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Comparison of methods for detecting vulnerability of xylem embolism in Robinia pseudoacacia
AN Rui, MENG Feng, YIN Peng-Xian, DU Guang-Yuan
Chin J Plant Ecol    2018, 42 (11): 1113-1119.   DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0145
Abstract   (1104 HTML135 PDF(pc) (1502KB)(1312)  

Aims The vulnerability of xylem embolism is one of the key physiological factors that are related to plant mortality. Vulnerability curves are typically used for determining the vulnerability of xylem embolism. However, the shapes of vulnerability curves vary with the methods of assessment, especially in plant species with long xylem vessels. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of using different methods for establishment of vulnerability curves.
Methods Robinia pseudoacacia branches, with long xylem vessels, were used as plant materials for comparison of three different methods in establishing vulnerability curves, including bench top dehydration, Cochard Cavitron centrifugation and Sperry centrifugation. In the Sperry centrifugation method, rotors of two different sizes were used to test the ‘open vessel artifact’ hypothesis.
Important findings The vulnerability curve established by the bench top dehydration method displayed an “s” shape, while both the Cochard Cavitron centrifugation and Sperry centrifugation methods produced “r” shape curves. Vulnerability curves derived from the bench top dehydration method and the centrifugation methods were significantly different. Using the Sperry centrifugation method, the R. pseudoacacia branch samples in the 14.4 cm rotor had a higher proportion of open vessels, while the embolic vulnerability curves established on the 27.4 cm and 14.4 cm long stem segments were similar, indicating that the Sperry centrifugation method does not produce “open vessel artifact”.

Methods in establishing embolism vulnerability curves
P50 (MPa) 样品数
Number of
Stem length (cm)
Sperry centrifugation method
-0.93 ± 0.021a 6 27.4
-0.92 ± 0.058a 6 14.4
Bench top dehydration method
-2.91b 31
Cochard Cavitron
Cochard Cavitron centrifugation method
-0.38 ± 0.044c 6 27.4
-0.46 ± 0.030d 6 27.4 Dang et
., 2017
-0.22 ± 0.026e 6 27.4 Li et al., 2016
Table 1 Tension at 50% hydraulic conductivity loss (P50) in branches of Robinia pseudoacacia calculated based on different methods
Extracts from the Article
空气注入法测定出刺槐的导管长度为(20.020 ± 1.835) cm, 根据Cohen理论, 长14.4 cm的茎段所含开口导管的概率为(0.032 ± 0.002)%, 而长27.4 cm的茎段所含开口导管的概率为(0.019 ± 0.002)% (图1)。尽管27.4 cm和14.4 cm的刺槐茎段所含有的开口导管数上有显著性的差异(p < 0.05), 但采用Sperry离心机法在两种长度茎段上建立的VC无明显差异(图2), 它们的P50差异不显著(表1)。
对比3种方法在相同长度的茎段上建立的VC曲线, 其P50大小顺序为自然干燥法> Sperry离心机法> Cochard Cavitron离心机法(表1)。用自然干燥法测得的VC为“s”形, 水势低于-0.8 MPa后, PLC开始增加, 直到水势达到-4 MPa, PLC达到100% (图2)。Cochard Cavitron离心机法和Sperry离心机法建立的栓塞脆弱性曲线为“r”形(图2), 刺槐对木质部栓塞非常敏感, PLC随着水势降低而迅速增加, 直到水势大约等于-2 MPa时, PLC达到100%。因此, 作为诱导植物栓塞常用的3种方法, 使刺槐表现出的抗栓塞能力也不一样, 其中自然干燥法测得的刺槐VC表现出的抗栓塞能力最强, Sperry离心机法次之, Cochard Cavitron离心机法最小。对这3种方法进行差异显著性分析, 结果表明“s”形和“r”形VC的P50值差异极显著; 虽然Cochard Cavitron离心机法和Sperry离心机法均得到“r”形VC, 但它们的P50值也表现出极显著的差异(表1)。
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