植物生态学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (7): 694-703.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0066
所属专题: 生态遥感及应用
许子乾1,2, 曹林1,2, 阮宏华1,2,*(), 李卫正3, 蒋圣4
XU Zi-Qian1,2, CAO Lin1,2, RUAN Hong-Hua1,2,*(), LI Wei-Zheng3, JIANG Sheng4
Hong-Hua RUAN
About author:
# Co-first authors
该研究集成高分辨率无人机(UAV)影像和激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据估算亚热带天然次生林林分基本特征变量。首先, 基于LiDAR点云和反距离加权插值法构建林下高精度数字高程模型(DEM); 然后利用UAV影像对序列构建植被冠层上层三维点云, 并借助DEM进行高度信息归一化, 提取高度和冠层点云密度相关的特征变量; 最后, 构建预测模型并估算Lorey’s高、林分密度、胸高断面积、蓄积量。结果表明: 联合提取的特征变量与Lorey’s高的敏感性最高, 蓄积量次之, 林分密度和胸高断面积最低; 利用UAV灵活快速的手段获取森林冠层信息, 辅以高精度LiDAR数据获取的地形信息, 两者互补实现一种可重复的快速、廉价和灵活的林分特征的反演方式。
许子乾, 曹林, 阮宏华, 李卫正, 蒋圣. 集成高分辨率UAV影像与激光雷达点云的亚热带森林林分特征反演. 植物生态学报, 2015, 39(7): 694-703. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0066
XU Zi-Qian,CAO Lin,RUAN Hong-Hua,LI Wei-Zheng,JIANG Sheng. Inversion of subtropical forest stand characteristics by integrating very high resolution imagery acquired from UAV and LiDAR point-cloud. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 39(7): 694-703. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2015.0066
图1 牛山无人机影像及样地空间分布。DEM, 地面数字高程模型。
Fig. 1 UAV image of Niushan forest, with yellow circles showing the spatial locations of the sample plots. DEM, digital elevation model.
树种 Tree species | 公式 Formula | 备注 Remark |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | V = A × DB × (E × D + G × lgD)C | A = 0.000058777042, B = 1.9699831 C = 0.89646157, E = -2.2426 F = 0.2021, G = 6.6922 |
水杉 Metasequoia glyptostroboides | V = A × DB × ((E + F × e (G × D))H)C | A = 0.000058777042, B = 1.9699831 C = 0.89646157, E = 1.000438 F = -0.00024755, G = -0.07897864 H = 7101.252 |
侧柏 Platycladus orientalis | A = 0.000091972184, B = 1.8639778 C = 0.83156779, E = 1.000084 F = -0.0000671125, G = -0.1223273 H = 29416.66 | |
林分阔1 Broadleaf 1 (杨 Populus、栎 Quercus) | A = 0.000050479055, B = 1.9085054 C = 0.99076507, E = 0.9236004 F = 0.0502109, G = -0.09686479 H = -37.80742 | |
林分阔2 Broadleaf 2 (刺槐 Robinia pseudoacacia、刺桐Erythrina variegata、柳 Salix、杂 Other) | A = 0.000050479055, B = 1.9085054 C = 0.99076507, E = 6.569053 F = -4.565682, G = -0.03200782 H = 1.697762 |
表1 江苏省林地征占用调查一元材积公式
Table 1 One-variable volume equation for stand volume in Jiangsu Province
树种 Tree species | 公式 Formula | 备注 Remark |
杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata | V = A × DB × (E × D + G × lgD)C | A = 0.000058777042, B = 1.9699831 C = 0.89646157, E = -2.2426 F = 0.2021, G = 6.6922 |
水杉 Metasequoia glyptostroboides | V = A × DB × ((E + F × e (G × D))H)C | A = 0.000058777042, B = 1.9699831 C = 0.89646157, E = 1.000438 F = -0.00024755, G = -0.07897864 H = 7101.252 |
侧柏 Platycladus orientalis | A = 0.000091972184, B = 1.8639778 C = 0.83156779, E = 1.000084 F = -0.0000671125, G = -0.1223273 H = 29416.66 | |
林分阔1 Broadleaf 1 (杨 Populus、栎 Quercus) | A = 0.000050479055, B = 1.9085054 C = 0.99076507, E = 0.9236004 F = 0.0502109, G = -0.09686479 H = -37.80742 | |
林分阔2 Broadleaf 2 (刺槐 Robinia pseudoacacia、刺桐Erythrina variegata、柳 Salix、杂 Other) | A = 0.000050479055, B = 1.9085054 C = 0.99076507, E = 6.569053 F = -4.565682, G = -0.03200782 H = 1.697762 |
