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    Volume 8 Issue 3
    10 March 1984
    Research Articles
    Studies on the Sociological Characteristic and Biomass of Pine Plantation on Xishan in Beijing
    Chen Lingzhi, Ren Jikai, Bao Xiancheng, Chen Qinglang, Hu Yihui, Miao Yougui, Li Yang
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  173-181. 
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    The sample plots of 28-aged Pine plantation (Pinus tabulaeformis) were located on the southern and northern slope of Xishan (West Mountain) at an altitude of 300--350m. By using power equations W(stem weight)= 2.372 (D2H)0.664,W(branches weight)= 1.317 (D2H)0.992,W(leaves weight) = 1.417(D2H)0.833, and W(roots weight)= 1.593 (D2H)0.757, the biomass of stems, branches, leaves and roots was obtained. The biomass of tree layer of Pine plantation on the southern and northern slope was 29.13t/ha, 42.46t/ha respectively. By using direct harvest method to estimate the seasonal dynamic of shrub and herbaceous layers in Pine plantation, the biomass of the shrub layer on the southern and northern slope in August was 8.05t /ha and 5.78t/ha, the biomass of the herbaceous layer was 0.74t/ha and 0.77t/ha respectively. The total biomass of the Pine plantation on southern and northern slope was 38.08t/ha and 48.68t/ha respectively.
    Preliminary Researches on the Main Types of Dead Plants Combinations in Chinese Peat
    Lang Huiqing, Jin Shuren
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  182-188. 
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    The main types of dead plants combinations in Chinese peat are now tentatively divided into 15 groups of 6 types, according to the taxonomic principle that classifies by the genetic relations of the dead plants in the combinations and their qualitative differences of form, and on the basis of the dominant life patterns of the peat-forming plants and the dominant species of these plants in their combinations in peat.In order to avoid wasting of precious peat resources, the development and exploitation of these resources should be conducted rationally according to the principal characteristics of the dead plants combinations in the peat.Our country has a vast territory with complex natural conditions and a great variety of mire and the number of different types of peat formed of different dead plants is also very great. In the mineral bodies of peat, the succession of peat-forming mire, vegetation types gives rise to the vertical changes in the combinations of dead plants, and as a result, different types of peat are formed. Therefore, the study of the dead plants in peat has both a practical value for production and theoretical significance.
    The Main Natural Vegetation Types of Shanghai and Their Distribution
    Zhou Xiujia
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  189-198. 
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    The Shanghai district is situated in 30˚23′--31˚37′N. and 120˚50′-121˚45′E. It is bounded on the northeast by Jiangsu Province and on the southwest by Zhejiang Province. It has a total area of more than 6000km2.The flora of the hills and hillocks in the Shanghai district such as Sheshan and Dajinshan is composed mainly of plants of the Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Theaceae, Juglandaceae, Rosaceae and Gramineae. The evergreen broadleaf forests is composed mainly of the species Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Machilus thunbergii, Castanopsis sclerophylla and the subtropical bamboo groves of the species Phyllostachys congesta are the zonal vegetation of Shanghai. Now, secondary growth of the species Quercus fabri and various kinds of shrubs are widely distributed in the district of Shanghai.The northern boundary of the zone of central subtropical evergreen broadleaf forests in the territory of Shanghai should be the line formed by Gangshen, namely the line running from Waigang through Nanxiang, Xinzhang, Maqiao, and Zhelin to Chaojin.
    Ecological Characteristics of Vines in the Region of South China
    Zhou Yuanrui
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  199-206. 
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    This paper, from the view point of ecology, is a brief introduction to the studies on the distribution of the flora, biological and ecological characteristics, growth forms, action participating in the forest structure of the vines in the region of south China.The region of south China comprises wild vascular vines 1154 species, 278 genera and 81 families. About 16% (woody vines 10%, herb vines 6%) of the region flora is vines. The main families of the vines are Asclepiadaceae, Papilionaceae, Vitaceae, Rubiaceae, Apocynaceae, Convolvulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Menispermaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Smilacaceae, Annonaceae etc.All the vines here are incorporated into four growth forms, i.e. twiners about 4.1% of the region flora, climbers 11%, creepers 0.5% and epiphytes 0.4%.According to the above basic characteristics of the vines in south China, We may divide this region into three subregions, i. e. the south part, the middle part and the north part.
    A Study on the Lake Vegetation of Jiangsu Province
    Liu Fangxun, Huang Zhiyuan
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  207-216. 
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    Jiangsu Province which is one of the provinces having many lakes, is situated in latitude 30˚40′—35˚07′ north, longitude 116˚22′—121˚55′ east. It extends across southern temperate, northern subtropic and central subtropic bioclimatic belts. There are rich aquatic plants. The distribution of aquatic plants in lake is closely relative to the physical and chemical environments,particularly to the depth and transparency of lake water.Aquatic plants in this province have 62 species, 48 genera and 30 families, having four main life forms which are related to the position of plants on the water level:(1) Emergent plants with vegetative parts normally emerging above the surface of the water;(2) Attached plants with floating leaves;(3) Free-floating plants; (4 )Submerged plants generally attached to the bottom by roots.The adaptation of various life forms to different depths of water often results in a marked zonation of aquatic vegetation from shore to deep water. In a typical situation, the shallow water near the edge would be occupied by a zone of emergent plants. As the water becomes deeper these are replaced by rooted forms with floating leaves which in turn are fringed by a submerged plants zone and or free floating species.The floristic composition, formation and succession of aquatic vegetation are analysed and described.There are four basic vegetation types with sixteen main communities in aquatic vegetation in Jiangsu Province. Their major communities are grouped into following types:

    1. Emergent types:Phragmites australis community, Zizania latifolia community; Nelumbo nucifera community; Typha angustifolia community.

