植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 580-592.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0438
张迪1, 都业勤1, 王磊1, 陈鑫1, 闫兴富2,*(), 唐占辉1,*(
* (tangzh789@nenu.edu.cn);基金资助:
ZHANG Di1, DU Ye-Qin1, WANG Lei1, CHEN Xin1, YAN Xing-Fu2,*(), TANG Zhan-Hui1,*(
YAN Xing-Fu,TANG Zhan-Hui
Supported by:
植物的花期物候与花部综合特征均体现了其对生存环境的适应, 是与周围生物及非生物环境长期适应进化产生的结果。大花百合(Lilium concolor var. megalanthum)野外种群中具有雄性植株和两性植株两种不同性别表型。该研究以人为干扰较弱的孤山屯湿地以及人为干扰较强的金川湿地的大花百合为材料, 通过对两种生境间不同性别表型植株的花期物候、花部综合特征以及主要传粉昆虫的访花行为进行比较研究, 探究大花百合的开花及传粉特征在两种生境间的差异。结果表明: 孤山屯湿地内大花百合种群的始花期、盛花期、末花期均早于金川湿地。孤山屯湿地内大花百合的雄性植株在初开时花粉活力高于金川湿地, 而两种生境间的大花百合两性植株的花粉活力总体变化趋势一致。孤山屯湿地内大花百合雄性植株初开时的花蜜含量较高, 而后缓慢下降; 而在金川湿地内则是先增长, 48 h后开始下降。孤山屯湿地内大花百合两性植株的花蜜含量在开花24 h后开始下降, 金川湿地内则是48 h后才开始下降。孤山屯湿地内大花百合无论是雄性植株还是两性植株, 糖含量达到峰值的时间均比金川湿地晚。两种生境中大花百合两性植株的柱头可授性均保持较高水平。两种生境分布的大花百合主要传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana)、蓝灰蝶(Everes argiades)和老豹蛱蝶(Argyronome laodice)。孤山屯湿地内中华蜜蜂及蓝灰蝶对大花百合的访花频率均显著低于金川湿地, 但老豹蛱蝶的访花频率显著高于金川湿地。3种访花昆虫中, 中华蜜蜂的访花效率最高, 蓝灰蝶与老豹蛱蝶起到补充授粉的作用。两种生境间大花百合花期物候和花部综合特征的变化与当地小气候和传粉昆虫数量有关, 这种变化是大花百合经过长期适应而产生的。
张迪, 都业勤, 王磊, 陈鑫, 闫兴富, 唐占辉. 两种生境间大花百合不同性别表型开花及传粉特征的差异. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(5): 580-592. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0438
ZHANG Di, DU Ye-Qin, WANG Lei, CHEN Xin, YAN Xing-Fu, TANG Zhan-Hui. Differences in flowering and pollination characteristics of two gender phenotypes of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum between two habitats. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(5): 580-592. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0438
图1 两种生境间大花百合不同性别表型植株的7月花期物候。GH, 孤山屯两性植株; GM, 孤山屯雄性植株; GP, 孤山屯种群; JH, 金川两性植株; JM, 金川雄性植株; JP, 金川种群。
Fig. 1 Flowering phenology of different gender phenotypes of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum in two habitats. GH, hermaphroditic plants in Gushantun; GM, male plants in Gushantun; GP, population in Gushantun; JH, hermaphroditic plants in Jinchuan; JM, male plants in Jinchuan; JP, population in Jinchuan.
图2 两种生境间大花百合不同性别表型个体花粉活力随时间的变化(平均值±标准误, n = 9)。A, 雄性植株。B, 两性植株。不同字母表示对应的花粉活力在0.05水平差异显著。大小写字母分别代表两种生境。Unopen, 未开花。
Fig. 2 Comparison of temporal patterns of pollen viability of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum between two habitats (mean ± SE, n = 9). A, Male plants. B, Hermaphroditic plants. Different letters indicate significant differences in pollen viability among different periods at α = 0.05 level. Upper- and lowercase letters represent two habitats. Unopen, the flowers are not open.
