Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (2): 192-200.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0147 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0147
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HAN Da-Yong1(), LI Hai-Yan2, ZHANG Wei1, YANG Yun-Fei1,2,*(
* (Supported by:
HAN Da-Yong, LI Hai-Yan, ZHANG Wei, YANG Yun-Fei. Nutrient transportation and aging process of ramets in Aster pekinensis populations on Songnen grassland, China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2024, 48(2): 192-200.
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Fig. 1 Comparisons on the water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) contents among three age classes in the storage organs of ramets in Aster pekinensis populations at different growth stages (mean ± SE). A, Stem bases. B, Root collars. C, Taproots. D, Average of three storage organs of each age class ramet. EF, early flowering stage; ER, early resprouting stage; MR, milk ripening stage; RS, ripening stage; RV, rapid vegetative growth stage; YL, yellow leaves stage. Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference among different age classes at the same growth stage (p < 0.05); ns, p > 0.05.
Fig. 2 Comparisons of the water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) contents among storage organs with different age classes in Aster pekinensis populations at different growth stages (mean ± SE). A, 1a age class. B, 2a age class. C, 3a age class. D, Average of three age class ramets. Different lowercase letters indicate a significant difference among different organs at the same growth stage (p < 0.05); ns, p > 0.05. EF, early flowering stage; ER, early resprouting stage; MR, milk ripening stage; RS, ripening stage; RV, rapid vegetative growth stage; YL, yellow leaves stage.
贮藏器官 Storage organ | 龄级 Age class | n | 方程 Equation | 参数 Parameter | R2 | p | ||
a | b/b1 | b2 | ||||||
茎基部 Stem base | 1a | 24 | E | 1.054 3 | 0.010 1 | - | 0.417 5 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | E | 0.679 9 | 0.017 0 | - | 0.779 1 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | E | 1.071 2 | 0.013 3 | - | 0.659 9 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | E | 0.911 0 | 0.013 8 | - | 0.703 0 | <0.01 | |
根颈 Root collar | 1a | 24 | E | 3.146 1 | 0.005 4 | - | 0.430 3 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | Q | 5.915 1 | -0.084 4 | 0.000 6 | 0.618 5 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | Q | 3.560 9 | -0.018 6 | 0.000 2 | 0.269 5 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | Q | 4.437 9 | -0.032 6 | 0.000 3 | 0.533 0 | <0.01 | |
主根 Taproot | 1a | 24 | Q | 12.597 0 | -0.121 9 | 0.000 7 | 0.450 0 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | Q | 11.237 0 | -0.127 4 | 0.000 8 | 0.638 3 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | Q | 7.805 1 | -0.071 6 | 0.000 5 | 0.361 9 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | Q | 10.744 0 | -0.102 2 | 0.000 6 | 0.593 2 | <0.01 |
Table 1 Parameters of regression equations and their significance tests of the water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) contents (y, %) in Aster pekinensis storage organs of three age classes ramets with the growth times (x, d)
贮藏器官 Storage organ | 龄级 Age class | n | 方程 Equation | 参数 Parameter | R2 | p | ||
a | b/b1 | b2 | ||||||
茎基部 Stem base | 1a | 24 | E | 1.054 3 | 0.010 1 | - | 0.417 5 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | E | 0.679 9 | 0.017 0 | - | 0.779 1 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | E | 1.071 2 | 0.013 3 | - | 0.659 9 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | E | 0.911 0 | 0.013 8 | - | 0.703 0 | <0.01 | |
根颈 Root collar | 1a | 24 | E | 3.146 1 | 0.005 4 | - | 0.430 3 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | Q | 5.915 1 | -0.084 4 | 0.000 6 | 0.618 5 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | Q | 3.560 9 | -0.018 6 | 0.000 2 | 0.269 5 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | Q | 4.437 9 | -0.032 6 | 0.000 3 | 0.533 0 | <0.01 | |
主根 Taproot | 1a | 24 | Q | 12.597 0 | -0.121 9 | 0.000 7 | 0.450 0 | <0.01 |
2a | 24 | Q | 11.237 0 | -0.127 4 | 0.000 8 | 0.638 3 | <0.01 | |
3a | 24 | Q | 7.805 1 | -0.071 6 | 0.000 5 | 0.361 9 | <0.01 | |
平均 Mean | 24 | Q | 10.744 0 | -0.102 2 | 0.000 6 | 0.593 2 | <0.01 |
Fig. 3 Observed values and the fitting curves of seasonal changes in the water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) contents in the stem base, the root collar and the taproot of different age classes ramets in Aster pekinensis populations.
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