Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2009, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 629-637.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2009.04.001
Special Issue: 生物多样性
ZHANG Chong-Bang(), WANG Jiang, KE Shi-Xing, JIN Ze-Xin
ZHANG Chong-Bang
理化特性 Physico-chemical properties | BG | RI | RII | RIII | RIV |
有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1 dw) | 8.18±0.12e | 12.85±0.03d | 18.67±0.05c | 24.57±0.43b | 45.52±0.32a |
全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1 dw) | 0.08±0.01d | 0.11±0.03d | 0.14±0.04c | 0.26±0.09b | 0.50±0.04a |
全磷 Total phosphorus (g ·kg-1 dw) | 0.16±0.01d | 0.32±0.04c | 0.57±0.16b | 0.56±0.06b | 0.94±0.03a |
pH | 7.26±0.12a | 7.20±0.34a | 7.14±0.32a | 7.03±0.21a | 7.08±0.16a |
Table 1 Changes in soil physico-chemical properties across five sampling sites (mean±SD, n = 3)
理化特性 Physico-chemical properties | BG | RI | RII | RIII | RIV |
有机碳 Organic carbon (g·kg-1 dw) | 8.18±0.12e | 12.85±0.03d | 18.67±0.05c | 24.57±0.43b | 45.52±0.32a |
全氮 Total nitrogen (g·kg-1 dw) | 0.08±0.01d | 0.11±0.03d | 0.14±0.04c | 0.26±0.09b | 0.50±0.04a |
全磷 Total phosphorus (g ·kg-1 dw) | 0.16±0.01d | 0.32±0.04c | 0.57±0.16b | 0.56±0.06b | 0.94±0.03a |
pH | 7.26±0.12a | 7.20±0.34a | 7.14±0.32a | 7.03±0.21a | 7.08±0.16a |
重金属 Heavy metals | BG | RI | RII | RIII | RIV |
总Pb Total Pb | 2630.2±2.34a | 870.1±2.11b | 320.7±5.64c | 170.6±3.21d | 158.9±3.42e |
总Zn Total Zn | 4637.2±2.45a | 1366.2±4.51b | 1088.6±2.83c | 708.1±4.21d | 599.8±6.12e |
总Cu Total Cu | 91.3±5.34a | 37.3±5.21b | 30. 1±4.65c | 28.9±5.72d | 21.9±4.33e |
总Cd Total Cd | 31.7±4.23a | 9.1±3.89b | 6.5±1.01c | 5.06±0.98c | 3.4±0.69d |
Table 2 The total heavy metal contents in the five sampling sites (mg·kg-1 dw, n = 3)
重金属 Heavy metals | BG | RI | RII | RIII | RIV |
总Pb Total Pb | 2630.2±2.34a | 870.1±2.11b | 320.7±5.64c | 170.6±3.21d | 158.9±3.42e |
总Zn Total Zn | 4637.2±2.45a | 1366.2±4.51b | 1088.6±2.83c | 708.1±4.21d | 599.8±6.12e |
总Cu Total Cu | 91.3±5.34a | 37.3±5.21b | 30. 1±4.65c | 28.9±5.72d | 21.9±4.33e |
总Cd Total Cd | 31.7±4.23a | 9.1±3.89b | 6.5±1.01c | 5.06±0.98c | 3.4±0.69d |
样地 Sampling sites | 纤维素分解作用 Cellulose decomposition (%) | 酚分解作用 Phenol decomposition (%) | 固氮作用 Nitrogen fixation (mg nitrogen·g-1dw) | 氨化作用 Ammonification (%) | 硝化作用 Nitrification (%) | 磷转化作用 Phosphorus decomposition (%) |
BG | 0.03±0.003c | 1.21±0.11c | 0.06±0.00c | 6.26±2.87d | 2.87±2.03c | 10.39±2.12d |
RI | 0.04±0.05c | 1.79±0.24bc | 0.07±0.03c | 12.38±3.13c | 20.41±5.71b | 18.33±1.44c |
RII | 0.05±0.004b | 1.87±0.10b | 0.07±0.03c | 17.95±0.65b | 21.69±0.80b | 21.20±4.32bc |
RIII | 0.05±0.005ab | 1.97±0.21b | 0.19±0.12b | 17.71±4.38b | 24.13±4.22b | 25.39±3.92b |
RIV | 0.06±0.008a | 2.27±0.24a | 0.37±0.17a | 25.84±3.19a | 38.68±3.07a | 33.08±8.12a |
Table 3 Changes in mineralization of soil microbial community along five sampling sites (mean±SD, n = 3)
样地 Sampling sites | 纤维素分解作用 Cellulose decomposition (%) | 酚分解作用 Phenol decomposition (%) | 固氮作用 Nitrogen fixation (mg nitrogen·g-1dw) | 氨化作用 Ammonification (%) | 硝化作用 Nitrification (%) | 磷转化作用 Phosphorus decomposition (%) |
BG | 0.03±0.003c | 1.21±0.11c | 0.06±0.00c | 6.26±2.87d | 2.87±2.03c | 10.39±2.12d |
RI | 0.04±0.05c | 1.79±0.24bc | 0.07±0.03c | 12.38±3.13c | 20.41±5.71b | 18.33±1.44c |
RII | 0.05±0.004b | 1.87±0.10b | 0.07±0.03c | 17.95±0.65b | 21.69±0.80b | 21.20±4.32bc |
RIII | 0.05±0.005ab | 1.97±0.21b | 0.19±0.12b | 17.71±4.38b | 24.13±4.22b | 25.39±3.92b |
RIV | 0.06±0.008a | 2.27±0.24a | 0.37±0.17a | 25.84±3.19a | 38.68±3.07a | 33.08±8.12a |
重金属形态 Heavy metal speciations | 微生物功能参数总体变化 Total changes of microbial functional parameters | |||
R2 | Wilk’s λ | F | p | |
阳离子交换态 Positive ion exchangeable | 0.848 3 | 0.004 0 | 2.047 7 | 0.068 4 |
铁-锰氧化物结合态 Bound to Fe-Mn oxides | 0.858 0 | 0.032 8 | 0.894 4 | 0.614 3 |
碳酸盐结合态 Bound to carbonates | 0.986 6 | 0.001 5 | 6.128 9 | 0.000 4* |
硫化物-有机物结合态 Bound to OM and sulfide | 0.922 2 | 0.000 3 | 4.988 0 | 0.000 8* |
残渣态 Residual | 0.735 1 | 0.001 1 | 3.185 2 | 0.009 3* |
Table 4 The canonical correlation analysis between soil microbial functional parameters and heavy metal speciations
重金属形态 Heavy metal speciations | 微生物功能参数总体变化 Total changes of microbial functional parameters | |||
R2 | Wilk’s λ | F | p | |
阳离子交换态 Positive ion exchangeable | 0.848 3 | 0.004 0 | 2.047 7 | 0.068 4 |
铁-锰氧化物结合态 Bound to Fe-Mn oxides | 0.858 0 | 0.032 8 | 0.894 4 | 0.614 3 |
碳酸盐结合态 Bound to carbonates | 0.986 6 | 0.001 5 | 6.128 9 | 0.000 4* |
硫化物-有机物结合态 Bound to OM and sulfide | 0.922 2 | 0.000 3 | 4.988 0 | 0.000 8* |
残渣态 Residual | 0.735 1 | 0.001 1 | 3.185 2 | 0.009 3* |
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