吴帆, 吴晨, 张宇辉, 余恒, 魏智华, 郑蔚, 刘小飞, 陈仕东, 杨智杰, 熊德成
Effects of warming on growth, morphology and physiological metabolism characteristics of fine roots in a mature Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation in different seasons
WU Fan, WU Chen, ZHANG Yu-Hui, YU Heng, WEI Zhi-Hua, ZHENG Wei, LIU Xiao-Fei, CHEN Shi-Dong, YANG Zhi-Jie, XIONG De-Cheng
植物生态学报 . 2023, (6): 856 -866 .  DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0183