Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2016, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (6): 631-642.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0480
• Reviews • Previous Articles
Jia-Zhi FAN1, Dan WANG1,*(), Ya-Lin HU2, Pan-Pan JING1, Peng-Peng WANG1, Jiquan CHEN1,3,*(
Dan WANG,Jiquan CHEN
Jia-Zhi FAN, Dan WANG, Ya-Lin HU, Pan-Pan JING, Peng-Peng WANG, Jiquan CHEN. Optimal stomatal behavior theory for simulating stomatal conductance[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2016, 40(6): 631-642.
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Fig. 1 Variation of stomatal slope among 17 tree species calculated by Medlyn et al. (2011) (mean ± SE, n = 3). ACRU, Acer rubrum; ACSA2, Acer saccharinum; BENI, Betula nigra; CADE, Castanea dentata; CASP, Catalpa speciosa; CEOC, Celtis occidentalis; COAM3, Corylus americana; COSA81, Cornus sanguinea; LIST2, Liquidambar styraciflua; LITU, Liriodendron tulipifera; MAPO, Maclura pomifera; PLOC, Platanus occidentalis; PODE3, Populus deltoides; PRSE2, Prunus serotina; QUCO2, Quercus coccinea; RHCO, Rhus copallinum; ROPS, Robinia pseudoacacia.
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