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    Volume 6 Issue 4
    10 April 1982
    Research Articles
    Biological Productivity of Two Forest Communities in Huitong County of Hunan Province
    Feng Zongwei, Chen Chuying, Zhang Jiawu, Wang Kaiping, Zhao Jilu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  257-267. 
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    Standing crop of representative 20 year-old stands of natural Pinus massoniana and artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata determined by destructive analysis.Standing crop in Pinus massoniana community and Cunninghamia lanceolata community were respectivity 106.80 ton/ha and 156.31 ton/ha. The standing crop and net production of trees layer were respectively 100.62 ton/ha and 5.03 ton/ha/yr for Pinus massoniana community, 150.85 ton/ha and 7.54 ton/ha/yr for Cunninghamia lanceolata community. The amount of nutrient elements in 1 ton standing crop of trees layer were respectively 13.22 kg for Pinus massoniana community and 14.56 kg for Cunninghamia lanceolata community, it is worth notice that the amount of nutrient elements in 1 ton standing crop of subordinate vegetation is 3.6--4.5 times than trees layer. Standing crop and amount of nutrient element of litterfall were respectively 2.3 ton/ha, 58.37 kg/ha for Pinus massoniana community; and 1.4 ton/ha, 47.82 kg/ha for Cunninghamia lanceolata community. Returning litterfall to soil could lead to increasing of the organic matter in soil and increasing the cycle speed of nutrient elements in Pinus massoniana community were better than in Cunninghamia lanceolata community.Chlorophyll content and extinction coefficient of community were presented and compared. The results show that artificial Cunninghamia lanceolata community can use light energy more efficiently than the natural Pinus massoniana community.
    A Preliminary Investigation on the Structure and Succession of the Lithocarpus cleistocarpus, Sycopsis triplinervia Community in Sanjiangkou Region, the North-Eastern Part of Yunnan Province
    Qiu Xuezhong, Liu Lunhui
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  268-280. 
    Abstract ( 1990 )   PDF (2705KB) ( 1019 )   Save
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    This paper was written after the investigation al1 over the forest region in Sanjiangkou, Zhaotung, in May--August, 1973. In this paper the main object is the forest communities. The authors have discussed emphatically the problem on the ecological conditions, the nature, the present state, the succession of these forests, and the utilized direction for them, etc. They may provide a scientific basis for reasonable exploitation of the resources in these forests. All these will give reference materials to the related departments and units.
    Ecological Analysis of Flora, Species Correlation and Ordination of Subalpine Forest Vegetation in Western Sichuan
    Jiang Youxu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  281-301. 
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    It may be made such ecological analysis for flora formation, the correlation between plant species the distribution patterns in ecological series and 2 and 3 dimensional ordinations of subalpine forest vegetations in western Sichuan as follows:

    (1) The flora of subalpine forest in this region has been formed by three process--the convergence of external flora components; the vertical differentiation during the orogenic movement; the internal differentiation within the mountain region accompanying with ecological isolation in south-western China.

    (2) As result of a plexus or semi-matrix diagram of species based on correlation analysis for 6 major subalpine forest associations in western Sichuan, the shrub and herb species could be divided clearly into 2 close linkage natural groups-the sciohydrophytic one in higher elevation and the semixerophytic one in lower elevation, and a losse mesophytic group. The mosses could be divided into a close semixerophytic and a close thermophytic group in lower elevation, and a losse scio-hydrophytic group in higher elevation.

    (3) Plant species distributing along ecological series are in 4 patterns: 1. narrow in elevation in synusia form on the whole; 2. narrow in elevation in scattered form on the whole; 3. broad in elevation, but narrow distribut in elevation only in synusia form; 4. broad in elevation. The last one has less indicative significance.

    ( 4) In 2 and 3 dimensional ordination, the samples of 6 major forest associations may be plotted according to the axes related to the elevation, moisture and soil fertility gradients in ordination fields. The positions on each axis and distance values between associations can quantitatively reflect the difference between associations.

