  • Name Qinqin Liu Ph.D
    Tel 916 225-2494
    E-mail drqliu@yahoo.com; qliu@water.ca.gov
    2001-Current: Senior Environmental Scientist, Department of Water Resources, California Natural Resource Agency.
    2000-2002: Faculty (part-time), Dept. of Biology, California State University, Sacramento, CA.
    2000: Associate Environmental Research Scientist, California Environmental Protection Agency.
    1994-1999: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biology, University of Minnesota.
    1992: Ecology Instructor (part-time Faculty), Dept. of Biology, City College of San Francisco, CA.
    1990-1993: Postdoctoral Researcher, Plant Biology Program, University of California, Berkeley.
    1990 PhD, Botany, University of California, Davis.
    1985 MS, Plant Genetics and Breeding, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
    1981 BS, Horticulture/Agricultural Biology, Northwest A&F University, Shaanxi, P.R. of China.
    • California Interagency Ecology Program Bay Delta Shallow Water Study Funds.
    • National Science Foundation- -ROA Supplement Research Grant.
    • UC, Davis University Fellows and Distinguished Scholars Non-Resident Tuition Fellowship.
    • AIBS (American Institute of Biology Science) Short Term Enrichment Program Award.
    • Minnesota Cultivated Wild Rice Council Research Grants.
    • University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid of Research Scholarships.
    • Minnesota Sea Grant Project Development Funds.
    • Undergraduate Research Presentation and University Travel Award for the National Conference on Undergraduate Research.
    • NIH Summer Minority Student Research Award for American Indians.
    • Distinguished Chinese Student Educational Scholarship.
    • Travel Grant Awards from the China Center of the Institute of International Studies and Programs, University of Minnesota.
    • 2014 Selected to give a presentation for Connecting the Dots between Energy, Water, Food, Ecosystems and Climate Change at the Annual Conference Ecological Society of America.
    • 2014 Selected to provide Eco-Art work at the Annual Conference Ecological Society of America.
    • 1989-2014 Invited to give presentations for scientific research and environmental studies at local, national and international meetings.
    • 2013 Invited as a speaker for the presentation of ecosystem service and climate change in Nanjing international workshop for aquatic research and environmental management.
    • 2012 Invited as a speaker for the presentation of ecosystem service and function for biodiversity and agriculture at the Northwest A&F University, China.
    • 2010 Invited as a speaker for the presentation on the biodiversity conservation from the genetics to ecology at the Northwest A&F University, China.
    • 2009 Invited as a speaker for science and ecosystem service in California watersheds at Shenyang Ecology Institute, Chinese Academy Science.
    • 2008 Invited as a speaker for science and watersheds restoration at California in Xiamen University.
    • 2005-2008 Invited by China Association for Science and Technology to give presentations and recommendations on science and environments for water resource management.
    • 2003 Invited as a speaker for watershed ecosystem restoration at the Guangzhou Botanical Institute, Chinese Academy Science.
    • 2002-2003 Invited as a speaker for science and career development at the California State University, Sacramento, and the University of California, Davis.
    • 1999 Invited as a speaker for interdisciplinary research from genetics to ecology for wild rice conservation at the University of Minnesota.
    • 1998 Invited as a speaker for interdisciplinary research from genetics to ecology for wild rice conservation at the Wuhan University, China.
    • Liu, Q. and Liuqin Huang 2014 (in press). Ecosystem service function and case study in Wisdom of Ecology. Higher Education Press, Beijing, China.
    • Co-leader 2013 in the California Climate Action Research Work Team, Developed California Climate Action Research Plan in water sector.
    • Research Advisor Committee Member 2012. Provided science reviews, and recommendations for the climate change related water modeling research and report in California.
    • Author 2012-2013. Prepared water, energy, and climate change mitigation sections for California Water Plan Update.
    • Aquatic Resource Coordinator 2011. Provided science leadership with reviews and recommendations on the salmon life cycle model published in a peer reviewed international journal.
    • Liu, Q. 2011. Editor and Author in Ecovision, Ecosystem Service and Water Resource Management, Higher Education Press, Beijing, China.
    • Liu, Q. 2008. Road to Our Mother Nature from Heart and Soul in Green Career, pp22–27, Higher Education Press, China.
    • Liu, Q. & Charlie Wang 2005. Contributed with translation of special issue/Eco vision in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment/Ecology Society of America. Pp111–123, Ecology Society of China.
    • Lead Author 2002. Prepared a Sacramento River Spring-run Chinook Salmon Annual Report in California.
    • Ervin A. Oelke, Paul R. Bloom, Raymond A. Porter, Q. Liu. 1999 Wild Rice Plant Development and Seed Physiology. Wild Rice Research Part I: Research and Ecology, pp54–67.
    • Han, S and Q. Liu. 1999. International J. of Plant Sci.
    • Wolfe, K. and Q. Liu. 1999. Planta.
    • Liu, Q., E. A. Oelke, R. A. Porter, B. Reuter. 1998. International J. of Plant Sci.
    • Liu, Q., R., Moretz, E. Mainolfi, R. Deleon, C. Myers, and T. K. Kishimoto. 1998. J. of Experimental Cell Research.
    • Liu, Q., I. N. Golubovskaya and W. Z. Cande. 1993. Journal of Cell Science.
    • Cande, W. Z., Q. Liu, K. Dawe and C. Staiger. 1992. pp. 127–135, In H. Shibaoka, ed, Proceedings of the VII International Symposium in Conjunction with the Awarding of the International Prize for Biology.
    • Liu, Q. and A. M. Berry. 1991 (a). Protoplasma.
    • Liu, Q. and A. M. Berry. 1991 (b). Protoplasma.
    • Berry, A. M., L. A. Sunell and Q. Liu. 1989. pp. 287–289, C. D. Boyer, J. C. Shannon, and R. C. Hardison, eds., (Am. Soc. Pl. Physiol.,).
发布日期:2010-10-14 浏览: 8042

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