植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 88-100.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0131
所属专题: 菌根真菌
张慧1,2,3, 曾文静1,2,*(), 龚新桃4, 马泽清1,2,*()
ZHANG Hui1,2,3, ZENG Wen-Jing1,2,*(), GONG Xin-Tao4, MA Ze-Qing1,2,*()
*ZENG Wen-Jing(zengwj@igsnrr.ac.cn);MA Ze-Qing(mazq@igsnrr.ac.cn)
Supported by:
根毛和共生真菌增加了吸收面积, 提高了植物获取磷等土壤资源的能力。由于野外原位观测根表微观结构较为困难, 吸收细根、根毛、共生真菌如何相互作用并适应土壤资源供应, 缺乏相应的数据和理论。该研究以受磷限制的亚热带森林为对象, 选取了21种典型树种, 定量了根毛存在情况、属性变异, 分析了根毛形态特征与共生真菌侵染率、吸收细根功能属性之间的关系, 探讨了根表结构对低磷土壤的响应和适应格局。结果表明: 1)在亚热带森林根毛不是普遍存在的, 21个树种中仅发现7个树种存有根毛, 4个为丛枝菌根(AM)树种, 3个为外生菌根(ECM)树种。其中, 马尾松(Pinus massoniana)根毛出现率最高, 为86%; 2)菌根类型是理解根-根毛-共生真菌关系的关键, AM树种根毛密度与共生真菌侵染率正相关, 但ECM树种根毛直径与共生真菌侵染率负相关; 3) AM树种根毛长度和根毛直径、ECM树种根毛出现率与土壤有效磷含量呈负相关关系。该研究揭示了不同菌根类型树种根毛-共生真菌-根属性的格局及相互作用, 为精细理解养分获取策略奠定了基础。
张慧, 曾文静, 龚新桃, 马泽清. 亚热带典型树种根毛特征及其与共生真菌的关系. 植物生态学报, 2023, 47(1): 88-100. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0131
ZHANG Hui, ZENG Wen-Jing, GONG Xin-Tao, MA Ze-Qing. Relationships between root hairs and mycorrhizal fungi across typical subtropical tree species. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2023, 47(1): 88-100. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0131
图1 21个亚热带典型树种谱系发育关系及根属性和根毛属性的变异(平均值±标准误)。AM, 丛枝菌根; ECM, 外生菌根。观察到根毛的物种名用蓝色标注, 其中, 根毛直径仅在观察到根毛的7个物种中展示。
Fig. 1 Phylogeny and variation in traits for 21 typical subtropical tree species (mean ± SE). AM, arbuscular mycorrhiza; ECM, ectomycorrhiza. Names of tree species with root hairs are marked in blue. Root hair diameter was only shown among the seven species with root hairs.
物种 Species | 菌根类型 Mycorrhizal type | 根毛出现率 Root hair occurrence rate (%) | 根毛密度 Root hair density (No.·mm-1) | 根毛长度 Root hair length (μm) | 根毛直径 Root hair diameter (μm) |
深山含笑 Michelia maudiae | AM | 26.97 ± 4.16A | 12.90 ± 1.05A | 20.62 ± 1.43A | 8.32 ± 0.44B |
赤杨叶 Alniphyllum fortunei | AM | 51.25 ± 0.85B | 44.30 ± 1.56C | 63.84 ± 4.52C | 10.32 ± 0.36C |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | AM | 58.26 ± 1.85BC | 22.51 ± 1.07B | 36.61 ± 1.59B | 6.09 ± 0.13A |
楝 Melia azedarach | AM | 70.35 ± 1.61D | 13.41 ± 1.19A | 43.78 ± 3.18B | 9.71 ± 0.24C |
麻栎 Quercus acutissima | ECM | 32.93 ± 3.28A | 15.23 ± 1.00A | 34.42 ± 6.57B | 7.51 ± 0.27B |
湿地松 Pinus elliottii | ECM | 61.24 ± 4.09C | 14.09 ± 0.41A | 93.18 ± 2.40D | 19.85 ± 0.34D |
马尾松 Pinus massoniana | ECM | 86.27 ± 3.36E | 21.60 ± 1.25B | 161.36 ± 5.68E | 19.99 ± 0.24D |
表1 7个亚热带典型树种根毛属性特征(平均值±标准误)
Table 1 Traits of root hairs in seven typical subtropical tree species (mean ± SE)
