植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (7): 888-902.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0016 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2024.0016
所属专题: 植物功能性状
马琳1, 巢林1,2, 何雨莎1, 李忠国2, 王爱华1, 刘晟源3, 胡宝清1, 刘艳艳1,*()()
* 刘艳艳(基金资助:
MA Lin1, CHAO Lin1,2, HE Yu-Sha1, LI Zhong-Guo2, WANG Ai-Hua1, LIU Sheng-Yuan3, HU Bao-Qing1, LIU Yan-Yan1,*()()
* LIU Yan-Yan(Supported by:
在全球气候变化背景下, 干旱诱导木质部栓塞被认为是驱动树木死亡的主要因素。因此, 分析木质部栓塞抗性(用导水率损失50%的水势(P50)表示)的内在解剖决定因素对于理解其结构与功能间的机制具有重要意义, 为气候变化背景下植被恢复树种选择提供理论依据。该研究测定广西弄岗喀斯特森林内12个主要常绿树种的木质部导管直径、导管组指数、组分占比、纹孔形态和纹孔膜超微结构, 同时结合木质部储水特征(如木材密度和饱和含水量), 综合分析干旱诱导木质部栓塞抗性与其解剖结构以及储水特征之间的关系。结果显示: (1) P50与导管直径、密度、导管组指数以及组分占比间的相关性均不显著; (2) P50与纹孔形态特征以及纹孔膜厚度和纹孔腔深度等特征间的相关性均不显著; (3) P50与木材密度显著负相关, 与饱和含水量边缘显著正相关, 即木材密度较大、饱和含水量较低的树种表现出较强的栓塞抗性。研究结果表明, 运用单一的解剖结构来评估栓塞抗性是不全面的; 此外, 木质部水分存储能力与栓塞抗性之间的权衡关系对于深入理解喀斯特植物耐旱性的内在结构机制以及多元化的水分利用策略具有重要的生态学意义。
马琳, 巢林, 何雨莎, 李忠国, 王爱华, 刘晟源, 胡宝清, 刘艳艳. 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种木质部栓塞抗性与其解剖结构及相关性状间的关系. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(7): 888-902. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0016
MA Lin, CHAO Lin, HE Yu-Sha, LI Zhong-Guo, WANG Ai-Hua, LIU Sheng-Yuan, HU Bao-Qing, LIU Yan-Yan. Relationship of embolism resistance with xylem anatomical structure and related traits of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforests. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(7): 888-902. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2024.0016
图1 广西热带喀斯特季节性雨林研究地基本情况。A, 弄岗气候图。B, 弄岗峰丛深切圆洼地地貌。C, 样地内部。
Fig. 1 Basic situation of the study site in tropical karst seasonal rainforests in Guangxi. A, Climate of Nonggang. B, Landform of deeply incised karst peak cluster with circular depressions of Nonggang. C, Interior of the sample site.
