Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 793-805.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0001
• Reviews • Next Articles
LI Chun-Jie,YAO Xiang,NAN Zhi-Biao()
LI Chun-Jie ORCID:0000-0002-3287-2140 NAN Zhi-Biao
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LI Chun-Jie, YAO Xiang, NAN Zhi-Biao. Advances in research of Achnatherum inebrians-Epichloë endophyte symbionts[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2018, 42(8): 793-805.
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指标 Index | 新疆 Xinjiang | 青海 Qinghai | 甘肃 Gansu | 内蒙古 Nei Mongol | 宁夏 Ningxia | 西藏 Xizang |
年降水量 Annual precipitation (mm) | 124-277 | 282-450 | 129-558 | 213-300 | 286-323 | 262-977 |
海拔 Elevation (m) | 1 200-2 200 | 2 600-3 910 | 1 647-3 056 | 1 750-2 090 | 1 883-1 937 | 3 028-4 305 |
纬度 Latitude (N) | 41.78°-47.97° | 34.15°-37.28° | 34.77°-38.83° | 38.90°-39.02° | 36.48°-36.55° | 29.48°-30.17° |
经度 Longitude (E) | 74.82°-94.82° | 99.77°-101.77° | 99.62°-105.20° | 105.83°-105.90° | 105.67°-105.72° | 96.07°-97.28° |
带菌率 Infection rate (%) | 97.7 (83-100) | 98.3 (75-100) | 98.9 (80-100) | 95.8 (80-100) | 100 | 97.0 (0-100) |
Table 1 The distribution and its natural conditions of Achnatherum inebrians and its Epichloë endophyte infection rate
指标 Index | 新疆 Xinjiang | 青海 Qinghai | 甘肃 Gansu | 内蒙古 Nei Mongol | 宁夏 Ningxia | 西藏 Xizang |
年降水量 Annual precipitation (mm) | 124-277 | 282-450 | 129-558 | 213-300 | 286-323 | 262-977 |
海拔 Elevation (m) | 1 200-2 200 | 2 600-3 910 | 1 647-3 056 | 1 750-2 090 | 1 883-1 937 | 3 028-4 305 |
纬度 Latitude (N) | 41.78°-47.97° | 34.15°-37.28° | 34.77°-38.83° | 38.90°-39.02° | 36.48°-36.55° | 29.48°-30.17° |
经度 Longitude (E) | 74.82°-94.82° | 99.77°-101.77° | 99.62°-105.20° | 105.83°-105.90° | 105.67°-105.72° | 96.07°-97.28° |
带菌率 Infection rate (%) | 97.7 (83-100) | 98.3 (75-100) | 98.9 (80-100) | 95.8 (80-100) | 100 | 97.0 (0-100) |
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