    The Study on the Litter Decomposition in a Bracken Grassland Ecosystem on Hampsfell in England
    Chen Lingzhi, D. K. Lindley
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  302-313. 
    Abstract ( 2226 )   PDF (618KB) ( 883 )   Save
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    Three independent approaches have been used to estimate the decomposition rate of bracken litter. Despite differences in techniques, these estimates are all in the same order of magnitude. 1)The weight loss of litter components was 20--22% after 40 weeks in field from which was derived the annual decay rate of 0.317--0.321g/g/yr. using an exponential regression of loge weight remaining of litter against time. 2)The predicted value of total annual O2 consumption by respiration in litter components showed that 21.04--24.38% weight loss was resulted from microbial respiration. 3)The constant fraction loss rate of total surface bracken litter, estimated from input and accumulated standing crop, was 0.26.
    The Xeromorphic Structure of Different Typical Plants in Deserts of China
    Liu Jiaqiong
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  314-319. 
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    In this paper we have studied fifteen kind of plants of different type about their anatomical structure in deserts of China. The results show that the extreme xerophytes and the xerophytes possess typical xeromorphic structure, and extreme xerophytes are especial striking, such as Ammopiptanthus mongolicus and Haloxylon ammodendron. The basic traits of xeromorphic structures are: thick leaf blades and cuticle; possessing epidermal hairs, glandular hairs, raised things as tumor or breast; hollow stomas; developed palisade tissue and water-storing tissue; forming equilateral leaves and succulent leaves; possessing crystal cells or mucilage cells; existing of vascular sheath, vascular cap and cellulose cell to strengthen plant’s firmness. The leaf blades and the cuticles of mesophytes are thinner, their stomata are levelling or arching up, the palisade tissue and spong tissue not only are same developed but the spaces among cells are bigger and leaves of mesophytes are back-belly leaves. These are typical mesophytic structures.
    The Effect of Cadmium, Lead, Zinc in Soil and Their Interaction on Crop Plants
    Ren Jikai, Chen Qinglang, Chen Lingzhi, Han Rongzhuang, Yao Yiqun, Kong Fanzhi, Miao Yougui
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  320-329. 
    Abstract ( 4833 )   PDF (572KB) ( 1325 )   Save
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    Pot culture experiment were carried on. Cadmium (CdCl2),Lead(Pb(CH3•COO2)) and Zinc (ZnSO4) were added to sandy loam drab soil (pH8.2) respectively, it was found that the contents of cadmium in various organs of plant were several times to 500 times to the control. Under the condition of cadmium concentration at less than 5 and 10ppm in soil, some vegetables and rice were contaminated and their yields were decreased. Lead was accumulated mainly in root and the effect of the lead pollution in soil on plants was relatively low. Zinc was accumulated mainly in leave and root. When the concentration of zinc in soil was less than 200ppm, the growth of rice was inhibited. But there had no influence on dry crops at this concentration. The uptake of cadmium by plant was increased when the lead was added to the soil with 1 or 5ppm of cadmium, but the cadmium ill soil reduced the content of lead in plant. As the results of the interaction between cadmium and zinc or lead and zinc, the uptake of these elements by rice increased but the high concentration of zinc in soil of dry land reduced the uptake of lead and cadmium by plant. In order to assessment the contamination of heavy metal in soil, the concentration of heavy metal and their chemical forms in soil should be studied. To reveal the interaction between heavy metal in soil is an important aspect for assessment of soil pollution.
    The Effect of Arid Climate on the Community Structure and Aerial Biomass of Stipa grandis Steppe
    Wang Yifeng, Jiang Shu
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  333-338. 
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    The Preliminary Study of Effect of Different Nitrogen Level of Soil on Photosynthesis Characteristic of Maize
    Chen Zuozhong, Huang Dehua, Zhang Hongfang
    Chin J Plan Ecolo. 1982, 6 (4):  339-341. 
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