时间 Time | 孤山屯 Gushantun | 金川 Jinchuan | ||||
柱头周围气泡 Bubbles around the stigma | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 柱头可授性 Stigma receptivity | 柱头周围气泡 Bubbles around the stigma | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 柱头可授性 Stigma receptivity | |
未开花 Unopen | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
0 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
2 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
6 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
12 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
24 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
2 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
3 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
4 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
5 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
6 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
表1 两种生境间大花百合柱头可授性动态变化
Table 1 Dynamic changes of stigma receptivity of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum in two habitats
时间 Time | 孤山屯 Gushantun | 金川 Jinchuan | ||||
柱头周围气泡 Bubbles around the stigma | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 柱头可授性 Stigma receptivity | 柱头周围气泡 Bubbles around the stigma | 柱头颜色 Stigma color | 柱头可授性 Stigma receptivity | |
未开花 Unopen | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
0 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
2 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
6 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
12 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
24 h | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
2 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大气泡较多 Numerous large bubbles | 蓝 Blue | +++ |
3 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
4 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
5 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
6 d | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ | 大量小气泡 Numerous small bubbles | 浅蓝 Light blue | ++ |
图3 两种生境间不同性别表型大花百合泌蜜动态(平均值±标准误, n = 3)。A, B, 孤山屯雄性植株。C, D, 金川雄性植株。E, F,孤山屯两性植株。G, H, 金川两性植株。图中虚线表示标准误差曲线, 不同字母表示在0.05水平上对应参数差异显著。Unopen, 未开花。
Fig. 3 Nectar secretion dynamics of different gender phenotypes of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum in two habitats (mean ± SE, n = 3). A, B, Male plants in Gushantun. C, D, Male plants in Jinchuan. E, F, Hermaphroditic plants in Gushantun. G, H, Hermaphroditic plants in Jinchuan. The dotted line represents the standard error curve. Different letters indicate significant differences of corresponding parameters among different periods at α = 0.05 level. Unopen, the flowers are not open.
图4 两种生境间大花百合开花后8 h内主要访花者的访花频率(平均值±标准误)。A, 孤山屯雄性植株。B, 孤山屯两性植株。C, 金川雄性植株。D, 金川两性植株。
Fig. 4 Visiting frequency of main visitors of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum in two habitats within 8 h after flowering (mean ± SE). A, Male plants in Gushantun. B, Hermaphroditic plants in Gushantun. C, Male plants in Jinchuan. D, Hermaphroditic plants in Jinchuan.
生境 Habitat | 昆虫种类 Insect species | 花粉移除数 Pollen removal number | 花粉移除率 Pollen removal proportion (%) | 柱头花粉沉积数 Pollen deposition number |
孤山屯 Gushantun | 中华蜜蜂 Apis cerana (n = 10) | 161 792 ± 19 689a | 53.26 ± 6.73a | 727 ± 348 |
蓝灰蝶 Everes argiades (n = 0) | - | - | - | |
老豹蛱蝶 Argyronome laodice (n = 3) | 62 642 ± 59 315b | 15.97 ± 15.13b | 939 ± 328 | |
金川 Jinchuan | 中华蜜蜂 Apis cerana (n = 19) | 199 293 ± 15 253a | 51.89 ± 4.36a | 1 063 ± 248 |
蓝灰蝶 Everes argiades (n = 6) | 18 364 ± 8 861b | 8.10 ± 3.91b | - | |
老豹蛱蝶 Argyronome laodice (n = 0) | - | - | - |
表2 两种生境下大花百合主要传粉昆虫的花粉移除率及花粉沉积数(平均值±标准误)
Table 2 Pollen removal proportion and pollen deposition of main pollinators of Lilium concolor var. megalanthum in two habitats (mean ± SE)
生境 Habitat | 昆虫种类 Insect species | 花粉移除数 Pollen removal number | 花粉移除率 Pollen removal proportion (%) | 柱头花粉沉积数 Pollen deposition number |
孤山屯 Gushantun | 中华蜜蜂 Apis cerana (n = 10) | 161 792 ± 19 689a | 53.26 ± 6.73a | 727 ± 348 |
蓝灰蝶 Everes argiades (n = 0) | - | - | - | |
老豹蛱蝶 Argyronome laodice (n = 3) | 62 642 ± 59 315b | 15.97 ± 15.13b | 939 ± 328 | |
金川 Jinchuan | 中华蜜蜂 Apis cerana (n = 19) | 199 293 ± 15 253a | 51.89 ± 4.36a | 1 063 ± 248 |
蓝灰蝶 Everes argiades (n = 6) | 18 364 ± 8 861b | 8.10 ± 3.91b | - | |
老豹蛱蝶 Argyronome laodice (n = 0) | - | - | - |
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