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    Volume 11 Issue 4
    10 April 1987
    Research Articles
    A Community Analysis of Endospcrmum chinense Forest, Hong Kong Island
    Wang Bo-sun, Lu Yang, Zhang Hong-da, Hu Yu-jia, Yu Shi-xiao, Bi Pei-xi, Zhong Yan-xing
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  241-251. 
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    The vegetation data of Eudospermum chinense forest community in Hongkong island, were used as the information for the ecological analyses.

    1. The flora components of this community were studied by analyzing the composition of the 82 families, 56 genera and 64 species. The minimal area was identified by importance value (IV)-area curve as 1100—1200 m.

    2. From the comparison between the IV of every component species, the several dominant species were picked up with high IV, so this community can be termed as Endospermurn chinense+garcosperma laurinum + Sterculia lanceolata + Artocarpus hypargraea Association.

    3. The diversity and evenness of the tree and shrub species were tested by Shannon-Wiener index, the results are 4.74 and 0.79.

    4. The Raunkiaer’s systems of life form and leaf form class were served as a method to describe the extralform of the community and the vertical atories of the forest were divided.

    5. The population structures of several dominant trees were drawn by the pyramid graphs, Endosperma chinense expressed a decline tendency, Artocarpus hypargraea showed a asced tendency and other were on, the stable state.

    6. Of 22 plant species tested by variance/mean ratio,indesesof mean crowding and patchness as well as Morisits’s index, 15 species were clump and other 7 were random. There were a few double species taking place positive and negative a association.

    Based on all the ecological analyses above, the Endosperma chinense forest community of Hongkong island, can be identified as a typical of the lowerland forest type of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in southern edge of subtropical zone, China.

    Numerical Classification for the Forest Vegetation of the Liupan Mountain
    Zhuo Zheng-da, Zhang Hong-jian
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  252-263. 
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    The Liupan Mountain, a long and narrow stony mountain with a S-N strike, is situated in the west of the loess plateau. It has an obvious temperate continental monsoon climate. Because of its lying in the temperate forest-steppe belt, its zonal vegetation types are deciduous broad-leaved forests and meadow steppes.The numerical methods of similarity coefficient and group average were used in this paper for classifying the forest vegetation. Through comparison and analysis these forest types are divided into two vegetation types, five formation groups and nine formations, so that a classification system for the forest vegetation of the Liupan Mountain is tentatively established. The results are very similar to those of the qualitative classification (based on the plant community-ecology principle), which is demonstrated by the fact that these numerical classification methods and indexes are suitable for the temperate forest.
    Ordination of Natural Secondary Forest at Sankuaishi in the Eastern Part of Liaoning Province
    LI Shou-zhong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  264-275. 
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    In this paper, b y means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA)and Reciprocal Averaging (RA),3 natural secondary forest types were classified at Sankuaishi forestry farm of sin Bin county in Liaoning province. Ⅰ. Quercus mongolica forest type Ⅱ. Juglans mandshurica-Fraxinus mandshurica forest type Ⅲ. Broad-leaf mixed forest type. The ordination of types significantly were influenced by altitude, aspect.According to Fishes test discriminant analysis, the classificants were recognized as justified. Using discriminat eqation: Y=0.0383X1+0.0362X2 +0.0944X3+0.0133X4+0.1191X5-0.051X6 can be predicted natural secondary forest types.
    Quantitative Analysis of Succession Law of the Alpine Meadow Under the Different Grazing Intensities
    Zhou Xing-min, Wang Qi-ji, Zhang Yan-qing, Zhao Xin-quan, Lin Ya-ping
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  276-285. 
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    The succession law of the alpine meadow was studied with the method of quantitative analysis under the different grazing intensities in this paper. The results have proved that there are close successive relations among communities under different grazing intensities. Clustering result shows that when correlation coefficient R>0.851), 24 species plants of a community were grouped into 6 types, they respectively belong to dominant, constructive or accompanying species of successive different phases of a community and that when R>0.870, communities under 6 grazing intensities were grouped into 2 types. They respectively belong to community taking grasses as polydominant and of 2 layer structure, and taking Kobresia humilis and forbes as polydominant and of 1 layer structure.
    A Preliminary Study of the Species Diversity of Part of the Forest Communities in Guizhou
    Zhu Shou-qian
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  286-295. 
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    From the data of 178 sample plots of forest communities in Guizhou, the species diversity of these communities is studied in this paper. The determined indexes include the Simpson diversity indices and the speices richness and evenness of the communities.The determined results are as follows: Different vertical zonal bioclimatic condition, s produce different diversities in forest communities. For similar vertical zonal bioclimatic conditions, the substrate habitats are similar, and the diversities are also similar in different subtypes of forest vegetation, though the substrate habitats and diversities may be different. The diversity has variation in each of the sample plots from the same community type. The community individual diversity indices of different structures are not similar. The succession: tendencies of the communities are also different. The diversity of the second substorey is generally higher than that of the first substorey. The more a community approached its stage of climax, the higher its diversity index in same series of succession. There is close correlationship between the diversity index and the richness and evenness of a community, but between it and the individual total number of communities is nonrelativity. The diversity determined is considered significant for comparing and describing the structure and type of community, organization characteristic, habitat, succession and so on.
    Studies on the Hydrologic Dynamics in the Mongolian Pine Plantations in Zhanggutai, Liaoning Province
    Jiao Shu-ren
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  296-307. 
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    According to the observation data of artificial Mongolian pine plantations in Zanggutai, Liaoning Province from 1979 to 1985, the soil water distribution, its rule of changes and their quantitative relationship were analysed in this article.The results showed that the soil water content in the pine plantations gradually decreased and was 1.08% lower in the 25-years stand than that in the treeless control area. Water consumption through tree transpiration, which accounted for 34.75%—71.4%of the precipitation and 60.8%—71.7%of the total amount of water consumption in the same period, was the principal way of water loss and the main factor inducing water deficiency.Reasonable thinning of the stand and soil cultivation might improve water conditions and play an important role in regulating water content. Besides, the yearly precipitation in Zhanggutai in arid years is equal to that in the Keerqin sandland district in normal years. To develop large scale plantations there might cause water deficiency. It was advisable to afforest strip-shapedly or patch-shapedly on the lower part of the dune or the low land between two dunes, but not on the upper part of the dune. In this way water equilibriun may be attained and affore-station may be successful.
    The General Situation of Natural Vegetation in Dry-Hot River Valley of Yuanmou, Yunnan Province
    Jin Zhen-zhou, Ou Xiao-kun, Zhou Yue
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  308-317. 
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    The Method and Instrument for the Measurement of the Photosynthesis, Respiration and Transpiration of the Plant Group under the Field Condition
    Zu Yuan-gang, Chang Jie
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  318-323. 
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    The design of an instrument for measurement of the photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration of plant groups under field conditions is shown. It is made of five components: 1. plant chamber, 2. environment control system, 3. gas passage system, 4. measuring system, and 5. power supply. It also has the necessary instruments for measuring environmental factors. Its practical operation on Northeast China’s Yangcao (Leymus chinensis) grassland (1983—1985) proved that all the design specifications had been met. A preliminary approach to the principle of design, measuring procedure and calculating method is also shown in this paper.
    Introduction of the First Young Ecologists Symposium of China
    Sun Cheng-yong, Song Hong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1987, 11 (4):  324-324. 
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