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    Volume 25 Issue 6
    10 June 2001
    Research Articles
    Advances in Assessment of Ecosystem Health
    LI Jin, AN Shu-Qing, CHENG Xiao-Li, WANG Yun-Jing, ZHUO Yuan-Wu, Qin Feng-Fei
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  641-647. 
    Abstract ( 2222 )   PDF (628KB) ( 1844 )   Save
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    Species Diversity Changes in Subalpine Coniferous Forests of Different Restoration Stages and Their Effects on Soil Properties
    WU Yan, LIU Qing, QIAO Yong-kang, PAN Kai-we, ZHAO Chang-ming, CHEN Qing-heng
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  648-655. 
    Abstract ( 2359 )   PDF (704KB) ( 1233 )   Save
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    The species diversity changes of subalpine coniferous forests at different restoration stages in western Sichuan province were studied and the responses of 17 soil factors to the species diversity changes were examined by multiple regression analyses. The results showed that species diversity tended to increase gradually with the growth of plantation ages and the species composition in layers of arbor, shrub and herbs changed accordingly. However, restoration of species diversity in subalpine coniferous plantations was quite slow. Responses of physical and chemical properties of soil to species diversity changes varied in different stands. Apparent density and water content which are closely related to the water conservation function of the soil were improved along with increasing species diversity. The accumulated litters, organic matters, hydrolyzed acid and the contents of Ca, Mg, and P in soil, the indicators that represent soil nutrition, also increased with the increase of species diversity in the layers of arbor and shrub, but the content of K2O decreased with the increase of herbage species diversity. We developed the correlative equations of the above-mentioned 9 soil factors with the species diversity indices. The other 8 soil factors showed no direct linear correlation with the diversity indices. Protecting and increasing species diversity in subalpine coniferous plantations can improve part of the soil nutrients and promote the restoration of ecological functions.
    Litterfall Response to Human Impacts in a Dinghushan Pine Forest
    MO Jiang-Ming, KONG Gou-Hui, Sandra BROWN, FANG Yun-Ting, ZHANG You-Chang
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  656-664. 
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    Zinc Tolerance and Hyperaccumulation in a New Ecotype of Sedum alfredii Hance
    YANG Xiao-E, LONG Xin-Xian, NI Wu-Zhong, NI Shi-Feng
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  665-672. 
    Abstract ( 2285 )   PDF (644KB) ( 1225 )   Save
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    Plants growing on heavy metal polluted soil environment can gradually evolve into differentiated ecotypes. In a survey of plant population in Zn/Pb mining and non-mining areas in southeast China,a new Zn-hyperaccumulating ecotype of Sedum alfredii Hance was found in an old Zn/Pb mining area. The old-mining ecotype showed a thicker stem, larger leaves and greater height and biomass under both natural and controlled growth conditions, relative to the non-mining ecotype. Shoot Zn concentration in the old-mining ecotype plants which grew on old mining soils with available Zn of 105.5-325.4 mg·kg-1,ranged 4134--5000 mg·kg-1,and reached as high as 2% under control condition. Shoot Zn concentration of the old-mining ecotype plants was over 30 times higher than that of the non-mining ecotype plants growing at the same external Zn concentration in the nutrient solution culture experiment (1223.6 μmol·L-1 in nutrient solution for 12 days). The distribution of Zinc in the plant differed between the two ecotypes, being stem > leaf > roots for the old-mining ecotype and root > stem > leaf for the non-mining ecotype. Shoot/root Zn ratio exceeded 10 in the old-mining ecotype, but were always 1 for the non-mining ecotype. The results showed that the old-mining ecotype of S. alfredii Hance is a Zn-hyperaccumulating ecotype, which has evolved from long-term exposure of plants to a high Zn soil environment. The finding of this ecotype is of importance for understanding micro-evolution mechanisms of Zn tolerance and hyperaccumulation of plants ,and for providing a new material for phytoremediation of Zn contaminated soils.
    Size Structure, Ecological Significance and Population Origin of Quercus wutaishanica Forest in Beijing Mountainous Area
    Gao Xian-Ming, Wang Wei, Du Xiao-Jun, Ma Ke-Ping
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  673-678. 
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    Size structure analysis of Quercus wutaishanica (Liaodong oak) forest in a mountainous area of Beijing city indicates that while the oak forest is rather stable its regeneration mainly relies on stem base-sprouting. The size structure of populations of Acer mono, Ulmus macrocarpa, and Fraxinus rhynchophylla, the main associated species in the oak forests ,indicate that these are also able to co-exist the oak. The phenomenon of sprouting from the bases of the oak stems is very common in these forests. In addition to sprouting from stumps and bases of dead and aged individuals, new stems of seedlings and saplings also usually sprout basally. The size structure of the oak populations shows a clear bottleneck at the sapling stage (size class 2) during forest regeneration. However, through its sprouting ability, the number of stump-sprouting, size-class 3 individuals is large enough to make up the shortage of saplings and complete the regeneration of populations. It is as a result of this resprouting process that the forest is able to maintain its stability. On the other hand, the cohort of seedlings ,though limited in size, has ecological significance through its role in maintaining genetic diversity, the vigor of the oak population as whole and the stability of the communities in which it occurs as well as improving thee oak’s adapting ability to the environmental changes.
