Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2021, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (8): 809-817.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0065
Special Issue: 生态学研究的方法和技术
• Research Articles • Next Articles
JIA Ning-Xia1,2, GUO Ke1,2,*(), SONG Chuang-Ye1, LIU Chang-Cheng1
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JIA Ning-Xia, GUO Ke, SONG Chuang-Ye, LIU Chang-Cheng. Principles of color and symbol design for vegetation mapping and a scheme of national vegetation map legends[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2021, 45(8): 809-817.
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Fig. 1 The color and symbol design for national vegetation map legends. The first numeral represents Vegetation Formation Group, the second numeral represents Vegetation Formation, and the third numeral represents Vegetation Subformation. If the numbers are insufficient, they shall be replaced by capital English letters, where A represents the number 10 and B represents the number 11.
111 寒温性与温性落叶针叶林 | 181 雨林 | 315 丛生草类典型草甸 | 344 半灌木高寒草原 | 711 温性与暖性落叶果园 |
112 暖性落叶针叶林 | 182 山地雨林 | 316 丛生草类高寒草甸 | 351 温性灌草丛 | 712 温性与暖性落叶经济林 |
121 落叶与常绿针叶混交林 | 191 季雨林 | 317 丛生草类沼泽草甸 | 352 亚热带与热带灌草丛 | 713 暖性与热性常绿果园 |
131 寒温性常绿针叶林 | 1A1 红树林 | 318 丛生草类盐生草甸 | 361 热带滨海沙地稀树草丛 | 714 暖性与热性常绿经济林 |
132 温性常绿针叶林 | 1B1 暖性竹林 | 321 根茎草类典型草原 | 362 干热河谷稀树草丛 | 721 短生育期耐寒作物 |
133 暖性常绿针叶林 | 1B2 热性竹林 | 322 根茎草类草甸草原 | 411 温性半乔木荒漠 | 722 一年一熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
134 热性常绿针叶林 | 211 寒温性常绿针叶灌丛 | 323 根茎草类高寒草原 | 412 温性灌木荒漠 | 723 两年三熟或一年两熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
141 温性针叶与落叶阔叶混交林 | 212 温性常绿针叶灌丛 | 324 根茎草类典型草甸 | 421 温性半灌木与草本荒漠 | 724 一年两熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
142 暖性针叶与阔叶混交林 | 221 高寒落叶阔叶灌丛 | 325 根茎草类高寒草甸 | 422 高寒矮半灌木荒漠 | 725 一年两熟或三熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
143 亚热带山地针叶与阔叶混交林 | 222 温性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 326 根茎草类沼泽草甸 | 511 矮灌木高山冻原 | 726 一年三熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
151 寒温性落叶阔叶林 | 223 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 327 根茎草类盐生草甸 | 512 草类高山冻原 | 731 设施农业园地 |
152 温性落叶阔叶林 | 224 热性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 331 杂类草荒漠草原 | 513 苔藓高山冻原 | 811 城市森林 |
153 暖性落叶阔叶林 | 231 寒温性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 332 杂类草典型草原 | 514 地衣高山冻原 | 821 城市草地 |
161 北亚热带常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 232 暖性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 333 杂类草草甸草原 | 521 高山垫状植被 | 831 城市湿地 |
162 亚热带山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 233 热性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 334 杂类草高寒草原 | 531 高山稀疏植被 | 841 城市行道树 |
163 亚热带石灰岩山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 241 肉质刺灌丛 | 335 杂类草典型草甸 | 611 木本沼泽 | 851 城市公园植被 |
171 典型常绿阔叶林 | 251 温性竹丛 | 336 杂类草高寒草甸 | 621 草本沼泽 | 911 冰川、积雪 |
172 季风常绿阔叶林 | 252 暖性竹丛 | 337 杂类草沼泽草甸 | 622 苔藓沼泽 | 912 沙漠 |
173 山地常绿阔叶林 | 311 丛生草类荒漠草原 | 338 杂类草盐生草甸 | 631 挺水植被 | 913 裸石山 |
174 硬叶常绿阔叶林 | 312 丛生草类典型草原 | 341 半灌木荒漠草原 | 632 浮叶植被 | 914 盐壳、盐碱地 |
175 山顶常绿阔叶矮林 | 313 丛生草类草甸草原 | 342 半灌木典型草原 | 633 漂浮植被 | 915 城市建筑群 |
176 滨海常绿阔叶矮林 | 314 丛生草类高寒草原 | 343 半灌木草甸草原 | 634 沉水植被 | 916 水体(湖泊、河流、水库等) |
111 寒温性与温性落叶针叶林 | 181 雨林 | 315 丛生草类典型草甸 | 344 半灌木高寒草原 | 711 温性与暖性落叶果园 |
112 暖性落叶针叶林 | 182 山地雨林 | 316 丛生草类高寒草甸 | 351 温性灌草丛 | 712 温性与暖性落叶经济林 |
121 落叶与常绿针叶混交林 | 191 季雨林 | 317 丛生草类沼泽草甸 | 352 亚热带与热带灌草丛 | 713 暖性与热性常绿果园 |
131 寒温性常绿针叶林 | 1A1 红树林 | 318 丛生草类盐生草甸 | 361 热带滨海沙地稀树草丛 | 714 暖性与热性常绿经济林 |
