Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2020, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (11): 1172-1183.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2020.0177
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
TA Feng1,2, LIU Xian-De1,2,*(), LIU Run-Hong3, ZHAO Wei-Jun2, JING Wen-Mao2, MA Jian2, WU Xiu-Rong2, ZHAO Jing-Zhong2, MA Xue-E2
LIU Xian-De
Supported by:
TA Feng, LIU Xian-De, LIU Run-Hong, ZHAO Wei-Jun, JING Wen-Mao, MA Jian, WU Xiu-Rong, ZHAO Jing-Zhong, MA Xue-E. Spatial distribution patterns and association of Picea crassifolia population in Dayekou Basin of Qilian Mountains, northwestern China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2020, 44(11): 1172-1183.
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Fig. 1 Spatial distribution of Picea crassifolia individuals with different diameter at breast height (DBH) in the forest dynamics plot of 10.2 hm2 in Dayekou Basin of Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. I, diameter class I (saplings); II, diameter class II (small trees); III, diameter class III (medium trees); IV, diameter class IV (big trees).
Fig. 2 Size structure of all individuals in the forest dynamics plot of 10.2 hm2 in Dayekou Basin of Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. The size of individuals was estimated by their diameter at breast height (DBH). I, 1-5 cm; II, 5-12.5 cm; III, 12.5-22.5 cm; IV, ≥22.5 cm.
Fig. 3 Spatial distribution pattern of Picea crassifolia individuals with different diameter at breast height (DBH) in the forest dynamics plot in Dayekou Basin of Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. A, DBH class I (saplings). B, DBH class II (small trees). C, DBH class III (medium trees). D, DBH class IV (big trees). r, the radius of the sampling circle with the target tree as the centroid; ?gobs(r), the function value of the pair-correlation function (g(r)); gtheo(r), the expected value of the g(r) function; the gray shaded part is the 99% confidence interval.
Fig. 4 Spatial association of Picea crassifolia individuals with different diameter at breast height in the forest dynamics plot in Dayekou Basin of Qilian Mountains, northwestern China. A, Saplings and small trees. B, Saplings and medium trees. C, Saplings and big trees. D, Small trees and medium trees. E, Small trees and big trees. F, Medium trees and big trees. r, the radius of the sampling circle with the target tree as the dot; ?gobs(r), the function value of the bivariate pair-correlation function (g12(r)); gtheo(r), the theoretical value of the g12(r) function; the gray shaded part is the 99% confidence interval; 1-4 indicate four different diameter classes.
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