植物生态学报 ›› 2008, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 1201-1212.DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.025
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NI Jian
古植被定量重建是过去全球变化研究的重点之一, 生物群区化(Biomisation)方法以特征植物功能型来定义生物群区, 通过一种标准化数量方法计算孢粉谱的相似得分, 以此把孢粉谱转变为生物群区类型, 是进行古植被定量重建的一种有效方法。该文在前人综述文章的基础上, 简述了生物群区化方法定量重建古植被格局的发展历史、具体步骤及存在问题, 重点描述了以此方法为基础重建的全新世中期(MH)和末次盛冰期(LGM)的全球古植被分布格局, 以及中国的古植被定量重建工作和古植被格局变化。目前的研究表明, 全新世中期北极森林界线在某些地区有轻微的北移迹象, 北部的温带森林带通常向北远距离迁移, 欧洲的温带落叶林也大范围向地中海地区(向南)和向北扩展, 在北美内陆, 草原侵入到森林生物群区, 但中亚地区却没有此现象, 中国大陆的森林生物群区扩张, 典型撒哈尔植被(如干草原、干旱疏林灌丛和热带干旱森林)进入撒哈拉地区, 而非洲热带雨林却呈减少趋势; 末次盛冰期苔原和草原扩张, 在欧亚大陆北部逐渐混合, 北半球的森林生物群区向南迁移, 北方常绿森林(泰加林)和温带落叶林呈碎片状, 而欧洲和东亚的草原却大范围扩张, 非洲的热带湿润森林(比如热带雨林和热带季雨林)有所减少, 在北美洲的西南地区, 荒漠和草原被开阔针叶疏林所取代。
陈瑜, 倪健. 利用孢粉记录定量重建大尺度古植被格局. 植物生态学报, 2008, 32(5): 1201-1212. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.025
CHEN Yu, NI Jian. QUANTITATIVE PALAEOVEGETATION RECONSTRUCTION AT LARGE SCALE BASED ON POLLEN RECORDS. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2008, 32(5): 1201-1212. DOI: 10.3773/j.issn.1005-264x.2008.05.025
图1 表土孢粉重建的现代植被(a)以及全新世中期(b)和末次盛冰期(c)全球古生物群区分布格局 该图基于Prentice等(2000)并利用最新数据进行了重绘(复制自 http://www.bridge.bris.ac.uk/ resources/Databases/ BIOMES_data), 其中表土花粉记录11166个, 全新世中期样点1 794个, 末次盛冰期样点318个 The maps were redrawn from Prentice et al.(2000) and new data (copied from http: //www.bridge.bris.ac.uk/resources/Databases/BIOMES_data). The surface pollen sites are 11166, MH sites 1794 and LGM sites 318. 图中生物群区类型如下(The biome types are as follows): tropical evergreen broadleaf forest: 热带常绿阔叶林 tropical semi-evergreen broadleaf forest: 热带半常绿阔叶林 tropical deciduous broadleaf forest & woodland: 热带落叶阔叶林/疏林 temperate deciduous broadleaf forest: 温带落叶阔叶林 temperate evergreen needleleaf forest: 温带常绿针叶林 warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf & mixed forest: 暖温带常绿阔叶/混交林 cool mixed forest: 冷温带混交林 cool evergreen needleleaf forest: 冷温带常绿针叶林 cool-temperate evergreen needleleaf & mixed forest: 冷温带常绿针叶/混交林 cold evergreen needleleaf forest: 寒带常绿针叶林 cold deciduous forest: 寒带落叶林 tropical savanna: 热带稀树干草原 tropical xerophytic shrubland: 热带干旱灌丛 temperate xerophytic shrubland: 温带干旱灌丛 temperate sclerophyll woodland and shrubland: 温带硬叶疏林和灌丛 temperate deciduous broadleaf savanna: 温带落叶阔叶稀树干草原 temperate evergreen needleleaf open woodland: 温带常绿针叶开阔疏林 cold parkland: 寒带稀树草地 tropical grassland: 热带草原 temperate grassland: 温带草原 desert: 荒漠 graminoid and forb tundra: 禾草和杂类草苔原 low and high shrub tundra: 高和矮灌木苔原 erect dwarf-shrub tundra: 直立矮灌木苔原 prostrate dwarf-shrub tundra: 匍匐矮灌木苔原 cushion-forb tundra: 垫状草苔原 barren: 荒原 ice: 冰川 tundra: 苔原 warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf forest: 暖温带常绿阔叶林 steppe: 干草原 xerophytic woods/scrub: 干旱林地/灌丛 warm temperate rainforest: 暖温带雨林 wet sclerophyll forest: 潮湿硬叶林 cool temperate rainforest: 冷温带雨林 semi-arid woodland scrub: 半干旱疏林灌丛 heathland: 欧石南灌丛 alpine grassland: 高山草原 moor: 沼泽 temp. grassland and xerophytic shrubland: 温带草原和干旱灌丛
Fig. 1 Present-day vegetation reconstructed from surface pollen samples (a) and palaeobiomes in the Mid-Holocene (b) and at the Last Glacial Maximum (c)
图2 中国古生物群区图 (a)基于表土花粉重建的现代植被Modern vegetation based on surface pololen records (b)全新世中期Mid-Holocene (c)末次盛冰期Last Glacial。复制自Ni et al.1)。Maximum copied from Ni et al.1) 图中生物群区类型如下(The biome types are as follows): cold deciduous forest: 寒带落叶林 cold evergreen needleleaf forest: 寒带常绿针叶林 cold-temperate evergreen needleleaf and mixed forest: 寒温带常绿针叶林和混交林 cool evergreen needleleaf forest: 冷温带常绿针叶林 cool mixed forest: 冷温带混交林 temperate deciduous broadleaf forest: 温带落叶阔叶林 warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf and mixed forest: 暖温带常绿阔叶林和混交林 warm-temperate evergreen broadleaf forest: 暖温带常绿阔叶林 tropical semi-evergreen broadleaf forest: 热带半常绿阔叶林 tropical evergreen broadleaf forest: 热带常绿阔叶林 tropical deciduous broadleaf forest and woodland: 热带落叶阔叶林和疏林 temperate xerophytic shrubland: 温带干旱灌丛 temperate grassland: 温带草原 desert: 荒漠 cushion-forb tundra: 垫状草苔原 graminoid and forb tundra: 禾草和杂类草苔原 prostrate dwarf-shrub tundra: 匍匐矮灌木苔原 erect dwarf-shrub tundra: 直立矮灌木苔原 low and high shrub tundra: 高和矮灌木苔原
Fig. 2 Palaeobiomes of China
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