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    Volume 24 Issue 5
    10 May 2000
    Research Articles
    Forest Productivity in China and its Response to Global Climate Change(in English)
    FANG Jing-Yun
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  513-517. 
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    Carbon Storage and Budget of Major Chinese Forest Types
    ZHOU Yu-Rong, YU Zhen-Liang, ZHAO Shi-Dong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  518-522. 
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    The regional characteristics of carbon storage and carbon dioxide fluxes of major Chinese forest ecosystems were studied from the points of internal biological cycle, based on published data regarding forest biomass, productivity, the organic carbon content of soil profile, stand and annual weight of the litter, soil respiration etc. The results are as follows: the average carbon density of Chinese forest ecosystem is 258.83 t·hm-2, showing a generally increasing trend with increasing latitude; carbon density of the vegetation, soil and litter is 57.07 t·hm-2,193.55 t·hm-2, and 8.21 t·hm-2, respectively; the characteristics of the carbon density of these three fractions (vegetation, soil, litter) were also analyzed; from the recent areal data provided by the Ministry of Forestry of China in 1989-1993 the total carbon storage of Chinese forests was estimated to be 281.16 ×108 t, in which the vegetation, soil and litter were 62.00×108 t, 210.23×108 t,8.92×108 t, making up 22.2% ,74.6%, 3.2%, respectively of the total, the carbon storage of deciduous broad-leaved forests, warmer temperate coniferous forests, evergreen/evergreen-deciduous broad-leaved forests, Picea-Abies forests, and Larix forests were the major carbon pool of the forest, making up 87% of the total; in China the net flux between the forest ecosystem and the atmosphere is 4.80×108 t·a-1 , and the forest ecosystem acts as a carbon sink when exchanged with the atmosphere, absorbing 48.7% of the carbon dioxide from burning of biomass, fossil fuel and human respiration (9.87×108 t·a-1). Generally, the carbon dioxide fixing capacity of the deciduous forest is higher than the coniferous forests, decreasing with increasing latitude.

    The Indication Value of Plant Communities in Relation To Temperature in Hilly Landscapes
    JIANG Yuan
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  523-527. 
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    Effective temperature, measured by the sugar-inversion method at 113 measurement points from June to September, 1993, was studied in relation to the indication value of plant communities to habitat temperature in the hilly landscape of the Kraichgau area in Germany. The results show : 1) the average indication value of the plant community to temperature is positively correlated with temperature as measured by the sugar-inversion method; 2) the average indication value of plant community is able to distinguish temperature differences between habitats on northern and southern exposure slopes, but its sharpness varies among three different methods of calculation; further comparison among these three methods reveals that the average indication value calculated in light of the quadrat data from each community is most effective for indicating the temperature difference between different exposures; 3) the average indication value calculated in light of the transect survey is not effective enough to indicate the temperature differences both between different exposures and among different slope positions. The reason for this ineffectiveness is probably either the narrowness of the transect or the heavy human impact on the vegetation along this transect.

    Ecophysiological Characteristics of Photosynthesis of Hybrid Poplar Clones Under Light Stress
    ZHANG Shou-Ren, GAO Rong-Fu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  528-533. 
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    Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate in 18-year-old China Fir Shoots To Lightflecks
    ZHANG Xiao-Quan, XU De-Ying
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  534-540. 
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    The response of net photosynthetic rate (Pn) in new growth shoots of 18-year-old China fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.)Hook. ) to sudden exposure to high-light and lightflecks was measured and is discussed in this paper. Pn showed a S-shape response to sudden exposure following a period of low-light or darkness adaptation, and 10-15 minutes of photo induction was required for Pn to attain its maximum level. With increasing intensity of the high-light exposure a longer induction period was required. Longer exposure and/or lower levels of low-light also increased the induction period. Following the passage of the initial light fleck shoots showed a hysteretic response by maintaining an induction state during non-consecutive light-flecks unless lightflecks were separated by a long period of low light. The response of Pn to instantaneous light-flecks depended on induction status and light-fleck duration; fully inducted shoots could respond, more rapidly than low or non-inducted shoots; the raised photo induction associated with light-flecks of longer length could thus contribute to increased Ph. The slow decrease of Pn after light-flecks suggested that there existed postillumination CO2 fixation, and that in canopies with frequent instantaneous light-flecks, a great proportion of assimilation might be the result of postillumination CO2 fixation.

