植物生态学报 ›› 2003, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (3): 404-411.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2003.0059

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  • 发布日期:2003-03-10
  • 通讯作者: 高贤明

Comparison of Seedling Recruitment and Establishment of Quercus wutaishanica in Two Habitats in Dongling Mountainous Area, Beijing

GAO Xian-Ming, DU Xiao-Jun and WANG Zhong-Lei   

  • Published:2003-03-10
  • Contact: GAO Xian-Ming


北京东灵山区的人工油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林中常常混生有萌生的辽东栎(Quercus wutaishanica)种群。局部地带辽东栎与油松形成混交林,在山脊及山坡上部一些特殊生境辽东栎甚至取代油松林成为优势种。为了探讨北京东灵山区辽东栎林的天然更新机制及辽东栎幼苗在人工油松林中的天然更新,在油松人工林的林下和林缘两种生境条件下将辽东栎种子播种于2 cm深的土中,对辽东栎幼苗的补充和建立进行了对照试验。结果显示,在辽东栎结实丰年,两种生境条件下播种后辽东栎种子丢失差异并不显著,而辽东栎幼苗补充和建立方面的差异极显著。由于森林动物特别是啮齿类动物的活动对辽东栎幼苗建立的影响具有二重性:消耗种子与促进萌发,本试验特别关注辽东栎幼苗子叶丢失现象及其丢失后果。由于辽东栎种子萌根较早,在幼苗出土前其粗大的主根长达10~20 cm,并已初步形成根系,表明已有相当比例的营养物质从子叶转移到根部。因此当幼苗出土后如果仅仅只是子叶的丢失对辽东栎幼苗的成活和生长均无明显的影响。通过研究发现辽东栎幼苗期子叶丢失有3种形式:1)仅丢失子叶,幼苗其它部位未受伤害,多发生在林缘生境中,占发芽坚果的29.69%;2)整个幼苗连根被拖出地面,多发生在林下生境,占62.43%;3)在子叶与根颈的连接处主干被咬断,林缘为50.88%,显著高于林下的8.41%。但只有后两种形式才导致幼苗死亡。导致这些现象的原因是由于林缘土壤腐殖质含量低,比较干燥,土质较坚实,以及幼苗出土前坚果主根生长得较长等缘故,当幼苗遭受动物捕食时不会轻易地被拖出地面,拖走的往往仅仅是子叶。至生长季节结束,林缘样方辽东栎幼苗的成活率接近20%,茎干平均高度7.94 cm,芽数11.24·株-1,叶片平均干重为81.14 mg·株-1,且几乎全部由丢失子叶的幼苗所构成;而林下样方辽东栎幼苗的成活率不足2%,茎干平均高度4.74 cm,芽数7.52·株-1,叶片平均干重仅为42.27 mg·株-1,以未丢失子叶的幼苗为主。试验结果表明,林缘及类似林缘的环境条件更有利于辽东栎的实生更新。


In Beijing Dongling Mountainous area, the coppiced populations of Liaodong oak (Quercus wutaishanicaMayr) usually appear as an associated tree species of the Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.) artificial forest. In some places the artificial pine forest is replaced by mixed crops of Chinese pine and Liaodong oak, or the oak takes the place of the pine as the dominant species in some specific habitats along the ridges and the upper slopes of hills. In order to compare and understand the recruitment and establishment of Liaodong oak seedlings under Chinese pine artificial forest as well as the natural regeneration mechanism of the oak forest, an artificial forest of Chinese pine with Liaodong oak as an associated species in Beijing Dongling Mountainous area was selected, and comparative experiments on the recruitment and establishment of seedlings were conducted by sowing the acorns of Liaodong oak about 2 cm below the floor surface in two habitats, under the canopies and along the boundaries of the artificial forest. The results showed that in the mast year of the oak, though the difference of loss of the acorns planted in these two habitats was not significant, yet there were highly significant differences in the recruitment and establishment of seedlings. Since activities of small forest animals, rodents in particular, have both positive and negative effects on oak forest regeneration, through acorn consumption and germination facilitation, close attention was paid to the phenomenon of cotyledon loss of acorns and the consequences of the loss. As the acorns germinated as soon as they fell from the mother tree in autumn, before the seedlings sprouted their caudices, the taproots would have grown 10_20 cm long and formed primary root systems, implying that certain amount of the nutrition stored in the cotyledons had been transported to the roots. From the field experiments it was found that the acorn cotyledons were consumed by the predator in three ways during the early seedling stage: 1) the seedlings lost their cotyledons without harming any other parts, which often occurred along the forest boundaries, accounting for 29.69% of the germinated acorns; 2) the whole seedlings were drawn out of the soil, which almost always happened under the forest canopies, accounting for 62.43%; 3) the stems of seedlings were broken at the bases where the cotyledons are connected, occurring 50.88% along the boundaries, more frequently than under the forest canopies where only 8.41% of germinated acorns occurred. Only the latter two ways caused the seedlings to die, while cotyledon loss after seedling emergence from the soil had little negative effects on the growth and survival of the seedlings. These phenomena might result from different soils between these two habitats; soil along the boundaries has little humus and is much harder and drier than that of the forest floor under the canopy. Also, the taproots were much longer along the boundaries. So when rodents predate the seedlings along the boundaries, it would be easier to split the cotyledons from the seedlings instead of pulling out the whole root from the soil. At the end of the first living period, the survival rate of the seedlings along the boundaries was close to 20%, the average height of the stems reached 7.94 cm, average buds were 11.24 per seedling, and the average dry weight of leaves was 81.14 mg per seedling. Moreover, almost all of the surviving seedlings along the boundaries lost their cotyledons. The survival rate under forest canopies was less than 2%, the average height of stems reached 4.74 cm, average buds were 7.52 per seedling, and the dry weight of leaves was only 42.27 mg per seedling, but the surviving seedlings under canopy did not lose their cotyledons. The above results showed that the habitats along the forest boundaries and similar areas would be more beneficial to the recruitment and establishment of oak seedlings.