The present paper deals with the oak durisilvae in the Himalayan region of China,, about its main characteristics and classified system.According to the characteristics of the A-shaped climatic diagrams of the meteorological stations in oak durisilvae region, the oak durisilvaeis regarded as the durisilvae of forests of the summer-rain region, which is different from the durisilvae of forests of the winter–rain region of U-shaped climatic diagrams of the world.According to the flora and ecological environment of the oak durisilvae, which is neither the subtropical laurisilvae nor the Mediterranean durisilvae,but is an endemic summer-rain durisilvae of the Himalayan region of China, and is often the climatic community of southern slopes in, the alpine region of west China.According to the dominant tree-species and the altitude, climate, soil, and associated tree-species, the Chinese oak durisilvae is classified into ten formations and two formation groups. The classified system is as follows.
Vegetation type: Durisilvae
Formation class: Durisilvae
Formation group: Subalpine oak durisilvae
Formation: Quercus aquifolioides forest
Quercus pannosa forest,
Quercus gilliana forest
Quercus longispica forest
Quercus guayavaefolia forest .
Formation group. Mountain oak durisilvae
Formation. Quercus semecarpifolia forest
Quercus pseudosemecarpifolia forest
Quercus senescens forest
Quercus cocciferoides forest
Quercus franchetii forest