取得的重要进展以及存在的主要问题, 最后提出前沿展望。
叶幼亭, 史大林. 全球变化对海洋生态系统初级生产关键过程的影响. 植物生态学报, 2020, 44(5): 575-582. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0313
YE You-Ting, SHI Da-Lin. Effects of global change on key processes of primary production in marine ecosystems. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2020, 44(5): 575-582. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2019.0313
图1 1981-2018年发表的与“全球变化对海洋生态系统的影响”相关的SCI论文数。查询数据库: Web of Science; 查询关键词: TI = ((climate AND change) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary))或TI = ((global AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary))或TI = ((ocean AND acidification) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary))或TI = ((eutrophication AND hypoxia) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary))。
Fig. 1 Number of SCI papers published between 1981 and 2018 related to “the impacts of global change on marine ecosystems”. Database: Web of Science; Key words: TI = ((climate AND change) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)) or TI = ((global AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)) or TI = ((ocean AND acidification) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)) or TI = ((eutrophication AND hypoxia) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)).
图2 1981-2018年与“全球变化对海洋生态系统的影响”相关的SCI论文发表量前10国家。
Fig. 2 Top 10 countries for SCI papers published between 1981 and 2018 related to “the impacts of global change on marine ecosystems”.
图3 1981-2018年发表的与“全球变暖、海洋酸化和富营养化对海洋生态系统的影响”相关的SCI论文数。A, 国际发展态势。B, 中国发展态势。查询数据库: Web of Science; 查询关键词: TI = (climate AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary), 或TI = (global AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary); TI = (ocean AND acidification) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary); TI = Eutrophication* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary), 或TI = Hypoxia* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)) , 或TI = Deoxygenation* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)。
Fig. 3 Number of SCI papers published between 1981 and 2018 related to “the impacts of ocean warming, ocean acidification and eutrophication and hypoxia on marine ecosystems”. A, Development trend of internation. B, Development trend of China. Database: Web of Science; Key wards: TI = (climate AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary), or TI = (global AND warming) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary); TI = (ocean AND acidification) AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary); TI = Eutrophication* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary), or TI = Hypoxia* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary)) , or TI = Deoxygenation* AND (marine OR ocean OR coast OR sea OR estuary).
图4 1981-2018年与“全球变暖、海洋酸化和富营养化对海洋生态系统的影响”相关的SCI论文发量前10国家。
Fig. 4 Top 10 countries for SCI papers published between 1981 and 2018 related to “the impacts of ocean warming, ocean acidification and eutrophication and hypoxia on marine ecosystems”.
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