树种 Species | 科 Family | 符号 Symbol | 最大导管长度 Maximum vessel length (cm) |
蚬木 Excentrodendron tonkinense | 锦葵科 Malvaceae | 85.0 | |
闭花木 Cleistanthus sumatranus | 叶下珠科 Phyllanthaceae | 93.9 | |
网脉核果木 Drypetes perreticulata | 核果木科 Putranjivaceae | 53.5 | |
海南大风子 Hydnocarpus hainanensis | 青钟麻科 Achariaceae | 35.0 | |
割舌树 Walsura robusta | 楝科 Meliaceae | 71.6 | |
金丝李 Garcinia paucinervis | 藤黄科 Clusiaceae | 92.3 | |
茎花山柚 Champereia manillana | 山柚子科 Opiliaceae | 96.8 | |
三角车 Rinorea bengalensis | 堇菜科 Violaceae | 94.8 | |
细叶谷木 Memecylon scutellatum | 野牡丹科 Melastomataceae | 52.8 | |
淡黄金花茶 Camellia grandis | 山茶科 Theaceae | 115.7 | |
南方紫金牛 Ardisia thyrsiflora | 报春花科 Primulaceae | 79.0 | |
广西澄广花 Orophea polycarpa | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 72.6 |
表1 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种的基本信息
Table 1 Basic information of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforest
树种 Species | 科 Family | 符号 Symbol | 最大导管长度 Maximum vessel length (cm) |
蚬木 Excentrodendron tonkinense | 锦葵科 Malvaceae | 85.0 | |
闭花木 Cleistanthus sumatranus | 叶下珠科 Phyllanthaceae | 93.9 | |
网脉核果木 Drypetes perreticulata | 核果木科 Putranjivaceae | 53.5 | |
海南大风子 Hydnocarpus hainanensis | 青钟麻科 Achariaceae | 35.0 | |
割舌树 Walsura robusta | 楝科 Meliaceae | 71.6 | |
金丝李 Garcinia paucinervis | 藤黄科 Clusiaceae | 92.3 | |
茎花山柚 Champereia manillana | 山柚子科 Opiliaceae | 96.8 | |
三角车 Rinorea bengalensis | 堇菜科 Violaceae | 94.8 | |
细叶谷木 Memecylon scutellatum | 野牡丹科 Melastomataceae | 52.8 | |
淡黄金花茶 Camellia grandis | 山茶科 Theaceae | 115.7 | |
南方紫金牛 Ardisia thyrsiflora | 报春花科 Primulaceae | 79.0 | |
广西澄广花 Orophea polycarpa | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 72.6 |
图2 热带喀斯特季节性雨林植物木质部导管组分与纹孔。A, 光学显微镜下的各组织细胞。紫色箭头是导管, 红色箭头是射线薄壁细胞, 绿色箭头是轴向薄壁细胞, 黄色框中是纤维。B, 扫描电子显微镜下的非覆物纹孔。红色实线代表纹孔膜, 虚线代表纹孔口。C, 扫描电子显微镜下的覆物纹孔。D, 透射电镜下的纹孔膜结构。蓝色箭头依次代表纹孔腔深度(Lp)和纹孔膜厚度(Tm)。
Fig. 2 Xylem tissue components and pits of plants in tropical karst seasonal rainforest. A, Various tissue cells under an optical microscope. Purple, red, green arrows and the yellow box represent the vessel, ray parenchyma, axial parenchyma, and fiber, respectively. B, Non-vestured pits under a scanning electron microscope. Red solid and dashed lines represent the pit membrane and the pit aperture, respectively. C, Vestured pits under a scanning electron microscope. D, Pit membrane under an transmission electron microscopy. Blue arrows are the depth of pit cavity (Lp) and the thickness of pit membrane (Tm).
