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    Volume 12 Issue 1
    10 January 1988
    Research Articles
    Cluster Analysis and Ordination of Forest Communities on Hong Kong Island
    Wang Bo-sun, Yu Shi-xiao, Zhang Hung-da, Hu Yu-jia, Lu Yang, Paul P. H. But, Zhong Yan-xing
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  1-11. 
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    Three kinds of multivariate analysis, the cluster, the polar ordination, and the principal components analyses, were used to deal with the forest communities on Hong Kong Island.From the results of cluster analyses, the lower subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests on Hong Kong Island were divided into three sub-types and seven formations.The result of polar ordination showed finely the continnum of Hong Kong Island vegetation and the gradient of the change of the habitat conditions. In the aspect of communities classification, it almost has the same results as that of cluster analyses .The principal components analysis showed that the relationship among 13 communities, which was expressed before with 60 dependent variates, could be expressed with 13 independent variates .
    Primary Analyses of Regeneration Communities on the Cutting Blanks of Tropical Mountain Rain Forest on the Jianfengling Ridge’ Hainan Island
    Huang Quan, Li Yi-de
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  12-22. 
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    On the Jianfengling Ridge, Hainan Island, after the tropical mountain rain forest was cut, the dominant species of the regeneration communities on the cutting blanks is Castanopsis fissa. The authors studied the characteristics of two regeneration communities one regenerated on a large cutting blank and ten-year after cutting there had a tending action taken, another regenerated on a small cutting blank (about 0.25 ha) and had no tending action taken. The characteristics being compared were the Important Values (Ⅳ.)of the plan populations, the population diversity and the age structure. The regeneration quality of the two communities was also evaluated.The results indicated the two communities had outstanding differences. The community characteristics and regeneration quality on the small cutting blank was much better than those on the large one. The authors think that the cutting method of tropical mountain rain forest should be small cutting blanks which are separated from each other, because there are adequate and equitable seed sources for all the main species provided by the sorrounding forest. And using separated small cutting blanks will neither damage the ecological environment nor cause low regeneration quality of communities. So, it is possible for the regeneration communities on the small cutting blanks to lead to its climax communities in a short time.The spontaneous succession of these kinds of regeneration communities have the best structure to utilize the non-biological resoures, such as fertile soil and good tropical weather. From the results, the tending action is not needed for the regeneration communities, except for speciel forest purposes.There are still two problems that need more experiments. First to define an exact size of small area for cutting. The cutting area must both maintain the ecological balance and make the cutting department have maximum economic efficiency. Second, to define a suitable tending strength in the regeneration communities which are for special forest purposes. In addition, the authors have made a standard of dividing the tree age classes by the tree sizes, which is only suitable in the tropical mountain rain forest because the trees there grow rapidly.
    Environment Gradient and Plant Communities in Beihuashan Area, Western Beijing
    Pan Jia-hua
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  23-30. 
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    Applying gradient analysis, the artical examed the relationship between plant populations, plant communities and the environment in the area of natural vegetation where there exists certain disturbance by man, analyzed the distribution of plant populations and plant communities along environment gradients.
    Studies on Energy in Two Mangrove Communities, Bruguiera sexangula and Kandelia candel, in China
    Lin Guang-hui, Lin Peng
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  31-39. 
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    By means of calorimetry measurement, the standing crop of energy, net energy production and energy conversing efficiencies of two mangrove communities, i. e. Bruguiera sexangula community & Kandelia candeI community, were determined and discussed in the present paper.The results of measurement of caloric values for various components showed that there were some differences in caloric value among components of these two mangrove communities. In general, leaves and flowers possessed higher caloric values, while roots and bark of trunk possesses lower caloric values.The standing crop of energy in B. sexangula community was 178,627 kcal. m-2, much larger than that in K. candel community (70,547kcal·m-2). There existed different distributions of energy in the various components and different layers of community. Net energy production was 15,772 kcal·m-2.a-1 for B. sexangula community (1983) and 10,456 kcal m-2·a-1 for K. candel community (1982). To the photosynthetical active radiation on the stand, their energy converting efficiencies were 3.01% and 2.01% respectively, compared with other plant communities in nature, mangrove forests possess relatively larger energy production and higher energy converting efficiencies.From the results mentioned above, it can be concluded that mangrove forests show their own characteristics on standing crop and production of .energy and play an important role in mangrove ecosystems. Therefore, it is worthy to protect and exploit mangrove forests.
    The Phytocommunity and Phyto-geochemistry Characteristics of Pb and Zn in the Mining Area of Xitieshan Mountain in Qinghai Province and Their Relationship with the Pb and Zn Deposits
    Kong Ling-shao, Sun Shi-zhou, Luo Jin-ling, Huang Zong-qi
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  40-50. 
    Abstract ( 2441 )   PDF (681KB) ( 1160 )   Save
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    The types of the plant communities in the Xitieshan Mountain mining region are discussed. The number of species of plant communities in mineralized zones are less than that of non-mineralized zones, and the individual plants in the former are also smaller and shorter and the coverage is less than those in the latter.Analysis of Pb, Zn contents of plant samples showed: The zinc content (average) in the plant ash is from 126 to 1144 ppm. The average Zn content in the ash of Ephedra przewalskii is the highest and the variable range is very large, from 86 to 5872 ppm. The lead content (average) in ash of the plants is 31.3—1129.6ppm. The lead content in the ash of Sympegma regelii is higher than others, and the variable range is the largest, from 14.3 to 5561.7 pp m, the average value is 745 ppm. The highest value of Pb and Zn occurs in the mineralized zones, and the lowest in the non-mineralized ones.Between either lead or zinc contents in plants and the soils in which they grow there is very good liner relationship. The correlation coefficents for Ephedra przewalshii, Asterothamuns centrali-asiaticus, Sympegma regelii and Eurotia ceratoihes et al. go up to close correlative levels (P≤0.05). This is very useful in phytogeochemical exploration,for example,the lead phytogeochemical anomalies of A. centraliasiaticus and Reaumuria soongorica indicate accurately the range of Xitieshan Pb-Zn deposits. The phytogeochemical haloes are high contrast, and the anomalous range tallies basically with the mineraization areas.
    A Study on the Characteristics of the Chemical Composition and the Interrelationship Between the Elements in the Plants of 86 Species in Hainan Island
    Mo Da-lun, Wu Jian-xue
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  51-62. 
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    In observance of the requirement for specimens sampling, about 300 samples from 49 sampling stations of plant communities in Hainan Island were colected. The contents of macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) and trace elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo, Pb, Cr, Ni, Cd, As, Hg,) were determined by spectrophotometric and chemical methods.By statistical processing of the obtained data, both the characteristics of chemical composition and the interrelationship between the elements in 86 plant species were studied. With the help of an electronic computer, some correlation equations were established between the elements in the plants. As a result there is a possibility for forecasting the changes among the elements in plants in this island.
    A Study on the Biomass and Production of Pinus fenzeliana Forest in Hainan
    Zhang Jia-xan, Yuan Yong-zhen
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  63-69. 
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    The article is about the preliminary research of the plant biomass and production of an elabrate middle-age stand (Pinus fenzeliana) at an elevation for 930 m. By using "average standard tree" and "divided storeys" methods. The biomass and production of the trees such as sampling undergrowth, living planters and dead branches and leaves were studied. The following regression equations were derived. The result of analysis shows

