Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (10): 1124-1134.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00107
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
WU Hui, DAI Hai-Fang, ZHANG Ju-Song*(), JIAO Xiao-Ling, LIU Cui, SHI Jun-Yi, FAN Zhi-Chao, ALIYAN ·Rouzi
WU Hui, DAI Hai-Fang, ZHANG Ju-Song, JIAO Xiao-Ling, LIU Cui, SHI Jun-Yi, FAN Zhi-Chao, ALIYAN ·Rouzi. Responses of photosynthetic characteristics to low temperature stress and recovery treatment in cotton seedling leaves[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2014, 38(10): 1124-1134.
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Fig. 1 Effects of low temperature stress and recovery treatment on photosynthetic parameters in cotton seedling leaves (mean ± SE). Different letters indicate significance differences among different treatments for the same parameter (p < 0.05). CK indicates normal cotton seedlings; S1 and S2 indicate 24 h and 48 h stresses, respectively; R1 and R2 indicate recovery treatment at 25 ℃ for 24 h following S1 and S2 treatments, respectively.
Fig. 2 Effects of low temperature stress and recovery treatment on light-energy conversion and transmission in cotton seedling leaves (mean ± SE). Different letters indicate significance differences among different treatments for the same parameter (p < 0.05). CK indicates normal cotton seedlings; S1 and S2 indicate 24 h and 48 h stresses, respectively; R1 and R2 indicate recovery treatment at 25 °C for 24 h following S1 and S2 treatments, respectively. ΦPSII, actual quantum yield; Fv/Fm, maximum photochemical efficiency; Fv′/Fm′, maximum photochemical efficiency in light adaptation; rETR, relative electron transport rate.
Fig. 3 Photosynthetic light response curves of cotton seedlings under recovery treatment after 48 h of low temperature stress. PAR, photosynthetically active radiation.
品种 Cultivars | 处理温度 Temperature of treatment (℃) | 线性拟合方程 Linear fitting equation | 拟合度 R2 |
‘新陆早33号’ ‘Xinluzao 33’ | 25 | y = 0.0296x - 1.2910 | 0.981 9** |
15 | y = 0.0286x - 1.1938 | 0.990 3** | |
10 | y = 0.0185x - 1.4117 | 0.989 0** | |
5 | y = 0.0177x - 2.1997 | 0.990 7** | |
‘中棉所50号’ ‘Zhongmiansuo 50’ | 25 | y= 0.0290x - 0.8431 | 0.969 7** |
15 | y = 0.0283x - 1.0236 | 0.969 7** | |
10 | y = 0.0247x - 0.9529 | 0.977 4** | |
5 | y = 0.0206x - 2.0505 | 0.982 7** |
Table 1 Linear fitting equation of the initial portions (PAR < 200 μmol·m-2·s-1) of photosynthesis-light response curves
品种 Cultivars | 处理温度 Temperature of treatment (℃) | 线性拟合方程 Linear fitting equation | 拟合度 R2 |
‘新陆早33号’ ‘Xinluzao 33’ | 25 | y = 0.0296x - 1.2910 | 0.981 9** |
15 | y = 0.0286x - 1.1938 | 0.990 3** | |
10 | y = 0.0185x - 1.4117 | 0.989 0** | |
5 | y = 0.0177x - 2.1997 | 0.990 7** | |
‘中棉所50号’ ‘Zhongmiansuo 50’ | 25 | y= 0.0290x - 0.8431 | 0.969 7** |
15 | y = 0.0283x - 1.0236 | 0.969 7** | |
10 | y = 0.0247x - 0.9529 | 0.977 4** | |
5 | y = 0.0206x - 2.0505 | 0.982 7** |
Fig. 4 Parameters of photosynthetic light response curves under recovery treatment after 48 h of low temperature stress (mean ± SE). Different letters indicate significance differences among different treatments for the same parameter (p < 0.05).
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