植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 529-538.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0047
所属专题: 植被生态学
* (gcshen@des.ecnu.edu.cn)基金资助:
YU Qiu-Wu1,2, YANG Jing1,2, SHEN Guo-Chun1,2,3,*()
SHEN Guo-Chun
Supported by:
森林林冠结构能改变林下微气候条件, 可能会形成独立于地面生境的空间结构, 进而影响群落物种组成差异。该研究利用机载激光雷达获取浙江天童20 hm2常绿阔叶林样地的高精度林冠结构信息, 初步探讨了林冠结构与群落物种组成差异的关系, 结果表明: (1)未考虑林冠结构时, 独立于地面生境的空间结构是天童样地群落物种组成差异的重要影响因子, 在100 m2、400 m2、2 500 m2样方尺度上, 其对群落物种组成差异的解释率分别为25.2%、28.1%、8.0%。(2)考虑林冠结构后, 林冠结构使独立于地面生境的空间结构对群落物种组成差异的解释率降低了约1/3 (26.2%-36.0%)。(3)林冠结构因子中, 林冠高度对群落物种组成差异影响最大, 其次为林冠内部结构; 随样方尺度增大, 林冠高度对群落物种组成差异的影响降低, 林冠内部结构的影响逐渐增加。该研究结果证明了林冠结构是独立于地面生境的空间结构的主要驱动因子, 对天童植物群落物种组成差异具有不可忽视的重要作用。这些结果明晰了林冠结构因子中林冠高度和内部结构的重要性。
余秋伍, 杨菁, 沈国春. 浙江天童常绿阔叶林林冠结构与群落物种组成的关系. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(5): 529-538. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0047
YU Qiu-Wu, YANG Jing, SHEN Guo-Chun. Relationship between canopy structure and species composition of an evergreen broadleaf forest in Tiantong region, Zhejiang, China. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(5): 529-538. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0047
图1 浙江天童常绿阔叶林林冠结构示意图。由激光雷达获取的森林三维点云数据, 分别划分为高度结构和内部结构类型(详见表1)。
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of canopy structure of evergreen broadleaf forest in Tiantong, Zhejiang Province. The 3D point cloud data of the forest acquired by LiDAR was classified as the height structure and internal structure (see Table 1 for details).
结构类别 Structure type | 冠层结构指数 Canopy structure index | 描述 Description | 文献 Reference |
高度结构 Height structure | 最大树高 Maximum tree height | 群落中树冠高度的最大值 The maximum value of canopy height in a community | Cazzolla-Gatti et al., 2017 |
95%分位数高度 95% quantile height | 近似于森林冠层峰值高度, 由首次回波统计获得 Approximates the peak height of the forest canopy, obtained from the point cloud of the first echo | Riaño et al., | |
标准差(首次回波) Standard deviation (first echo) | 反映单木树高的离散程度 Describe the dispersion of each individual tree | Nelson et al., | |
内部结构 Internal structure | 叶高度多样性 Foliage height diversity | 描述植被剖面的叶密度和高度分布 Describe the density and height distribution of foliage in a vegetation profile | Clawges et al., |
植被穿透率 Vegetation permeability | 植被首次回波在二次回波中的比例, 由首次回波和所有二次回波计算所得 Ratio of the first echo of vegetation to the second echo, calculated from the first echo and all the second echoes | Moffiet et al., | |
偏度(首次回波) Skewness (first echo) | 与峰态(首次回波)高度相关 Highly correlated with kurtosis (first echo) | Antonarakis et al., | |
郁闭度 Closure | 冠层的郁闭度 Closure of the canopy | Korhonen et al., |
表1 基于激光雷达提取的浙江天童常绿阔叶林林冠层结构参数
Table 1 Forest canopy structure parameters of LiDAR-derived in Tiantong evergreen broadleaf forest, Zhejiang Province
结构类别 Structure type | 冠层结构指数 Canopy structure index | 描述 Description | 文献 Reference |
高度结构 Height structure | 最大树高 Maximum tree height | 群落中树冠高度的最大值 The maximum value of canopy height in a community | Cazzolla-Gatti et al., 2017 |
95%分位数高度 95% quantile height | 近似于森林冠层峰值高度, 由首次回波统计获得 Approximates the peak height of the forest canopy, obtained from the point cloud of the first echo | Riaño et al., | |
标准差(首次回波) Standard deviation (first echo) | 反映单木树高的离散程度 Describe the dispersion of each individual tree | Nelson et al., | |
内部结构 Internal structure | 叶高度多样性 Foliage height diversity | 描述植被剖面的叶密度和高度分布 Describe the density and height distribution of foliage in a vegetation profile | Clawges et al., |
植被穿透率 Vegetation permeability | 植被首次回波在二次回波中的比例, 由首次回波和所有二次回波计算所得 Ratio of the first echo of vegetation to the second echo, calculated from the first echo and all the second echoes | Moffiet et al., | |
偏度(首次回波) Skewness (first echo) | 与峰态(首次回波)高度相关 Highly correlated with kurtosis (first echo) | Antonarakis et al., | |
郁闭度 Closure | 冠层的郁闭度 Closure of the canopy | Korhonen et al., |
图3 天童森林群落林冠结构总解释率中各结构类型占比(平均值±标准误)。高度结构: 最大树高、95%分位数高度、标准差(首次回波)。内部结构: 叶高度多样性、植被穿透率、偏度(首次回波)、郁闭度(各结构类型的定义参见表1)。
Fig. 3 Contribution of each structure type in the total explanation of canopy structure in Tiantong forest communities (mean ± SE). Height structure included maximum tree height, 95% quantile height and standard deviation (first echo). Internal structure included foliage height diversity, vegetation permeability, skewness (first echo) and closure (see Table 1 for the definition of each structural type).
图2 不同样方尺度上各变量对天童森林群落物种组成差异的解释率。A, 基于地面生境的方差分解分析, 生境和空间结构对群落物种组成的解释率。B, 加入林冠结构后, 不同样方尺度上, 生境和空间结构对群落物种组成的解释率。C, 加入林冠结构后, 不同样方尺度上, 空间结构中由林冠结构解释的比例。R2adj, 调整后的R2。
Fig. 2 Adjusted R2 (R2adj) of different explanatory variables for species compositional differences in Tiantong forest communities. A, R2adj of habitat and spatial structure on species composition based on the ground-level habitat variance partitioning analysis. B, R2adj of habitat and spatial structure on species composition with the addition of canopy structure. C, Proportion of spatial structure explained by canopy structure at different plot scales with the addition of canopy structure.
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