    Photosynthetic Characteristics of a Semi-arid Sandy Grassland Community in Inner Mongolia
    CUI Xiao-Yong, Du Zhan-Chi, Wang Yan-Fen
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  541-546. 
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    Photosynthesis of Artemisia intramongolica leaves and communities were studied at different developing stages. The diurnal course of photosynthetic rates of leaves and communities changed with climate conditions, with the instantaneous photosynthetic rate depending logistically on PAR (Photosynthetically active radiation). Low soil moisture content greatly depressed light use capacity of plant leaves and communities. On clear days photosynthetic rates mainly depended on air temperature and humidity under favorable soil water condition. Low mid-day air humidity was the critical environmental factor in observed contributing to “mid-day depression” of photosynthesis. The transpiration rate of leaves was linearly correlated with air temperature. Moreover, the light use efficiency (LUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) of plants were both closely associated with PAR and air temperatures in a negative linear relationship. A. intramongolica maintained relatively high CO2 fixation capability under dry soil and high air temperature conditions, though, once soil water content increased, photosynthetic rate and biomass were observed to also increase greatly. These results suggested that the photosynthetic strategy of A. intramongolica is adapted to the conditions of sandy soils in the semi-arid regions where it occurs through its ability to maintaining a certain degree of LUE for a long time under water stress and high temperature and then to resume high photosynthetic rate when soil moisture status improves. It competitively inhibits other species through its high water harvesting capacity and its high transpiration rate.
    A Preliminary Study of the Influence of Simulated Greenhouse Effect on a Kobresia humilis Meadow
    ZHOU Hua-Kun, ZHOU Xing-Min, ZHAO Xin-Quan, JULIA Klein
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  547-553. 
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    Changes in the Roots of Alpine Grasses in Relation to Late Fall, Winter and Spring Freezing Tolerance
    ZHOU Rui-Lian, CHENG Guo-Dong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  554-559. 
    Abstract ( 1910 )   PDF (434KB) ( 1008 )   Save
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    Effects of Fragmentation on the Structure Species Composition and Diversity of Tropical Rainforest in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
    ZHU Hua, XU Zai-Fu, WANG Hong, LI Bao-Gui, LONG Bi-Yun
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  560-568. 
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    Based on a comparison of fragmented and primary tropical rain forests in Xishuangbanna, the effects of fragmentation on structure, species composition, life form, tree populations, plant abundance and species diversity of the tropical rain forest are analyzed. With increasing fragmentation, edge effects and disturbances, fragments become different from the primary rain forest in various ways. Compared with the primary forest, the fragments were incomplete in community structure, lower in plant abundance and species diversity, and showed a relatively lower percentage of epiphytes and chamaephytes but a conspicuously higher percentage of lianas. In the fragments with slight to intermediate disturbances, tree populations of only 1 or 2 individuals make an increasing percentage of the total, indicating that the populations of many tree species have become more unstable. In the fragments with serious disturbances, tree species with only 1 or 2 individauls present disappeared first. As the fragments in Xishuangbanna formed and developed under strong human impact, their species diversity shows complicated changes. Liana species diversity increased with a certain extent of disturbances, but decreased when over disturbed. Species diversity decreased in general with increasing disturbance.
    Fifteen-year Changes of Tree Layer in Secondary Castanopsis-schima Humid Evergreen Broad- Biomass and Dynamics of Soil Environment During the Early Stage of Vegetation Restoration in a Degraded Dry-hot Mountain Area of Nanjian, Yunnan
    SHENG Cai-Yu, LIU Lun-Hui, LIU Wen-Yao
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  575-580. 
    Abstract ( 2057 )   PDF (467KB) ( 1701 )   Save
