植物生态学报 ›› 1983, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (1): 41-51.

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  • 发布日期:1983-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 夏荣基

The Ecological Environment Analysis of Rice Planting in Middle and Lower Part of Mesopotamian Plain of Iraq

Xia Rongji   

  • Published:1983-01-10
  • Contact: Xu Youyuan

摘要: 伊拉克两河流域平原地势平坦,气候属亚热带大陆性干旱—半荒漠气候,土壤以盐渍化粉砂性粘质土壤为主。平原中部主要为氯化物—硫酸盐盐土;平原下部以氯化物盐土居多数,而且镁盐往往超过钙盐,地下水中镁离子更可达钙离子的5—10倍。水稻生育期中田间保持水层,对凋节生态环境起到良好作用。生长前期因供氧需要,需短期落干,但需注意返盐程度以免危害秧苗。因此调节水、气矛盾,并以水调温和控盐,是水稻能否顺利生长的关键。平原上自4月份开始,各月绝对最高温度都可达40℃或以上,按有些学者的说法,水稻开花时如温度超过42℃则花粉便在7分钟内死亡,但伊拉克的水稻仍能正常生长。因通过水面蒸发、稻株蒸腾以及灌溉水的调温,使稻田小气候远较旱田为缓和。当地干湿球温差常常达到20℃左右,稻株则可比稻田气温低5℃左右,后者又比附近沙漠低4—5℃。灌溉水调节稻田温度的作用,在高温季节最显著,7一8月下午1时湿土温度低于1米气温5℃以上,灌溉水又低于湿土5℃以上,加以稻田区空气相对湿度比附近沙漠区高30%,所以对改善水稻扬花的生态环境很有好处。种稻期间土壤盐分随排灌措施而波动,多次灌溉后盐分大致达到平衡,在0.15—0.30%之间。一般落干3天,可解决水、气矛盾并控制返盐。盐分对水稻的危害,早稻发芽扎根时,0—5厘米土层含盐量(以Cl-为主)在0.2一0.3%以下,5—20厘米在0.3—0.4%以下,不至造成伤害。至三叶期,0—20厘米土层含盐量在0.5%以下便不致有显著危害。高坵的盐斑往往造成死苗,而排水良好的洼坵其洗盐效果反而较好。种稻过程中土壤pH值的变化不大。

Abstract: The Mesopotamian Plain is the most important agricultural district of Iraq. Due to the arid-semi desert climate heavy texture silty-clay soils are dominant, the soils mainly contain sodium chloride and sodium, sulfate, magnesium and calcium.During the growth period of rice, the fields are usually covered with a layer of water which provides a better micro-climate condition in favor of the plant growth. Through the regulation action of evaporation, transpiration and frequent irrigation, the rice plant may pass its flowering stage more safely during the hot and dry season.After frequent irrigation, the salt content of soil is equilibrated at 0.15–0.30%. A 3-day drainage may solve the problem of contradiction of water to air supply, and keeps the salt content below the harm level also.The harm levels of salt content (mainly Cl-) to rice are 0.2–0.3%(0–5cm layer of soil) and 0.3–0.4% (5–20cm) during budding and rooting stage, and 0.5% (0–20cm) during three leaf stage.There is little change in soil pH during the growing period of rice.