The vegetation data of Eudospermum chinense forest community in Hongkong island, were used as the information for the ecological analyses.
1. The flora components of this community were studied by analyzing the composition of the 82 families, 56 genera and 64 species. The minimal area was identified by importance value (IV)-area curve as 1100—1200 m.
2. From the comparison between the IV of every component species, the several dominant species were picked up with high IV, so this community can be termed as Endospermurn chinense+garcosperma laurinum + Sterculia lanceolata + Artocarpus hypargraea Association.
3. The diversity and evenness of the tree and shrub species were tested by Shannon-Wiener index, the results are 4.74 and 0.79.
4. The Raunkiaer’s systems of life form and leaf form class were served as a method to describe the extralform of the community and the vertical atories of the forest were divided.
5. The population structures of several dominant trees were drawn by the pyramid graphs, Endosperma chinense expressed a decline tendency, Artocarpus hypargraea showed a asced tendency and other were on, the stable state.
6. Of 22 plant species tested by variance/mean ratio,indesesof mean crowding and patchness as well as Morisits’s index, 15 species were clump and other 7 were random. There were a few double species taking place positive and negative a association.
Based on all the ecological analyses above, the Endosperma chinense forest community of Hongkong island, can be identified as a typical of the lowerland forest type of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern edge of subtropical zone, China.