Chin J Plan Ecolo ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (8): 806-817.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0053
Special Issue: 生物多样性
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TAN Ke,DONG Shu-Peng,LU Tao,ZHANG Ya-Jing,XU Shi-Tao,REN Ming-Xun()
Ming-Xun REN
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TAN Ke, DONG Shu-Peng, LU Tao, ZHANG Ya-Jing, XU Shi-Tao, REN Ming-Xun. Diversity and evolution of samara in angiosperm[J]. Chin J Plan Ecolo, 2018, 42(8): 806-817.
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翅果类型 Samara type | 主要分布类群 Systematic distribution |
1 单侧翅果 Single-winged samara (SWS) | |
1.1 单翅果 Mono-SWS | 金虎尾科(异翅藤属, Acridocarpus, Banisteriopsis, Barnebya, Bronwenia, Cordobia, Cottsia, Dinemagonum, Diplopterys, Ectopopterys, Janusia, Peixotoa, Sphedamnocarpus, Stigmaphyllon), 木犀科陉属, 远志科蝉翼藤属, 鼠李科翼核果属, 榆科刺榆属, 梧桐科银叶树属 Malpighiaceae (Heteropterys, Acridocarpus, Banisteriopsis, Barnebya, Bronwenia, Cordobia, Cottsia, Dinemagonum, Diplopterys, Ectopopterys, Janusia, Peixotoa, Sphedamnocarpus, Stigmaphyllon), Fraxinus (Oleaceae), Securidaca (Polygalaceae), Ventilago (Rhamnaceae), Hemiptelea (Ulmaceae), Heritiera (Sterculiaceae) |
1.2 双聚单翅果 Di-SWS | 槭树科槭树属, 木犀科陉属 Acer (Aceraceae), Fraxinus (Oleaceae) |
1.3 三聚单翅果 Tri-SWS | 金虎尾科翅实藤属, 异翅藤属 Malpighiaceae (Ryssopterys, Heteropterys) |
2 周位翅果 Perigynous samara | |
2.1 圆翅果 Round-winged samara | 金虎尾科(盾翅藤属, Alicia, Amorimia, Calcicola, Caucanthus, Christianella, Diaspis, Excentradenia, Flabellaria, Madagasikaria, Malpighiodes, Mascagnia, Mezia), 胡桃科(青钱柳属, 化香树属), 豆科(紫檀属, 黄檀属), 十字花科(菘蓝属, 屈曲花属, 菥属), 桦木科(桤木属, 桦木属), 榆科(榆属, 青檀属), 蓼科山蓼属, 木樨科雪柳属, 槭树科金钱槭属, 苦木科臭椿属, 杜仲科杜仲属, 芸香科榆橘属, 蓝果树科喜树属, 莲叶桐科青藤属, 鼠李科马甲子属, 马尾树科马尾树属 Malpighiaceae (Aspidopterys, Alicia, Amorimia, Calcicola, Caucanthus, Christianella, Diaspis, Excentradenia, Flabellaria, Madagasikaria, Malpighiodes, Mascagnia, Mezia), Juglandaceae (Cyclocarya, Platycarya), Fabaceae (Pterocarpus, Dalbergia), Cruciferae (Isatis, Iberis, Thlaspi), Betulaceae (Alnus, Betula), Ulmaceae (Ulmus, Pteroceltis), Oxyria (Polygonaceae), Fontanesia (Oleaceae), Dipteronia (Aceraceae), Ailanthus (Simaroubaceae), Eucommia (Eucommiaceae), Ptelea (Rutaceae), Camptotheca (Nyssaceae), Illigera (Hernandiaceae), Paliurus (Rhamnaceae), Rhoiptelea (Rhoipteleaceae) |
2.2 蝶翅果 Butterfly-winged samara | 金虎尾科(Adelphia, Aenigmatanthera, Hiraea, Amorimia, Callaeum, Carolus, Christianella, Dinemandra等), 菊科(金鸡菊属, 偶雏菊属, 蟛蜞菊属), 木犀科(雪柳属, 六道木叶属), 使君子科(诃子属, 榆绿木属, 假榆橘属) Malpighiaceae (Adelphia, Christianella, Aenigmatanthera, Hiraea, Amorimia, Callaeum, Carolus, Dinemandra, etc.), Asterceae (Coreopsis, Boltonia, Sphagneticola), Oleaceae (Fontanesia, Abeliophyllum), Combretaeeae (Terminalia, Anogeissus, Pteleopsis) |