    Lg Wtrunk = 0.689628 Lg (D2H) - 0.73557

    Lg Wbark = 0.395292 Lg (D2H) - 0.555636

    Lg Wbranch = 0.663534 Lg(D2H) - 1.096486

    Lg Wleaf = 0.653243 Lg(D2H) - 1. 400558

    Lg Wroot=0.634176 Lg(D2H)-l.046108

    The estimated total biomass of P. fenzeliana forest community is 161.152 t/ha, productivity 10630.69 kg/ha·a, Total aboveground biomass of P. fenzeliana is 149.35 t/ha, productivity 11095 kg/ha·a, in which the percentages of trunk, bark,branches,leaves and roots are 49.86 %, 8.21%,17.86 %, 8.09% and 15.98% respectively. The biomass percentages of P. fenzeIiana tree, sampling undergrowth and living plant covers and dead branches and leaves are 92.67%, 3.17%, 0.57% and 3.59% respectively. Leaf area is 199248.74 m2/ha, leaf area index (LAI) is 19.9149.

    Viabilities of Weed Seeds Buried in Paddy Field and Wheat Field in Shanghai
    Tang Hong-yuan, Wang Xue-e, Hu Ya-qin
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  70-76. 
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    The seeds of 24 weeds species were buried in the two kinds of soil: the soil in paddy field and that in wheat field. The cropping systems in the paddy and upland fields were the rice-wheat and cotton-wheat patterns,respectivety. The weed seeds were examined their viability and germinability after burying for 1,2,3,4.and 7 years in these different fields. After burying for 4 years, the germination rate of the seeds of Banyard grass (Echinochloa crusgalli) buried in the paddy field was in the range from 34.2% to 52.5%; but after 7 years, no survival seeds were round, only 8.7% of the seeds buried in the wheat field could germinate after 2 years,but after 3 years all of them were dead.For Alopecurus aequalis, Sclerochloa kengiana, Polypogon fugax ete. the germinability of the seeds of these weeds from the paddy field were 39.3%,62.7% and 33.3% after 2 years, respectively;all of these seeds from the wheat field were dead over 2 years after burying.After 2 years, the germinability of the seeds from the wheat field was 57.0%,for Galium aparine and 80% for Veronica persica; but the mortalities of the two seeds of the two weeds from the paddy field were 98.7%, and 100% respectively.The germinabilities of Portulaca oleracea seeds from the wheat and paddy fields were 33.3% and 23.0% after 7 years,respectively.
    The Synopsis of International Workshop on Reproductive Ecology of Tropical Forest Plants
    Wang Xian-pu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  77-78. 
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    An Introduction to《Human Ecosystems》
    Zhang Shen
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1988, 12 (1):  79-80. 
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