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    This paper presents the results of a study on above ground biomass of the major artificial (revegetation) communities at early stage (3-5 years). It also describes the fluctuation of soil moisture and soil nutrients during vegetation recovery in a degraded dry-hot mountain area of Nanjian county, in western Yunnan. It shows that, 1) many introduced plant species (Tephrosia candida, Pueraria wallichii, Eucalyptus robusta, Acacia richii, A. mearnsii, etc. ) were strongly adapted to the dry-hot climate: they grew rapidly during early stages, with a fast canopy closure occurring in 3-4 years; the total biomass of these artificial communities were higher than that of the local secondary shrub (Dodonaea viscosa) community; the above ground biomass and gross average productivity of the introduced plants were 3-16 times and 5-20 times, respectively, as much as those of Dodonaea viscosa; their growth was also faster than that of the native species Pinus yunnanensis; 2) the soil moisture under the artificial community was twice that of bare slopes; topsoil moisture increased by more than 200% during the rainy season, but in the dry season the soil moisture under the introduced vegetation was close to or even lower than that of bare slopes; 3) soil nutrient cycling also improved after vegetation recovery; while organic matter and available K increased, there was no significant change in total N (it dropped slightly); available P and soil pH decreased. Changes of soil nutrients occurred mainly in the topsoil. These results show that restoration of this artificial vegetation community and the associated soil ecosystem was still unstable.
    An Analysis of the Topographical Pattern in the Chief Woody Species at Dalaoling Region, the Three Gorges
    SHEN Ze-Hao, ZHANG Xin-Shi, JIN Yi-Xing
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  581-589. 
    Abstract ( 1866 )   PDF (756KB) ( 1198 )   Save
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    Population Patterns of Dominant Species in an Elaeagnus mollis Community, Shanxi
    ZHANG Feng, SHANGGUAN Tieliang
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  590-594. 
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    The patterns of dominant species in Elaeagnus mollis communities in Shanxi were studied using the following measures: dispersal index, clump intensity, mean crowding, patchiness index, Green’s index, intensity index, the test for fit to the Poisson and negative binomial distribution. The relationships among the first six methods were analyzed by correlation coefficient. The results indicated that E. mollis showed random distribution while the other species in the community were all clumped. Moreover, the patterns not only were closely related to the ecological and biological characteristics of each species, but also relationships of competitive exclusion among them. Among 8 methods used to measure pattern, the application of variance/mean ratio together with the X2 test for fit to the Poisson and negative binomial distributions were deemed the best as their ecological meaning is explicit. Furthermore, their results have more obvious statistical significance.
    Establishment and Spatial Distribution of Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. Seedlings in Dongling Mountain
    WANG Wei, LI Qing-Kang, MA Ke-Ping
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  595-600. 
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    As sexual reproduction plays an important role in maintaining genetic diversity of plant population, investigation of seedling establishment is critical for effective forest ecosystem conservation. Therefore, the seedling establishment and spatial distribution of seedlings and sprouts of Quercus liaotungensis Koidz. in different vegetation types, in Dongling Mountain, northern China were investigated. The vegetation types studied are including Pinus tabulaeformis forest, broad-leaved forest, Betula platyphylla forest, shrubland, Betula dahurica forest and Larix principis-rupprechtii forest. The spatial distribution and density of seedlings and sprouts varied between vegetation types. Even in the same vegetation type, the density appeared to vary for seedlings and sprouts. Seedling density decreased with seedling age. Growth characteristics measured in 3 grades of micrositegap, under canopy and at the interaction sites between canopy and gap in a broad-leaved forest, suggest that the height of seedlings in gaps is greater than that under canopy, whereas the length of the longest leaf was not different among 3 grades of gap, nor did the percent of germinated seedlings. These results suggest that seedlings prefer sun microsites over shade ones for growth, and that the formation of gaps in the forest is beneficial for natural regeneration of oak population.
    The Revegetation of a Lead/Zinc Mine Tailings Site With an Introduced Soil Seed Bank
    ZHANG Zhi-Quan, SHU Wen-Sheng, LAN Chong-Yu, HUANG Ming-Hong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  601-607. 
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    Effective Cover Rate of Woodland and Grassland For Soil and Water Conservation
    JIAO Ju-Ying, WANG Wan-Zhong, LI Jing
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2000, 24 (5):  608-612. 
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    Abstract  Using rainfall erosion data from a woodland and a grassland runoff plot in Suide, Yanan and Ansai on the loess plateau, the effective cover rate of woodland and grassland for soil and water conservation in different rainfall and slope conditions was analyzed. The relationship between the critical effective cover rate (v) and a rainfall index (product of total rainfall amount and maximum 30 rain rainfall intensity represented by (Pi30)) and slope steepness (s) is:

                woodland: v = -103.29 + 33.81log (Pi30) + 75.38log(s)

                grassland: v = -103.20 + 34.62log(Pi30) + 78.97log(s)

    The results indicate that the effective cover rate of woodland and grassland increases with increasing rainfall and slope when soil and vegetation are relatively in the same condition, the conditional effect of rainfall and slope on effective cover rate weaken when the critical effective cover rate reaches a certain level. When other conditions remain equal, the suggested effective cover rate of grassland is higher than that of woodland in the same soil and water conservation effectiveness. Finally, through a rainfall frequency analysis, a critical effective cover rate of wood and grass land to fight different rainstorm is obtained.

    Uptake Efficiency of Vetiveria zizanioides and Althernanthera philoxeroides to N, P, Cl in Garbage Leachates
    XIA Han-Ping
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 2000, 24 (5):  613-616. 
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    The two plant species, Vetiveria zizanioides and Althernanthera philoxeroides, presented different uptake capacities to different “pollutants” of garbage leachates. The amounts of N absorbed by plants were even more than the amounts purified by them. The plants also absorbed P very vigorously, and amounts absorbed accounted for 90% or so of those purified. However, the uptake ratios of Cl in 2 kinds of leachate assumed an enormous disparity: 2-3 times higher in low concentrated leachate than in highly concentrate leachate. Moreover, ratios of the amount of uptake to the amount of original leachate further lowered. This indicated that besides uptake of roots, other forms of pollutant removal occurred, suggesting the plant purification of waste water was in fact a comprehensive influence of the rhizospheric micro-ecosystem on pollutants. Overall, V. zizanioides did not show any stronger uptake ability than A. philoxeroides, in spite of the fact that the former had stronger purifying ability than the latter.
    Studies on Pollen Free Proline Content and Seed Yield of Gordonia acuminata in Different Communities
    ZENG Bo, ZHANG Xiao-Ping, ZHONG Zhang-Cheng
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2000, 24 (5):  617-620. 
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    Gordonia acuminata is a dominant tree species of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest on Mt. Jinyun,Sichuan. This study analyzed pollen free proline content and seed yield of G. acuminata in three different communities located in Mt. Jinyun. Results showed that pollen free proline content and seed yield per fruit of G. acuminata were not significantly different among G. acuminata plants of different ages growing in the same community, but were significantly different among three communities. Pollen free proline content and seed yield per fruit of G. acuminata plants showed highest in evergreen broad-leaved forest, lowest in Pinus massoniana-G. acuminata mixed forest, and intermediate in G. acuminata forest. Pollen free proline content of G. acuminata was closely positively correlated to seed yield per fruit of G. acuminata and this suggests that pollen free proline content can be used as an index for predicting and comparing seed yield of G. acuminata plants in different eco-environments of same region.
    On the Relationship Between the Decomposition of Wheat Residual and the Development of Soil Biochemistry
    ZHANG Chong-Bang
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2000, 24 (5):  621-624. 
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    Systematic analysis of the relation between wheat residual decomposition and soil biochemistry factors in the heavy frigid region of North East China found the following: changes through time in the rate of wheat residual decomposition showed a distinct seasonal trend with a single peak, in July (12.14×10-3g·g-1·d-1). 14 soil biochemistry factors were observed and these also changed in a distinct seasonal pattern. A step effect was an obvious feature of the residual decomposition and soil organic matter synthesis. The grey correlative effects of the 14 soil biology chemistry factors on the wheat residual decomposition were arranged as follows: x1(0.914)>x4(0.880)>x3(0.855)>x12(0.852)>x14(0.802)>x2(0.799)=x11(0.799)>x8(0.788)>x10(0.775)>x9(0.760)>x13(0.709)>x5(0.700)>x7(0.694)>x6(0.657) This allowed the delimitation of the GM(0,6) predictive model: y(k)=13.5x1(k)+23.75x4(k)-15.0x3(k)-16.5x12(k)-0.5x14(k)+5.0x2(k)-1.6

    Leaf Longevity of Evergreen Broad-leaved Species of Tiantong National Forest Park,Zhejiang Province
    WANG Xi-Hua, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Zheng-Xiang
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2000, 24 (5):  625-629. 
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    Effects of Water Gradient on Fluorescence Characteristics and Gas Exchange in Sabina vulgaris Seedlings
    HE Wei-Ming, MA Feng-Yun
    Chin J Plant Ecol. 2000, 24 (5):  630-634. 
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    To examine the effects of future rainfall change on the physiological characteristics of Sabina vulgaris, an evergreen shrub growing in the semi-arid Mu Us sandy region, a water gradient experiment was conducted at the Ordos Grassland Ecological Station in Inner Mongolia. The results showed: minimal fluorescence (Fo), variable fluorescence(Fv), Fm/Fo, Fv/Fm were not significantly affected by the water gradient, while in contrast, net photosynthesis ratio, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, ratio of substomatal CO2 to atmospheric CO2, water use efficiency, apparent light use efficiency and apparent CO2 use efficiency were all influenced significantly by changing water status. These results indicate that while the water gradient has a significant effect on external features, such as gas exchange and resource use efficiency, it has no significant influence on the internal fluorescence features of photosynthesis system Ⅱ. The patterns of the responses of the gas exchange and resource use efficiency to water change varied with various physiological indices. Net photosynthesis rate responded most sensitively to soil water content relative to soil field capacity.

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