3 棱翅果 Rib-winged samara | 金虎尾科(Aspicarpa, Calcicola, Digoniopterys), 蓼科(翅果蓼属, 红药子属, 大黄属, 沙拐枣属, 等), 卫矛科(雷公藤属, 卫矛属, 等), 使君子科(风车子属, 诃子属), 无患子科(车桑子属, 黄梨木属), 椴树科(滇桐属, 蚬木属, 柄翅果属, 一担柴属), 鼠李科咀签属, 莲叶桐科青藤属, 茶茱萸科心翼果属, 薯蓣科薯蓣属, 藜科四翅滨藜, 胡颓子科翅果油树 Malpighiaceae (Aspicarpa, Calcicola, Digoniopterys), Polygonaceae (Parapteropyrum, Pteroxygonum, Rheum, Calligonum etc.), Celastraceae (Tripterygium, Euonymus etc.), Sapindaceae (Dodonaea, Boniodendron), Tiliaceae (Craigia, Excentrodendron, Burretiodendron, Colona), Gouania (Rhamnaceae), Illigera (Hernandiaceae), Cardiopteris (Icacinaceae), Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae), Elaeagnus mollis (Elaeagnaceae) |
4 披针翅果 Lanceolate-winged samara | 金虎尾科(风筝果属, 三星果属, Lophopterys, Dicella, Microsteira, Niedenzuella, Rhynchophora, Tetrapterys), 椴树科六翅木属, 卫矛科斜翼属, 十字花科沙芥属, 使君子科萼翅藤属 Malpighiaceae (Hiptage, Tristellateia, Lophopterys, Dicella, Microsteira, Niedenzuella, Rhynchophora, Tetrapterys), Berrya (Tiliaceae), Plagiopteron (Celastraceae), Pugionium (Crucificeae), Getonia (Combretaeeae) |
5 翼状萼翅果 Sepal-winged samara | 龙脑香科, 钩枝藤科钩枝藤属, 旋花科(飞蛾藤属, 三翅藤属, 白花叶属, 地旋花属) Dipterocarpaceae, Ancistrocladus (Ancistrocladaceae), Convolvulaceae (Dinetus, Tridynamia, Poranopsis, Xenostegia) |
6 叶状苞翅果 Bract-winged samara | 桦木科(鹅耳枥属, 铁木属, 桦木属, 桤木属, 榛属), 胡桃科(黄杞属, 枫杨属), 败酱科败酱属, 旋花科盾苞藤属, 马鞭草科楔翅藤属, 檀香科米面蓊属 Betulaceae (Carpinus, Ostrya, Betula, Alnus, Corylus), Juglandaceae (Engelhardia, Pterocarya), Patrinia (Valerianaceae), Neuropeltis (Convolvulaceae), Sphenodesme (Verbenaceae), Buckleya (Santalaceae) |
Table 1 The six types of angiosperm samaras and their systematic distribution
翅果类型 Samara type | 主要分布类群 Systematic distribution |
1 单侧翅果 Single-winged samara (SWS) | |
1.1 单翅果 Mono-SWS | 金虎尾科(异翅藤属, Acridocarpus, Banisteriopsis, Barnebya, Bronwenia, Cordobia, Cottsia, Dinemagonum, Diplopterys, Ectopopterys, Janusia, Peixotoa, Sphedamnocarpus, Stigmaphyllon), 木犀科陉属, 远志科蝉翼藤属, 鼠李科翼核果属, 榆科刺榆属, 梧桐科银叶树属 Malpighiaceae (Heteropterys, Acridocarpus, Banisteriopsis, Barnebya, Bronwenia, Cordobia, Cottsia, Dinemagonum, Diplopterys, Ectopopterys, Janusia, Peixotoa, Sphedamnocarpus, Stigmaphyllon), Fraxinus (Oleaceae), Securidaca (Polygalaceae), Ventilago (Rhamnaceae), Hemiptelea (Ulmaceae), Heritiera (Sterculiaceae) |
1.2 双聚单翅果 Di-SWS | 槭树科槭树属, 木犀科陉属 Acer (Aceraceae), Fraxinus (Oleaceae) |
1.3 三聚单翅果 Tri-SWS | 金虎尾科翅实藤属, 异翅藤属 Malpighiaceae (Ryssopterys, Heteropterys) |
2 周位翅果 Perigynous samara | |
2.1 圆翅果 Round-winged samara | 金虎尾科(盾翅藤属, Alicia, Amorimia, Calcicola, Caucanthus, Christianella, Diaspis, Excentradenia, Flabellaria, Madagasikaria, Malpighiodes, Mascagnia, Mezia), 胡桃科(青钱柳属, 化香树属), 豆科(紫檀属, 黄檀属), 十字花科(菘蓝属, 屈曲花属, 菥属), 桦木科(桤木属, 桦木属), 榆科(榆属, 青檀属), 蓼科山蓼属, 木樨科雪柳属, 槭树科金钱槭属, 苦木科臭椿属, 杜仲科杜仲属, 芸香科榆橘属, 蓝果树科喜树属, 莲叶桐科青藤属, 鼠李科马甲子属, 马尾树科马尾树属 Malpighiaceae (Aspidopterys, Alicia, Amorimia, Calcicola, Caucanthus, Christianella, Diaspis, Excentradenia, Flabellaria, Madagasikaria, Malpighiodes, Mascagnia, Mezia), Juglandaceae (Cyclocarya, Platycarya), Fabaceae (Pterocarpus, Dalbergia), Cruciferae (Isatis, Iberis, Thlaspi), Betulaceae (Alnus, Betula), Ulmaceae (Ulmus, Pteroceltis), Oxyria (Polygonaceae), Fontanesia (Oleaceae), Dipteronia (Aceraceae), Ailanthus (Simaroubaceae), Eucommia (Eucommiaceae), Ptelea (Rutaceae), Camptotheca (Nyssaceae), Illigera (Hernandiaceae), Paliurus (Rhamnaceae), Rhoiptelea (Rhoipteleaceae) |