132 温性常绿针叶林 | 1B1 暖性竹林 | 321 根茎草类典型草原 | 362 干热河谷稀树草丛 | 721 短生育期耐寒作物 |
133 暖性常绿针叶林 | 1B2 热性竹林 | 322 根茎草类草甸草原 | 411 温性半乔木荒漠 | 722 一年一熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
134 热性常绿针叶林 | 211 寒温性常绿针叶灌丛 | 323 根茎草类高寒草原 | 412 温性灌木荒漠 | 723 两年三熟或一年两熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
141 温性针叶与落叶阔叶混交林 | 212 温性常绿针叶灌丛 | 324 根茎草类典型草甸 | 421 温性半灌木与草本荒漠 | 724 一年两熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
142 暖性针叶与阔叶混交林 | 221 高寒落叶阔叶灌丛 | 325 根茎草类高寒草甸 | 422 高寒矮半灌木荒漠 | 725 一年两熟或三熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
143 亚热带山地针叶与阔叶混交林 | 222 温性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 326 根茎草类沼泽草甸 | 511 矮灌木高山冻原 | 726 一年三熟粮食作物及经济作物 |
151 寒温性落叶阔叶林 | 223 暖性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 327 根茎草类盐生草甸 | 512 草类高山冻原 | 731 设施农业园地 |
152 温性落叶阔叶林 | 224 热性落叶阔叶灌丛 | 331 杂类草荒漠草原 | 513 苔藓高山冻原 | 811 城市森林 |
153 暖性落叶阔叶林 | 231 寒温性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 332 杂类草典型草原 | 514 地衣高山冻原 | 821 城市草地 |
161 北亚热带常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 232 暖性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 333 杂类草草甸草原 | 521 高山垫状植被 | 831 城市湿地 |
162 亚热带山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 233 热性常绿阔叶灌丛 | 334 杂类草高寒草原 | 531 高山稀疏植被 | 841 城市行道树 |
163 亚热带石灰岩山地常绿与落叶阔叶混交林 | 241 肉质刺灌丛 | 335 杂类草典型草甸 | 611 木本沼泽 | 851 城市公园植被 |
171 典型常绿阔叶林 | 251 温性竹丛 | 336 杂类草高寒草甸 | 621 草本沼泽 | 911 冰川、积雪 |
172 季风常绿阔叶林 | 252 暖性竹丛 | 337 杂类草沼泽草甸 | 622 苔藓沼泽 | 912 沙漠 |
173 山地常绿阔叶林 | 311 丛生草类荒漠草原 | 338 杂类草盐生草甸 | 631 挺水植被 | 913 裸石山 |
174 硬叶常绿阔叶林 | 312 丛生草类典型草原 | 341 半灌木荒漠草原 | 632 浮叶植被 | 914 盐壳、盐碱地 |
175 山顶常绿阔叶矮林 | 313 丛生草类草甸草原 | 342 半灌木典型草原 | 633 漂浮植被 | 915 城市建筑群 |
176 滨海常绿阔叶矮林 | 314 丛生草类高寒草原 | 343 半灌木草甸草原 | 634 沉水植被 | 916 水体(湖泊、河流、水库等) |
111 Cold-Temperate and Temperate Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 112 Subtropical Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 121 Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 131 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 132 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 133 Subtropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 134 Tropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 141 Temperate Mixed Needleleaf and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 142 Subtropical Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest 143 Subtropical Montane Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest 151 Cold-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 152 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 153 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 161 Northern Subtropical Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 162 Subtropical Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 163 Subtropical Limestone Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 171 Typical Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 172 Monsoon Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 173 Montane Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 174 Sclerophyllous Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 175 Montane Ridge Evergreen Broadleaf Dwarf Forest 176 Coast Dwarf Forest | 181 Rainforest 182 Montane Rainforest 191 Monsoon Forest 1A1 Mangrove Forest 1B1 Subtropical Bamboo Forest 1B2 Tropical Bamboo Forest 211 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland 212 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland 221 Alpine Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 222 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 