    Leaf Growth and Herbivory Dynamics of Saplings in Tropical Seasonal Rainforest Gaps in Xishuangbanna
    ZHENG Zheng, CHEN Xu-Dong, MAO Hong-Wei, ZHENG Quan, YU Fan
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  679-686. 
    Abstract ( 2373 )   PDF (663KB) ( 1420 )   Save
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    Leaf growth and herbivory dynamics of six tree species saplings were measured in tropical seasonal rainforest gaps in Xishuangbanna, SW China. Leaf growth in all six species mostly occurred in the rainy season (from May to Oct. ) and ceased in the foggy cool period (from Nov. to Feb. ) of the dry season. Saplings of the heliophilous species studied began to sprout in the dry hot period (from March to April) of the dry season, but saplings of the climax species began to sprout at the beginning of rainy season in May. These results indicate that low temperature during the foggy cool period restrained leaf sprouting in both groups while water deficiency during the dry hot period restrained leaf sprouting for climax species. Leafing synchrony, measured as the coefficients of variation (C. V. ) of leaf production in per two months, the 6 species were ranked as follows. Shorea chinensis (1.42), Pseuduvaria indochinensis (1.41), Duabanga grandiflora (1.02), Gmelina arborea (0.98), Anthocephalus chinensis (0. 84), Cassia siamea (0. 84). Peaks of leaf fall for some of the tree species saplings coincided with the dry season while serious herbivory of G. arborea leaves resulted in intensive defoliation of that species during July and August also. Leaf herbivory was strongest in the rainy season. While the leafing of A. chinensis and G. arborea in the dry hot periods may act to reduce herbivory, but for C. siamea, the synchronization of leafing during the time did not appear to affect the rate of leaf damage by herbivores. For these six species saplings, the annual leaf production processes were positively correlated with annual leaf herbivory processes. These correlations reached significance (p <0.05 or p<0.01) for S. chinensis, P. indochinensis, D. grandiflora and A. chinensis. For S. chinensis, P. indochinensis, the synchronization of leafing at the beginning of the rainy season may also act to lighten herbivory impacts. Leaf-eating insects preferred young leaves to mature leaves. On an average, young leaf area eaten accounted for 72.9% of the total leaf herbivory, and the grazing rates (Percentage of leaf area eaten per month) of young leaves was 4.3 times higher than that of mature leaves.
    Application of the Multi-Dimensional Sphere Model in Rangeland Monitoring Data Analysis
    T. Jay BAI, HAO Dun-Yuan, Aqilatu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  687-692. 
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    Monitoring grassland is important and possible. Multi-Dimensional Sphere Model (MDSM) is a new multivariate data analysis method to analyze the grassland monitoring data. Grassland can be expressed as a point in multivariate space, or a multi-component vector. The magnitude of the vector expresses the biomass of the grassland, but the direction of the vector expresses the composition of the grassland. For temporal dynamic analysis, the composition of the grassland is more important than the production of the grassland, and the ratio of the changes can explain more than the differences do. Both the geometrical and arithmetic series can be adopted to analyze the grassland monitoring data. However, MDSM prefers the geometrical series. Moving average and second degree trend may be introduced to improve the model.
    Reproductive Strategies of Tetraena mongolica Maxim
    WANG Ying-Chun, HOU Yan-Wei, ZHANG Ying-Juan, YANG Chi
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  699-703. 
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    While sexual reproduction is the major reproductive process in Tetraena mongolica Maxim vegetative propagation is also important. The following are the characteristics of sexual reproduction: 1) a mixed breeding system with self- (15%) and cross-breeding (50%); 2) a pattern of fruit and seed yield in which plants produce many more flowers than fruits; the flowering rate contacts with environment, amount of rainfall, age of plant, which is different in different populations; age structure has a significant effect on the flowering rate of populations; in high rainfall years, both flowering rates (40%-80%), and flowers per plant are high; population seeding rates were low in all of the three years studied (from 19.8% in 1996 to 12.2% in 1998); because of the large amount of flowers produced, the yield of populations is not greatly affected by this low seeding ratio; 3) the embryo abortion rate is very high, with only 10%-20% of embryos maturing.
    Reproductive Allocation of Biomass in Pinus massoniana at Mt. Jinyun
    CHEN Jin-Song, SU Zhi-Xian
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  704-708. 