物种 Species | 菌根类型 Mycorrhizal type | 根毛出现率 Root hair occurrence rate (%) | 根毛密度 Root hair density (No.·mm-1) | 根毛长度 Root hair length (μm) | 根毛直径 Root hair diameter (μm) |
深山含笑 Michelia maudiae | AM | 26.97 ± 4.16A | 12.90 ± 1.05A | 20.62 ± 1.43A | 8.32 ± 0.44B |
赤杨叶 Alniphyllum fortunei | AM | 51.25 ± 0.85B | 44.30 ± 1.56C | 63.84 ± 4.52C | 10.32 ± 0.36C |
南酸枣 Choerospondias axillaris | AM | 58.26 ± 1.85BC | 22.51 ± 1.07B | 36.61 ± 1.59B | 6.09 ± 0.13A |
楝 Melia azedarach | AM | 70.35 ± 1.61D | 13.41 ± 1.19A | 43.78 ± 3.18B | 9.71 ± 0.24C |
麻栎 Quercus acutissima | ECM | 32.93 ± 3.28A | 15.23 ± 1.00A | 34.42 ± 6.57B | 7.51 ± 0.27B |
湿地松 Pinus elliottii | ECM | 61.24 ± 4.09C | 14.09 ± 0.41A | 93.18 ± 2.40D | 19.85 ± 0.34D |
马尾松 Pinus massoniana | ECM | 86.27 ± 3.36E | 21.60 ± 1.25B | 161.36 ± 5.68E | 19.99 ± 0.24D |
图3 亚热带典型树种中无根毛和有根毛树种的吸收根菌根真菌侵染率和根属性的比较(平均值±标准误)。AM, 丛枝菌根; ECM, 外生菌根。ns, p > 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001。
Fig. 3 Comparisons of mycorrhizal colonization rate and absorptive fine root properties (mean ± SE) between typical subtropical tree species with and without root hairs. AM, arbuscular mycorrhiza; ECM, ectomycorrhiza. ns, p > 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.
属性 Trait | 最小值 Min | 最大值 Max | 平均数 Mean | 标准误 SE | 变异系数 CV (%) | Blomberg’s K |
根毛出现率 Root hair occurrence rate (%) | 26.97 | 86.30 | 58.26 | 7.79 | 37.25 | 0.29 |
根毛密度 Root hair density (No.·mm-1) | 12.90 | 44.30 | 20.58 | 4.22 | 54.28 | 0.40 |
根毛长度 Root hair length (μm) | 20.62 | 161.36 | 64.83 | 18.41 | 75.15 | 0.28 |
根毛直径 Root hair diameter (μm) | 6.09 | 19.99 | 11.68 | 2.19 | 49.70 | 2.67* |
根直径 Root diameter (mm) | 0.15 | 0.54 | 0.29 | 0.05 | 43.10 | 0.66** |
比根长 Specific root length (m·g-1) | 23.02 | 83.00 | 52.76 | 7.35 | 55.06 | 0.47 |
根组织密度 Root tissue density (g·cm-3) | 0.11 | 0.53 | 0.26 | 0.05 | 53.26 | 0.09 |
菌根侵染率 Mycorrhizal colonization rate (%) | 43.99 | 78.88 | 63.10 | 4.82 | 20.22 | 0.47 |
表2 7个亚热带典型树种根毛与根属性变异与系统发育信号(Blomberg’s K)
Table 2 Summary of root hair traits, root traits and phylogenetic signals (Blomberg’s K) for seven typical subtropical tree species
属性 Trait | 最小值 Min | 最大值 Max | 平均数 Mean | 标准误 SE | 变异系数 CV (%) | Blomberg’s K |
根毛出现率 Root hair occurrence rate (%) | 26.97 | 86.30 | 58.26 | 7.79 | 37.25 | 0.29 |
根毛密度 Root hair density (No.·mm-1) | 12.90 | 44.30 | 20.58 | 4.22 | 54.28 | 0.40 |
根毛长度 Root hair length (μm) | 20.62 | 161.36 | 64.83 | 18.41 | 75.15 | 0.28 |
根毛直径 Root hair diameter (μm) | 6.09 | 19.99 | 11.68 | 2.19 | 49.70 | 2.67* |
