植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (7): 1020-1031.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0335

所属专题: 微生物生态学

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


张仲富1,2, 王四海1,2,*(), 杨卫1, 陈剑1,2   

  1. 1云南省林业和草原科学院云南省森林植物培育与开发利用重点实验室, 昆明 650201
    2国家林业和草原局云南珍稀濒特森林植物保护和繁育重点实验室, 昆明 650201
  • 收稿日期:2022-08-18 接受日期:2023-03-13 出版日期:2023-07-20 发布日期:2023-07-21
  • 通讯作者: *王四海(wangsh6688@163.com)
  • 作者简介:ORCID: 王四海: 0000-0002-4143-4919
  • 基金资助:

Response of rhizosphere microbial community structure and functional characteristics to health status of Malania oleifera

ZHANG Zhong-Fu1,2, WANG Si-Hai1,2,*(), YANG Wei1, CHEN Jian1,2   

  1. 1Yunnan Provincial Key Laboratory of Forest Plant Cultivation and Utilization, Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Kunming 650201, China
    2The Key Laboratory of National Forestry and Grassland Administration on Conservation of Rare, Endangered and Endemic Forest Plants, Kunming 650201, China
  • Received:2022-08-18 Accepted:2023-03-13 Online:2023-07-20 Published:2023-07-21
  • Contact: *WANG Si-Hai(wangsh6688@163.com)
  • Supported by:
    The National Natural Science Foundation of China(31860081);Science Fund of Yunnan Government(202001AS070019);The Talent Training Program on Technical Innovation of Yunnan Province(2019HB066)


为了解蒜头果(Malania oleifera)植株根际微生物组成和功能特征与蒜头果健康状态的关系, 该研究采集了阔叶林、人工种植林和喀斯特森林下的5种不同生境的健康和非健康蒜头果植株根际土壤样品, 运用Illumina高通量测序技术进行细菌测序, 并用FAPROTAX进行功能预测分析。研究结果表明: 1)扩增子序列变异体(ASV)分析结果显示, 在门水平上不同生境的细菌组成存在一定差异, 其中相对丰度最高的前5个门的细菌类群为酸杆菌门、变形菌门、放线菌门、绿弯菌门和黏菌门。健康植株和非健康植株的根际细菌组成有显著的差异, 且细菌群落的优势菌群发生显著的变化。2)非度量多维尺度分析显示不同健康状态蒜头果的根际细菌组成有显著差异, 冗余分析结果显示健康植株的样本沿第一轴分布, 两轴共解释了25.83%的细菌群落变异, 土壤速效磷含量、总钾含量和pH是影响健康植株根际细菌群落物种组成的主要因子。非健康植株的冗余分析结果显示两轴累积解释了51.84%的细菌群落物种组成变异, 土壤总钾含量和速效磷含量是影响其物种组成的重要因子。3)相关性热图显示健康植株根际土壤pH、速效磷含量和全钾含量与绿弯菌门、浮霉菌门、Methylomirabilota和Desulfobacterota等主要类群的相对丰度显著相关。非健康植株的土壤pH、速效氮含量、速效磷含量、总磷含量和全钾含量与绿弯菌门、酸杆菌门、Desulfobacterota、Latescibacterota和芽单胞菌门等主要类群的相对丰度显著相关。4) FAPROTAX功能预测结果显示光营养、光能自养、芳香化合物降解、蓝藻细菌和含氧光能自养等细菌功能群相对丰度在健康植株的根际土壤中明显下降, 而发酵、尿素分解和人类病原菌等细菌功能群相对丰度则明显升高, 说明不同健康状态植株的根际细菌发生了显著的变化。

关键词: 蒜头果, 根际细菌, 细菌群落, 细菌功能, 高通量测序技术


Aims To reveal the relationship between rhizosphere microbial composition, functional characteristics and health status of Malania oleifera.

Methods We collected rhizosphere soil samples of healthy and non-healthy M. oleifera at five different habitats in broadleaf forest, artificial planting forest and karst forest, sequenced the microbial communities using illumina high-throughput sequencing techniques and predicted the microbial community functions using FAPROTAX.

Important findings The results showed that: 1) Amplicon sequence variants (ASV) representative sequence classification analysis showed slight differences in microbial composition among five habitats. The top five bacterial phyla were Acidobacteriota, Proteobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Chloroflexi and Myxococcota. There were significant differences in rhizosphere microbial composition between healthy and non-healthy plants, and the dominant microbial taxa changed significantly. 2) The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis showed significant differences in microbial components of M. oleiferawith different health status. Redundancy analysis results showed that the healthy plant samples were distributed along the first axis, and the two axes explained 25.83% of the variation in the microbial community as a whole. The contents of soil available phosphorus, total potassium and pH were the main factors affecting the rhizosphere microbial communities of healthy plants. Redundancy analysis of non-healthy plants showed that 51.84% of the variation in microbial community was explained by the two ordination axes. Soil total potassium content and available phosphorus content represented the important factors affecting the rhizosphere microbial communities of the non-healthy plants. 3) The correlation heatmap showed that soil pH, available phosphorus content and total potassium content were significantly correlated with the abundance of Chloroflexi, Planctomycetota, Methylomirabilota and Desulfobacterota in healthy plants. However, the abundance of Desulfobacterota, Acidobacteriota, Desulfobacterota, Latescibacterota and Gemmatimonadota were significantly affected by soil pH, available nitrogen content, available phosphorus content, total phosphorus content and total potassium content in non-healthy plants. 4) FAPROTAX functional prediction results showed that the abundance of phototrophy, photoautotrophy, aromatic compound degradation, cyanobacteria and oxygenic decreased significantly in healthy rhizosphere microorganisms, whereas fermentation, ureolysis and human pathogens increased significantly. The results demonstrate that the rhizosphere microbial community undergoes significant changes in different health conditions.

Key words: Malania oleifera, rhizosphere microbe, microbial community, microbial function, high-throughput sequencing techniques