    2. Floating-leaved types:Euryale ferox community; Trapa incisa var. quadricaudata community; Nymphoides peltatum, Hydrocharis dubia community; Potamogeton distinctus community.

    3. Floating types:Leman minor, Spirodela polyrhiza community;Azolla imbricata, Salvinia natans community; Hydrocharis dubia community.

    4. Submerged types : Myriophyllum spicatum, Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum community; Myriophyllum spicatum community; Potamogeton malainus community; Potamogeton crispus, Vallisneria gigantea, Najas minor community.

    The distributions of all communities mentioned above have been individually described.

    The economical uses of aquatic vegetation are intensively discussed. It is a plant resources using as fish food, feed for livestock, sources of fibre for paper-making and weaving mats, agricultural tools and green manures. They can be used as food, green vegetable, medicine, the construction material of dwellings and fences, as well as for the purification of water bodies.

    A Method for Evaluating the Utilization Prospect of Terrestrial Plant Resources
    Zhang Chaofang
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  217-221. 
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    One of the means to promote the continuous perfaction of the management measures of natural resources is to provide some method for calculating or evaluating the utilization prospect of terrestrial plant resources. Taking the medicinal ferns of Zhejiang Province as an illustrative example, a method to this end is put forward by the author of this article.What makes it possible for this method to obtain the estimation value of the possible utilization amount is the five elements and the three-figure grades of each of them. The five elements are habitat (H), regenerative ability (R), frequency (F), abundance (A) and utilization (U). H and R are basically constant without variation, and F and A continue to use the conventional method of phytocoenology with the only difference that the scope of assessment is extended from a model plot of definite area to that of a natural region of vegetation or an administrative division. Only the element of utilization is subject to great changes, owing to the influence of human beings. This makes it the most important element of the five.The actual management of terrestrial plant resources(U)is based on the accumulated value V of the grade figures of the five elements, namely the assessed possible amount for utilization expressed in numerical value. But as it is possible that man’s subjectivity exists on the determination of the grades of management of natural resources, so it is requested that the actual situation of such resources be examined and checked again and again before any final decision is made.
    A Preliminary Study of the Interrelationship Between the Physiological Characteristics of Certain Enzymes in the Leaves of Two Species of Mangrove Plants and Soil Salinity in Tidal Swamps
    Lin Peng, Chen Dehai, Li Wujin
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  222-227. 
    Abstract ( 1950 )   PDF (378KB) ( 703 )   Save
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    This paper is part of a study of the mangrove forests in the estuary area of the Jiulongjiang River of Fujian Province. It deals mainly with the reaction of certain enzymes in the leaves of two species of mangroves, Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae) and Kandelia candel (Rhizophoraceae) to the changes in the soil salinity of tidal areas within the range of 3--12‰.The main results of tests and measurements are as follows:

    1. The reactions of the contents of peroxidase isozyme and cytochrome oxidase isozyme in the leaves of the Aegiceras corniculatum to the change in the salinity of the soil indicate that increase in the soil salinity within the range of 3--12‰ will deepen and widen the spectral band of peroxidase isozyme and cytochrome oxidase isozyme, and may even cause new enzyme band to appear in the spectra.

    2. As the soil salinity of tidal areas increases, the activity of the peroxidase in the leaves of the Aegiceras corniculatum will be intensified, but that of the glycollic acid oxidase in the leaves of the Kandelia candel will be weakened.

    3. The interrelationship of the chlorophyll contents in the leaves of the two species of mangrove plants and the soil salinity shows that when the soil salinity is within the range of 3--8‰, there will be not much change in the chlorophyll content, but there is a peak when salinity is between 8--10‰, over which the chlorophyll content will drop. This shows that it is possible that there exists a critical point in the mangrove’s adaptability to the soil salinity of tidal areas.

    A Brief Report on Survey of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Zhu-Xi of Longquan County Zhejiang Province
    He Shaoji, Cai Renhou, Hong Lixing, Zhang Shaoyao
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  228-234. 
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    The Vegetation of the Dongda Mountain Area in Zhangye Region
    Qiu Mingxin, Chen Bishou
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  235-239. 
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    A Historical Retrospect and Prospect on Environmental Botany and Experimental Plant Ecology in China
    Jiang Shu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  240-242. 
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    Lecture of Plant Ecology and Geobotany Held in Kunming
    Jin Zhenzhou
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  245-246. 
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    An Outline of Plant Ecological Researches in Sweden
    I. Backéus, Zhang Liquan
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  247-252. 
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    The 2ndCongress of Ecological Society of China
    Yin Zhao
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1984, 8 (3):  253-253. 
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