Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2010, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (11): 1327-1335.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2010.11.010
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
MA Song-Mei1,2, ZHANG Ming-Li1,3,*(), ZHANG Hong-Xiang1,2, MENG Hong-Hu1,2, CHEN Xi4,*(
MA Song-Mei, ZHANG Ming-Li, ZHANG Hong-Xiang, MENG Hong-Hu, CHEN Xi. Predicting potential geographical distributions and patterns of the relic plant Gymnocarpos przewalskii using Maximum Entropy and Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2010, 34(11): 1327-1335.
地区 Region | 居群地点 Location of population | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 生境 Habitat |
甘肃 Gansu | 肃南县白银乡公路旁 Beside highway, Baiyin Township, Sunan County | 99°34′ E | 38°52′ N | 2 513 | 砾石山坡 Gravel slopes |
金塔县鼎新镇黑河 Heihe River, Dingxin Town, Jinta County | 99°30′ E | 40°18′ N | 1 180 | 山前洪积扇 Piedmont diluvial | |
玉门市昌马乡水峡村后 Behind Shuixia Village, Changma Township, Yumen City | 96°42′ E | 39°48′ N | 2 312 | 干河床 Dry wash | |
肃北县水电站后 Behind hydropower station, Subei County | 94°53′ E | 39°29′ N | 2 213 | 干河床 Dry wash | |
阿克塞县公路旁 Beside highway, Akesai County | 94°16′ E | 38°28′ N | 2 636 | 砾石干河滩 Gravel dry beach | |
柳园县车站附近 Nearby the Liuyuan County station | 95°24′ E | 39°6′ N | 1 789 | 砾石洪积扇 Gravel diluvial | |
宁夏 Ningxia | 中卫市沙坡头 Shapotou, Zhongwei City | 105°11′ E | 37°31′ N | 1 128 | 干河床砾石堆 Gravel pile of the dry riverbed |
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 阿拉善左旗公路旁 Beside highway, Alashan Zuoqi | 105°42′ E | 38°48′ N | 1 625 | 山坡砾石 Hillside gravel |
新疆 Xinjiang | 哈密市庙尔沟公路旁 Beside highway, Miao’ergou, Hami City | 93°35′ E | 43°5′ N | 1 173 | 砾石干河滩 Gravel dry beach |
奇台县北塔山牧场 Pasture of Beita Mountain, Qitai County | 90°28′ E | 44°59′ N | 1 134 | 石质残丘 Rocky remnant dunes | |
轮台县塔尔拉克乡北5 km 5 km to north Taerlake Township, Luntai County | 84°15′ E | 41°46′ N | 979 | 砾石戈壁 Gravel gobi | |
库车县克孜尔乡千佛洞 Qianfo Caves, Kezier Township, Kuche County | 82°24′ E | 41°48′ N | 1 179 | 河滩砾石堆 Gravel pile of the beach | |
拜城县北10 km 10 km to north Baicheng County | 81°50′ E | 41°49′ N | 1 260 | 砾石堆 Gravel pile | |
柯坪县县城北10 km公路旁 Beside highway, 10 km to north Keping County | 79°4′ E | 40°33′ N | 1 175 | 水坝旁山坡 Slopes beside the Dam | |
疏附县乌帕乡东10 km公路旁 Beside highway, 10 km to east Wupa Township, Shufu County | 75°50′ E | 39°25′ N | 1 359 | 山前洪积扇 Piedmont diluvial | |
乌恰县康苏镇东5 km公路旁 Beside highway, 5 km to east Kangsu Town, Wuqia County | 75°06′ E | 39°42′ N | 2 198 | 砾石戈壁 Gravel gobi |
Table 1 Basal information of the 16 populations of Gymnocarpos przewalskii