223 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 224 Tropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 231 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 232 Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 233 Tropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 241 Succulent Thorny Shrubland 251 Temperate Bamboo Shrubland 252 Subtropical Bamboo Shrubland 311 Tussock Desert Steppe 312 Tussock Typical Steppe 313 Tussock Meadow Steppe 314 Tussock Alpine Steppe | 315 Tussock Typical Meadow 316 Tussock Alpine Meadow 317 Tussock Swamp Meadow 318 Tussock Halophytic Meadow 321 Rhizome Typical Steppe 322 Rhizome Meadow Steppe 323 Rhizome Alpine Steppe 324 Rhizome Typical Meadow 325 Rhizome Alpine Meadow 326 Rhizome Swamp Meadow 327 Rhizome Halophytic Meadow 331 Forb Desert Steppe 332 Forb Typical Steppe 333 Forb Meadow Steppe 334 Forb Alpine Steppe 335 Forb Typical Meadow 336 Forb Alpine Meadow 337 Forb Swamp Meadow 338 Forb Halophytic Meadow 341 Semi-Shrubby Desert Steppe 342 Semi-Shrubby Typical Steppe 343 Semi-Shrubby Meadow Steppe | 344 Semi-Shrubby Alpine Steppe 351 Temperate Shrubby Grassland 352 Subtropical and Tropical Shrubby Grassland 361 Tropical Coast Sandland Savanna-like Grassland 362 Dry and Hot Valley Savanna-like Grassland 411 Temperate Semi-Arbor Desert 412 Temperate Shrub Desert 421 Temperate Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert 422 Alpine Dwarf Semi-Shrub Desert 511 Alpine Dwarf Shrub Tundra 512 Alpine Herb Tundra 513 Alpine Moss Tundra 514 Alpine Lichen Tundra 521 Alpine Cushion Vegetation 531 Alpine Sparse Vegetation 611 Woody Swamp 621 Herb Swamp 622 Moss Swamp 631 Emerged Aquatic Vegetation 632 Rooted Floating Leaf Aquatic Vegetation 633 Floating Aquatic Vegetation 634 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | 711 Temperate and Subtropical Deciduous Orchard 712 Temperate and Subtropical Deciduous Economic Forest 713 Subtropical and Tropical Evergreen Orchard 714 Subtropical and Tropical Evergreen Economic Forest 721 Cold-resistant Crops with Short Growing Period 722 One Food Crop Annually, Cash Crops 723 Three Food Crops in Two Years or Two Crops Annually, Cash Crops 724 Two Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 725 Two or Three Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 726 Three Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 731 Facility Agriculture Garden 811 Urban Forest 821 Urban Grassland 831 Urban Wetland 841 Urban Street Tree 851 Urban Park Vegetation 911 Glaciers and Snow 912 Desert 913 Bare Stone Mountain 914 Saline and Alkaline Land 915 Urban Buildings 916 Water Bodies (Lake, River and Reservoir, etc.) |
111 Cold-Temperate and Temperate Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 112 Subtropical Deciduous Needleleaf Forest 121 Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 131 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 132 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 133 Subtropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 134 Tropical Evergreen Needleleaf Forest 141 Temperate Mixed Needleleaf and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 142 Subtropical Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest 143 Subtropical Montane Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest 151 Cold-Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 152 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 153 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 161 Northern