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    Reproductive allocation of biomass in Pinus massoniana was studied in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest at Mt. Jinyun. Values of reproductive allocation increased gradually from the flower bud phase to the flower and fruit phase and the patterns of reproductive allocation of biomass differed between forest successional stages. In a pure forest stand, reproductive allocation was 1.31%, 7.61% and 23.25% at three reproductive stages respectively. In the theropencedrymion, 0.6%, 3.29% and 15.14% respectively. In the forest edge wilderness, 0.76%, 3.78% and 18.44% respectively. The dynamic law of reproductive allocation is "low→high by degree→high→low' during a year. The reproductive age of Pinus massoniana can be divided into four stages in terms of the relationship between the reproductive allocation of biomass and the age of the reproductive individuals. These are the junior, non-stable, stable and declining phases. The reproductive allocation of biomass is significantly related to population density and the light intensity of the community.
    Changes in Antioxidative Enzymes and Polyamines in Wheat Seedlings with Different Drought Resistance Under Drought and Salt Stress
    REN Hong-Xu, CHEN Xiong, WANG Ya-Fu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  709-715. 
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    Variation in NDVI Driven by Climate Factors Across China, 1983-1992
    CHEN Yun-Hao, LI Xiao-Bing, SHI Pei-jun
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  716-720. 
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    Patterns of Biodiversity Along the Vertical Vegetation Spectrum of the East Aspect of Gongga Mountain
    SHEN Ze-Hao, FANG Jing-Yun, LIU Zeng-Li, WU Jie
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  721-732. 
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    Gradient Analysis and Environmental Interpretation of Woody Plant Communities in the Middle Section of the Northern Slopes of Qilian Mountain, Gansu, China
    WANG Guo-Hong, YANG Li-Min
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2001, 25 (6):  733-740. 
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    A multivariate analysis of woody plant communities with a 76 × 53 (sites x species) species matrix, 76 × 8 environment matrix and 76×2 spatial coordinates surveyed in the mid-section of northern slopes of Qilian mountain is presented. The results show: 1)nine communities (9 formations consisting of 17 associations) are identified from the 76 plots ( Kalidium foliatum shrubland, Reaumuria soongorica shrub, Nitraria tangutorum shrubland, Caryopteris mongolica shrubland, Caragana stenophylla shrubland, Caragana jubata shrubland, Potentilla fruticosa shrubland, Sabina przewalskii forest, and Picea crassifolia forest; 2) fifty-three woody plant species are classified into 5 ecotypes: hyper-desert, montane dry, montane intermediate, montane wet, and montane cold types; 3) the species abundance of woody plant communities explained by environmental and spatial variations reaches 23.98%;among these the species matrix explained by non-spatial environmental variation accounts for up to 17.66 % of variation, spatial variation that is not shared by environmental variation explains up to 1.40%, spatial structured environmental variation up to 4.92% and 76.02 % of undetermined variation remains due to biological and random factors.
    Shrub and Undershrub Niches in Vegetation of the Fukang Desert
    ZHANG Yuan-Dong, PAN Xiao-Ling, GU Feng-Xue, SAN Yan-Long
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2001, 25 (6):  741-745. 
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    Calculation of niche breadth and overlap of shrubs and undershrubs on three environmental gradients in Fukang desert vegetation shows that shrubs and undershrubs in Fukang can be divided into four groups based on niche breadth. Group 1: Reaumuria soongorica and Haloxylon ammodendron , Group 2: Nitraria sibirica , Kalidium foliatum , Suaeda physophora, and K. caspicum,Group 3: Tamarix ramosissima, T. elongata, T. laxa, and Anabasis aphylla , Group 4 : Lycium ruthenicum , Salsola subcrassa , and Halocnemum strobilaceum. Based on the niche overlaps matrix, overlap between R. soongorica and Haloxylon ammodendron is the largest ,while overlaps among K. foliatum ,Suaeda physophora,K, caspicum, T. ramosissima, T. elogata are also large and those of other species are smaller.
    Caloric Value of Northeast Aneurolepidium chinense Grassland Species
    GUO Ji-Xun, WANG Ruo-Dan, BAO Guo-Zhang
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2001, 25 (6):  746-750. 
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    Analysis of the caloric value of 55 northeast Aneurolepidium chinense grassland plants shows that 20% of plants had high caloric value, 58 % had medium value and 22 % had low value. The average caloric value of shoots was 17949.45 J·g-1. The caloric value of plant organs differed within plants as stored energy material was differently distributed among organs. The average caloric value of organs were: flowers 19399.28 J·g-1,stem 18022.58 J·g-1, leaves 17885.17 J·g-1, roots 17206.05 J·g-1. The average caloric value of shoots and other organs differed as much between plants in different families as between plants of the same genus. The average caloric value of shoots was not obviously different among the Compositae, Poaceae and Fabaceae, but caloric value of roots of Fabaceae was significantly higher than that of the Compositae and Poaceae.

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