根直径 Root diameter (mm) | 0.15 | 0.54 | 0.29 | 0.05 | 43.10 | 0.66** |
比根长 Specific root length (m·g-1) | 23.02 | 83.00 | 52.76 | 7.35 | 55.06 | 0.47 |
根组织密度 Root tissue density (g·cm-3) | 0.11 | 0.53 | 0.26 | 0.05 | 53.26 | 0.09 |
菌根侵染率 Mycorrhizal colonization rate (%) | 43.99 | 78.88 | 63.10 | 4.82 | 20.22 | 0.47 |
图4 7个亚热带典型树种根毛属性与根属性的Pearson相关关系。HD, 根毛直径; MC, 菌根真菌侵染率; RD, 根直径; RH, 根毛出现率; RHD, 根毛密度; RHL, 根毛长度; RTD, 根组织密度; SRL, 比根长。7个有根毛树种根毛和根属性间的相关系数(对角线以下)和系统发育独立对比(对角线以上), 存在显著相关性(n = 28; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01)。
Fig. 4 Pearson correlation coefficients between root hair traits and root traits of seven typical subtropical tree species. HD, root hair diameter; MC, mycorrhizal colonization rate; RD, root diameter; RH, root hair occurrence rate; RHD, root hair density; RHL, root hair length; RTD, root tissue density; SRL, specific root length. Pearson correlation coefficients (below the diagonal) and phylogenetically independent contrasts (above the diagonal) among seven functional traits for seven root hair tree species (n = 28; *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01).
图5 亚热带典型树种不同类型菌根侵染率与根毛出现率(A)、根毛密度(B)、根毛长度(C)、根毛直径(D)的关系。AM, 丛枝菌根(4个树种× 4组重复= 16个点); ECM, 外生菌根(3个树种× 4组重复= 12个点)。
Fig. 5 Correlation between root hair occurrence rate (A), root hair density (B), root hair length (C), root hair diameter (D) and mycorrhizal colonization rate of typical subtropical tree species. AM, arbuscular mycorrhiza (4 species × 4 replicates = 16 points); ECM, ectomycorrhiza (3 species × 4 replicates = 12 points).
图6 亚热带典型树种根毛属性(A-D)、菌根真菌侵染率(E)、根属性(F-H)与土壤有效磷含量的关系。AM, 丛枝菌根; ECM,外生菌根。根毛属性与有效磷含量的关系基于7个有根毛树种的数据(4个AM树种× 4组重复+ 3个ECM树种× 4组重复= 28个点)。菌根真菌侵染率、根属性与有效磷含量的关系基于21个亚热带典型树种的数据(7个有根毛树种× 4组重复+ 14个无根毛树种× 4组重复= 84个点)。
Fig. 6 Correlations of soil available phosphorus (P) content with root hair traits (A-D), mycorrhizal colonization rate (E) and root traits (F-H) of typical subtropical tree species. AM, arbuscular mycorrhiza; ECM, ectomycorrhiz. Relationships between root hair traits and soil available P content were based on data from seven tree species with root hairs (4 AM species × 4 replicates + 3 ECM species × 4 replicates = 28 points). Relationships between mycorrhizal colonization rate, root attributes and soil available P content were based on data of 21 typical subtropical tree species (7 tree species with root hairs × 4 replicates + 14 species without root hairs × 4 replicates = 84 points).
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