Subtropical Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 162 Subtropical Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 163 Subtropical Limestone Montane Mixed Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaf Forest 171 Typical Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 172 Monsoon Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 173 Montane Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 174 Sclerophyllous Evergreen Broadleaf Forest 175 Montane Ridge Evergreen Broadleaf Dwarf Forest 176 Coast Dwarf Forest | 181 Rainforest 182 Montane Rainforest 191 Monsoon Forest 1A1 Mangrove Forest 1B1 Subtropical Bamboo Forest 1B2 Tropical Bamboo Forest 211 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland 212 Temperate Evergreen Needleleaf Shrubland 221 Alpine Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 222 Temperate Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 223 Subtropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 224 Tropical Deciduous Broadleaf Shrubland 231 Cold-Temperate Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 232 Subtropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 233 Tropical Evergreen Broadleaf Shrubland 241 Succulent Thorny Shrubland 251 Temperate Bamboo Shrubland 252 Subtropical Bamboo Shrubland 311 Tussock Desert Steppe 312 Tussock Typical Steppe 313 Tussock Meadow Steppe 314 Tussock Alpine Steppe | 315 Tussock Typical Meadow 316 Tussock Alpine Meadow 317 Tussock Swamp Meadow 318 Tussock Halophytic Meadow 321 Rhizome Typical Steppe 322 Rhizome Meadow Steppe 323 Rhizome Alpine Steppe 324 Rhizome Typical Meadow 325 Rhizome Alpine Meadow 326 Rhizome Swamp Meadow 327 Rhizome Halophytic Meadow 331 Forb Desert Steppe 332 Forb Typical Steppe 333 Forb Meadow Steppe 334 Forb Alpine Steppe 335 Forb Typical Meadow 336 Forb Alpine Meadow 337 Forb Swamp Meadow 338 Forb Halophytic Meadow 341 Semi-Shrubby Desert Steppe 342 Semi-Shrubby Typical Steppe 343 Semi-Shrubby Meadow Steppe | 344 Semi-Shrubby Alpine Steppe 351 Temperate Shrubby Grassland 352 Subtropical and Tropical Shrubby Grassland 361 Tropical Coast Sandland Savanna-like Grassland 362 Dry and Hot Valley Savanna-like Grassland 411 Temperate Semi-Arbor Desert 412 Temperate Shrub Desert 421 Temperate Semi-Shrub and Herb Desert 422 Alpine Dwarf Semi-Shrub Desert 511 Alpine Dwarf Shrub Tundra 512 Alpine Herb Tundra 513 Alpine Moss Tundra 514 Alpine Lichen Tundra 521 Alpine Cushion Vegetation 531 Alpine Sparse Vegetation 611 Woody Swamp 621 Herb Swamp 622 Moss Swamp 631 Emerged Aquatic Vegetation 632 Rooted Floating Leaf Aquatic Vegetation 633 Floating Aquatic Vegetation 634 Submerged Aquatic Vegetation | 711 Temperate and Subtropical Deciduous Orchard 712 Temperate and Subtropical Deciduous Economic Forest 713 Subtropical and Tropical Evergreen Orchard 714 Subtropical and Tropical Evergreen Economic Forest 721 Cold-resistant Crops with Short Growing Period 722 One Food Crop Annually, Cash Crops 723 Three Food Crops in Two Years or Two Crops Annually, Cash Crops 724 Two Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 725 Two or Three Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 726 Three Food Crops Annually, Cash Crops 731 Facility Agriculture Garden 811 Urban Forest 821 Urban Grassland 831 Urban Wetland 841 Urban Street Tree 851 Urban Park Vegetation 911 Glaciers and Snow 912 Desert 913 Bare Stone Mountain 914 Saline and Alkaline Land 915 Urban Buildings 916 Water Bodies (Lake, River and Reservoir, etc.) |
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