样地林分特征 Plot-level characteristics | 统计量 Statistics (n = 30) | |
变化范围 Range of variation | 平均值 Average | |
Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (m) | 7.00-31.65 | 22.99 |
林分密度 Stand density (plant·hm-2) | 1 146-3 950 | 2 560 |
胸高断面积 Basal area (m2·hm-2) | 2.48-13.23 | 6.41 |
蓄积量 Volume (m3·hm-2) | 66.36-488.97 | 274.36 |
表2 样地林分特征信息汇总
Table 2 Summary of plot-level characteristics
样地林分特征 Plot-level characteristics | 统计量 Statistics (n = 30) | |
变化范围 Range of variation | 平均值 Average | |
Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (m) | 7.00-31.65 | 22.99 |
林分密度 Stand density (plant·hm-2) | 1 146-3 950 | 2 560 |
胸高断面积 Basal area (m2·hm-2) | 2.48-13.23 | 6.41 |
蓄积量 Volume (m3·hm-2) | 66.36-488.97 | 274.36 |
自变量(归一化点云提取参数) Independent variable | 因变量(实测参数) Dependent variable |
高度分位数 Height percentile (h10, h25, h30, h40, h60, h75, h85, h90) | Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (m) 林分密度 Stand density (plant·hm-2) 胸高断面积 Basal area (m2·hm-2) 蓄积量 Volume (m3·hm-2) |
点云密度变量 Point cloud density variables (d10, d25, d30, d40, d60, d75, d85, d90) | |
高度均值 Average height (havg) 高度最值 Maximum/minimal height (hmax, hmin) |
表3 多元回归分析变量表
Table 3 List of independent variables for this study
自变量(归一化点云提取参数) Independent variable | 因变量(实测参数) Dependent variable |
高度分位数 Height percentile (h10, h25, h30, h40, h60, h75, h85, h90) | Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (m) 林分密度 Stand density (plant·hm-2) 胸高断面积 Basal area (m2·hm-2) 蓄积量 Volume (m3·hm-2) |
点云密度变量 Point cloud density variables (d10, d25, d30, d40, d60, d75, d85, d90) | |
高度均值 Average height (havg) 高度最值 Maximum/minimal height (hmax, hmin) |
图4 点云特征变量与实测林分特征之间的相关分析。h10, h25……h90为相应高度百分位数; havg为算术平均高; hmax为最大高度; hmin为最小高度; d10, d25……d90为相应高度分位数点云密度。
Fig. 4 Analysis of coefficients between point-cloud metrics and stand characteristics. h10, h25…h90, height percentile; havg, average height; hmax, maximum height; hmin, minimal height; d10, d25… d90, point cloud density.
林分特征变量 Stand characteristics | 联合提取估算模型 Combined extraction estimation models | R2 | RMSE | rRMSE (%) |
Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (H)(m) | H = 0.23 + 0.579havg + 0.346h90 | 0.86 | 0.13 | 6.47 |
林分密度 Stand density (N)(plant·hm-2) | N = 596.552 + 414.135h60 - 346.586h30 | 0.29 | 0.69 | 27.04 |
胸高断面积 Basal area (G)(m2·hm-2) | lnG = 2.752lnh60 - 1.841lnh10 - 1.126 | 0.53 | 0.28 | 16.38 |
蓄积量 Volume (V)(m3·hm-2) | lnV = 2.499 + 1.429lnh90 + 0.7lnd90 | 0.59 | 0.40 | 6.93 |
表4 联合提取估算模型及精度评价
Table 4 The integrated models and their accuracy assessments
林分特征变量 Stand characteristics | 联合提取估算模型 Combined extraction estimation models | R2 | RMSE | rRMSE (%) |
Lorey’s树高 Lorey’s height (H)(m) | H = 0.23 + 0.579havg + 0.346h90 | 0.86 | 0.13 | 6.47 |
林分密度 Stand density (N)(plant·hm-2) | N = 596.552 + 414.135h60 - 346.586h30 | 0.29 | 0.69 | 27.04 |
胸高断面积 Basal area (G)(m2·hm-2) | lnG = 2.752lnh60 - 1.841lnh10 - 1.126 | 0.53 | 0.28 | 16.38 |
蓄积量 Volume (V)(m3·hm-2) | lnV = 2.499 + 1.429lnh90 + 0.7lnd90 | 0.59 | 0.40 | 6.93 |
图5 各林分特征值与模型估算值对比(虚线为1:1验证线)。
Fig. 5 Comparison of field-measured characteristics and the estimates from model (the dotted line is 1:1 validation line).
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