地区 Region | 居群地点 Location of population | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 生境 Habitat |
甘肃 Gansu | 肃南县白银乡公路旁 Beside highway, Baiyin Township, Sunan County | 99°34′ E | 38°52′ N | 2 513 | 砾石山坡 Gravel slopes |
金塔县鼎新镇黑河 Heihe River, Dingxin Town, Jinta County | 99°30′ E | 40°18′ N | 1 180 | 山前洪积扇 Piedmont diluvial | |
玉门市昌马乡水峡村后 Behind Shuixia Village, Changma Township, Yumen City | 96°42′ E | 39°48′ N | 2 312 | 干河床 Dry wash | |
肃北县水电站后 Behind hydropower station, Subei County | 94°53′ E | 39°29′ N | 2 213 | 干河床 Dry wash | |
阿克塞县公路旁 Beside highway, Akesai County | 94°16′ E | 38°28′ N | 2 636 | 砾石干河滩 Gravel dry beach | |
柳园县车站附近 Nearby the Liuyuan County station | 95°24′ E | 39°6′ N | 1 789 | 砾石洪积扇 Gravel diluvial | |
宁夏 Ningxia | 中卫市沙坡头 Shapotou, Zhongwei City | 105°11′ E | 37°31′ N | 1 128 | 干河床砾石堆 Gravel pile of the dry riverbed |
内蒙古 Inner Mongolia | 阿拉善左旗公路旁 Beside highway, Alashan Zuoqi | 105°42′ E | 38°48′ N | 1 625 | 山坡砾石 Hillside gravel |
新疆 Xinjiang | 哈密市庙尔沟公路旁 Beside highway, Miao’ergou, Hami City | 93°35′ E | 43°5′ N | 1 173 | 砾石干河滩 Gravel dry beach |
奇台县北塔山牧场 Pasture of Beita Mountain, Qitai County | 90°28′ E | 44°59′ N | 1 134 | 石质残丘 Rocky remnant dunes | |
轮台县塔尔拉克乡北5 km 5 km to north Taerlake Township, Luntai County | 84°15′ E | 41°46′ N | 979 | 砾石戈壁 Gravel gobi | |
库车县克孜尔乡千佛洞 Qianfo Caves, Kezier Township, Kuche County | 82°24′ E | 41°48′ N | 1 179 | 河滩砾石堆 Gravel pile of the beach | |
拜城县北10 km 10 km to north Baicheng County | 81°50′ E | 41°49′ N | 1 260 | 砾石堆 Gravel pile | |
柯坪县县城北10 km公路旁 Beside highway, 10 km to north Keping County | 79°4′ E | 40°33′ N | 1 175 | 水坝旁山坡 Slopes beside the Dam | |
疏附县乌帕乡东10 km公路旁 Beside highway, 10 km to east Wupa Township, Shufu County | 75°50′ E | 39°25′ N | 1 359 | 山前洪积扇 Piedmont diluvial | |
乌恰县康苏镇东5 km公路旁 Beside highway, 5 km to east Kangsu Town, Wuqia County | 75°06′ E | 39°42′ N | 2 198 | 砾石戈壁 Gravel gobi |
模型 Model | 最小存在阈值 Lowest predicted value threshold | 预测成功的个数 No. of successes predicted | 平均预测的面积比例 Mean fractional area predicted | p |
MAXENT | 18 | 16 | 0.159 4 | 0.011 2 |
GARP | 9 | 16 | 0.226 6 | 0.020 8 |
Table 2 Results of Maximum Entropy (MAXENT) and Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction (GARP) by using the leave one out
模型 Model | 最小存在阈值 Lowest predicted value threshold | 预测成功的个数 No. of successes predicted | 平均预测的面积比例 Mean fractional area predicted | p |
MAXENT | 18 | 16 | 0.159 4 | 0.011 2 |
GARP | 9 | 16 | 0.226 6 | 0.020 8 |
Fig. 3 Prediction success rate predicted by using Maximum Entropy (MAXENT) and Genetic Algorithm for Rule-set Prediction (GARP) at different lowest predicted value threshold.
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