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  1. 1. 海南省热带生态环境修复工程研究中心,海南大学生态学院
    2. 海南大学植物保护学院
    3. 海南大学生态与环境学院
    4. 海南大学
  • 收稿日期:2024-09-12 修回日期:2024-12-12 出版日期:2025-01-20 发布日期:2025-01-20
  • 通讯作者: 杨帆

Response of mangrove fine root functional traits to soil nutrient changes at different tide levels in Dongzhaigang, Hainan Province

Li Mengqi1,lingfeng Miao2,Li dadong3,long yifan1,ye bingbing1,Fan Yang4   

  1. 1. Center for Eco-Environmental Restoration Engineering of Hainan Province
    2. School of Plant Protection, Hainan University
    3. School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences, Hainan University
    4. Hainan University
  • Received:2024-09-12 Revised:2024-12-12 Online:2025-01-20
  • Contact: Fan Yang

摘要: 摘要:不同程度潮汐水淹会对红树林沉积物养分及其化学计量特征产生显著影响,而植物细根功能性状则是应对养分变化的重要策略。然而,人们对不同潮位下红树林沉积物养分变化与细根功能性状的相关研究缺乏深入认识,且目前从细根功能性状尺度探究外来与本土红树植物的养分获取策略的研究相对较少。为进一步确定红树林细根功能性状对根际沉积物养分变化的响应,探究其资源利用策略,该研究以本土物种海莲(Bruguiera sexangula)和外来物种无瓣海桑(Sonneratia apetala)为对象,基于不同潮位进行细根与根际沉积物取样,分析不同潮位下两种红树植物细根功能性状与根际沉积物部分养分含量及酶活性的关系。结果表明:1)外来物种无瓣海桑比本土物种海莲养分获取需求更高,代谢能力更强,且两树种均受到一定程度的氮限制。2)在一定范围内,沉积物氮、磷转化速率随着水淹程度升高而显著加快,沉积物铵态氮、硝态氮、有效磷含量随着水淹时间增加而增加。3)两物种细根的比根长与沉积物中硝态氮含量呈显著正相关,说明沉积物养分有效性的增加对红树植物根系的伸长具有重要促进作用。本研究可为红树林生态系统的环境保护及生物资源开发和利用提供基础数据和科学参考。

关键词: 红树林, 细根功能性状, 潮位, 沉积物养分, 营养限制

Abstract: Abstract Aim Different levels of tidal flooding have significant effects on mangrove sediment nutrients and stoichiometric characteristics, and plant fine root functional traits are important strategies to cope with nutrient changes. However, there is a lack of in-depth understanding on the correlation between mangrove sediment nutrient changes and fine root functional traits at different tide levels, and relatively few studies have been conducted to explore the nutrient acquisition strategies of exotic and native mangrove plants from the scale of fine root functional traits. Methods The study used native species Bruguiera sexangular and exotic species Sonneratia apetala to sample fine root and rhizosphere sediments at different tide levels. The relationship between fine root functional traits of two mangrove species and the content of nutrients and enzyme activities in rhizosphere sediments was analyzed. Important findings The results showed as follows: 1) The exotic species has higher nutrient acquisition requirements and stronger metabolic capacity than the native species, and both species are subject to a certain degree of nitrogen restriction. 2) Within a certain range, the conversion rates of nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments accelerate significantly with the increase of waterlogging degree, and the contents of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and available phosphorus in sediments increase with the increase of waterlogging time. 3) The specific root length of fine roots of the two species was significantly positively correlated with the nitrate nitrogen content in the sediment, indicating that the increase of sediment nutrient availability played an important role in promoting the root elongation of mangrove plants. This study can provide basic data and scientific refercne for the environmental protection of mangrove ecosystem and the development and utilization of biological resources.

Key words: Mangroves, Fine root functional traits, Intertidal elevation, Sediment nutrients, Nutritional restriction