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  1. 1. 北京师范大学
    2. 北京师范大学生命科学学院
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-02 修回日期:2024-12-23 发布日期:2025-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 娄安如

Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Haloxylon ammodendron in Turpan-Hami area, Xinjiang

Wang ZHANG1,Si-Yi TAN2,Wen-Qin TU3,   

  • Received:2024-07-02 Revised:2024-12-23

摘要: 本研究以新疆吐鲁番和哈密两个地区的9个梭梭种群为研究对象,结合准噶尔盆地东南缘昌吉州奇台县和木垒县2个种群,以及甘肃省2个种群,使用基因组重测序获得的SNP数据和叶绿体基因组数据,分析其遗传多样性及遗传结构。SNP数据分析表明,新疆昌吉州奇台县的梭梭种群核苷酸多样性较高,而其东部哈密市巴里坤哈萨克自治县以及伊州区北部西山乡、沁城乡等地的梭梭种群核苷酸多样性相对较低;吐哈地区的9个梭梭种群可分为4个类群,其中哈密市巴里坤县和镜儿泉的梭梭种群与准噶尔盆地东南缘种群和甘肃种群具有相似的遗传成分;吐鲁番高昌区、哈密市西山乡分布的2个类群保留有独特的遗传成分。13个种群中共有39个叶绿体单倍型,其中新疆昌吉州奇台县单倍型最多且最古老,多样性最高;吐哈地区和甘肃种群中均含有奇台单倍型。综合核基因组核和叶绿体基因组种群遗传格局,支持研究区域梭梭种群由准噶尔盆地东南缘的奇台种群向东传播。最后,结合本文的研究结果,提出了吐哈地区梭梭保护建议。

关键词: 梭梭种群, 吐鲁番-哈密地区, 基因组重测序, 种群遗传结构

Abstract: Aims In this study, we analyzed the genetic diversity and structure of H. ammodendron populations in Turpan-Hami area, Xinjiang. Methods We sampled 154 individuals from 13 natural populations of H. ammodendron . Based on genomic SNPs and chloroplast sequences genome data obtained by population resequencing, nucleotide diversity, haplotype diversity and genetic differentiation coefficient were calculated. The genetic structure was assessed by conducting ADMIXTURE, principal components analysis (PCA), phylogenetic tree and chloroplast haplotype network analyses. Important findings The SNPs variations indicated that population Qitai exhibited higher nucleotide diversity compared to Barikun, Xishan and Qincheng Township in Hami City.H. ammodendron populations in Turpan-Hami area can be divided into 4 groups. Populations in Barkol County of Hami City has similar genetic composition with populations in the southeast of Junggar Basin and Gansu Province, and unique genetic compositions were retained in Gaochang District and Xishan Township. The chloroplast genome analyses results showed that 39 haplotypes were detected, and Qitai region had the most diverse haplotypes and the highest genetic diversity. The haplotypes from Qitai were found in both Turpan-Hami and Gansu populations. This may suggest that H. ammodendron populations in the Turpan-Hami region originated from Qitai and dispersed eastward.

Key words: Haloxylon ammodendron, Turpan-Hami area, genome resequencing, population genetic structure