2.2 蝶翅果 Butterfly-winged samara | 金虎尾科(Adelphia, Aenigmatanthera, Hiraea, Amorimia, Callaeum, Carolus, Christianella, Dinemandra等), 菊科(金鸡菊属, 偶雏菊属, 蟛蜞菊属), 木犀科(雪柳属, 六道木叶属), 使君子科(诃子属, 榆绿木属, 假榆橘属) Malpighiaceae (Adelphia, Christianella, Aenigmatanthera, Hiraea, Amorimia, Callaeum, Carolus, Dinemandra, etc.), Asterceae (Coreopsis, Boltonia, Sphagneticola), Oleaceae (Fontanesia, Abeliophyllum), Combretaeeae (Terminalia, Anogeissus, Pteleopsis) |
3 棱翅果 Rib-winged samara | 金虎尾科(Aspicarpa, Calcicola, Digoniopterys), 蓼科(翅果蓼属, 红药子属, 大黄属, 沙拐枣属, 等), 卫矛科(雷公藤属, 卫矛属, 等), 使君子科(风车子属, 诃子属), 无患子科(车桑子属, 黄梨木属), 椴树科(滇桐属, 蚬木属, 柄翅果属, 一担柴属), 鼠李科咀签属, 莲叶桐科青藤属, 茶茱萸科心翼果属, 薯蓣科薯蓣属, 藜科四翅滨藜, 胡颓子科翅果油树 Malpighiaceae (Aspicarpa, Calcicola, Digoniopterys), Polygonaceae (Parapteropyrum, Pteroxygonum, Rheum, Calligonum etc.), Celastraceae (Tripterygium, Euonymus etc.), Sapindaceae (Dodonaea, Boniodendron), Tiliaceae (Craigia, Excentrodendron, Burretiodendron, Colona), Gouania (Rhamnaceae), Illigera (Hernandiaceae), Cardiopteris (Icacinaceae), Dioscorea (Dioscoreaceae), Atriplex canescens (Chenopodiaceae), Elaeagnus mollis (Elaeagnaceae) |
4 披针翅果 Lanceolate-winged samara | 金虎尾科(风筝果属, 三星果属, Lophopterys, Dicella, Microsteira, Niedenzuella, Rhynchophora, Tetrapterys), 椴树科六翅木属, 卫矛科斜翼属, 十字花科沙芥属, 使君子科萼翅藤属 Malpighiaceae (Hiptage, Tristellateia, Lophopterys, Dicella, Microsteira, Niedenzuella, Rhynchophora, Tetrapterys), Berrya (Tiliaceae), Plagiopteron (Celastraceae), Pugionium (Crucificeae), Getonia (Combretaeeae) |
5 翼状萼翅果 Sepal-winged samara | 龙脑香科, 钩枝藤科钩枝藤属, 旋花科(飞蛾藤属, 三翅藤属, 白花叶属, 地旋花属) Dipterocarpaceae, Ancistrocladus (Ancistrocladaceae), Convolvulaceae (Dinetus, Tridynamia, Poranopsis, Xenostegia) |
6 叶状苞翅果 Bract-winged samara | 桦木科(鹅耳枥属, 铁木属, 桦木属, 桤木属, 榛属), 胡桃科(黄杞属, 枫杨属), 败酱科败酱属, 旋花科盾苞藤属, 马鞭草科楔翅藤属, 檀香科米面蓊属 Betulaceae (Carpinus, Ostrya, Betula, Alnus, Corylus), Juglandaceae (Engelhardia, Pterocarya), Patrinia (Valerianaceae), Neuropeltis (Convolvulaceae), Sphenodesme (Verbenaceae), Buckleya (Santalaceae) |
Fig. 2 The systematic distribution of samara types across angiosperm orders. The phylogeny of angiosperm orders was drawn according to the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (2016).
Fig. 3 Samara diversity and evolution in Malpighiaceae. Note there has evolutionary transition of samara types for each long-distance dispersal between continents. The phylogeny is redrawn from Davis et al. (2014).
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