性状缩写 Abbreviation | 含义 Definition | 单位 Unit |
P50 | 木质部导水率损失50%时的水势 Water potential at 50% loss of xylem conductivity | MPa |
WD | 木材密度 Wood density | g∙cm-3 |
SWC | 饱和含水量 Saturated water content | - |
MVL | 最大导管长度 Maximum vessel length | cm |
Dh | 导管水力直径 Hydraulically weighted vessel diameter | μm |
VD | 导管密度 Vessel density | no∙mm-2 |
VWR | 导管壁加固系数 Vessel wall reinforcement coefficient | - |
Vs | 独立导管指数=独立导管数/导管总数 Solitary vessel index = number of single vessels / total number of vessels | - |
Vg | 导管组指数=导管成组数/总导管数 Vessel grouping index = total number of vessel groups / total number of vessels | - |
VF | 导管占比 Vessel fraction | % |
APF | 轴向薄壁细胞占比 Axial parenchyma fraction | % |
RPF | 射线薄壁细胞占比 Ray parenchyma fraction | % |
TPF | 总薄壁细胞占比 Xylem total parenchyma fraction | % |
FF | 纤维细胞占比 Fiber fraction | % |
Ap | 纹孔膜表面积 Pit membrane area | μm2 |
APA | 纹孔口表面积 Pit aperture surface area | μm2 |
Apf | 纹孔口形状=纹孔口径的短轴/长轴 Pit aperture shape = the shortest/longest axis of the pit aperture | - |
Aap | 纹孔口面积占导管壁面积的百分比 Percentage of total aperture area in unit intervessel wall area | % |
Fpf | 纹孔占据导管壁面积的百分比 Percentage of total pit area in unit intervessel wall | % |
Tm | 纹孔膜厚度 Thickness of intervessel pit membrane | nm |
Lp | 纹孔腔深度 Depth of pit chamber from membrane surface to inner edge of pit aperture | nm |
表2 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种相关性状缩写、含义及单位
Table 2 Trait abbreviation, definition and unit of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforest
性状缩写 Abbreviation | 含义 Definition | 单位 Unit |
P50 | 木质部导水率损失50%时的水势 Water potential at 50% loss of xylem conductivity | MPa |
WD | 木材密度 Wood density | g∙cm-3 |
SWC | 饱和含水量 Saturated water content | - |
MVL | 最大导管长度 Maximum vessel length | cm |
Dh | 导管水力直径 Hydraulically weighted vessel diameter | μm |
VD | 导管密度 Vessel density | no∙mm-2 |
VWR | 导管壁加固系数 Vessel wall reinforcement coefficient | - |
Vs | 独立导管指数=独立导管数/导管总数 Solitary vessel index = number of single vessels / total number of vessels | - |
Vg | 导管组指数=导管成组数/总导管数 Vessel grouping index = total number of vessel groups / total number of vessels | - |
VF | 导管占比 Vessel fraction | % |
APF | 轴向薄壁细胞占比 Axial parenchyma fraction | % |
RPF | 射线薄壁细胞占比 Ray parenchyma fraction | % |
TPF | 总薄壁细胞占比 Xylem total parenchyma fraction | % |
FF | 纤维细胞占比 Fiber fraction | % |
Ap | 纹孔膜表面积 Pit membrane area | μm2 |
APA | 纹孔口表面积 Pit aperture surface area | μm2 |
Apf | 纹孔口形状=纹孔口径的短轴/长轴 Pit aperture shape = the shortest/longest axis of the pit aperture | - |
Aap | 纹孔口面积占导管壁面积的百分比 Percentage of total aperture area in unit intervessel wall area | % |
Fpf | 纹孔占据导管壁面积的百分比 Percentage of total pit area in unit intervessel wall | % |
Tm | 纹孔膜厚度 Thickness of intervessel pit membrane | nm |
Lp | 纹孔腔深度 Depth of pit chamber from membrane surface to inner edge of pit aperture | nm |
图3 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种木质部性状与解剖结构间的相关性。性状缩写见表2。*, p < 0.05。
Fig. 3 Pearson correlation of xylem traits and anatomical traits of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforest. Traits abbreviations are shown in Table 2. *, p < 0.05.
图4 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种饱和含水量(SWC)、木材密度(WD)与木质部导水率丧失50%时的水势(P50)之间的关系。树种符号颜色同表1, 灰色区域为95%的置信区间。
Fig. 4 Relationship between saturated water content (SWC), wood density (WD) and water potential at 50% loss of xylem conductivity (P50) of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforest. Symbol and colors are as in Table 1, and grey areas are the 95% confidence intervals.
图5 热带喀斯特季节性雨林12个树种木质部性状与解剖结构的主成分分析(PCA), 树种符号颜色同表1, 性状缩写同表2。
Fig. 5 Principal components analysis (PCA) of xylem traits and anatomical traits of 12 tree species in tropical karst seasonal rainforest. Symbol and colors as in Table 1. Traits abbreviations are shown in Table 2.
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