植物生态学报 ›› 2013, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 699-708.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00073
• 研究论文 • 下一篇
WEI Yu-Hang1,2,ZHOU Xiao-Bo3,CHEN Jin-Song1,CHEN Li-Min4,LI Jiao1,2,LIU Qing1,*()
LIU Qing
动物对植物的采食会刺激植物进行补偿性更新生长, 克隆整合效应能够通过分株之间的物质传输增强克隆植物的这种补偿生长。现今对克隆整合效应在箭竹(Fargesia)补偿更新中的作用仍未得到全面认识。2011年10月到2012年11月, 设立了糙花箭竹(Fargesia scabrida)和缺苞箭竹(F. denudata)各40个样方, 分别进行不剪除样方内分株和剪除样方内分株数量的25%、50%、75%四种模拟采食干扰处理, 并将样方四周的根状茎切断或保持连接。从2012年6月起观测并统计了箭竹分株种群的累积出笋率、总出笋率、补充率, 以及新生分株的株高、基径和单株生物量。结果表明: (1)在不剪除分株的样方, 切断根状茎连接显著增加了糙花箭竹的出笋率和补充率, 但降低了新生分株的株高和单株生物量, 也显著降低了缺苞箭竹的出笋率和补充率; (2)保持根状茎连接时, 25%的剪除强度仅仅降低了糙花箭竹新生分株的单株生物量; 同样在保持根状茎连接的条件下, 25%、50%的剪除强度使缺苞箭竹种群的补充率有所降低, 而切断根状茎后缺苞箭竹在25%的剪除强度下的分株补充率反而升高; (3) 75%的剪除强度并未影响两种箭竹新生分株数量更新, 但造成新生分株质量显著下降; 切断根状茎连接显著降低了糙花箭竹的新生分株的株高和基径, 对缺苞箭竹影响不显著。实验证明克隆整合影响了两种箭竹新生分株的萌发、存活和生长, 但不是两种箭竹进行补偿更新的主要机制, 仅在糙花箭竹分株种群受到重度采食干扰后的更新中才起到明显的促进作用; 两种箭竹均能在50%的剪除强度下通过补偿生长恢复种群的稳定, 75%的剪除强度则会造成箭竹新生分株质量的下降。
魏宇航,周晓波,陈劲松,谌利民,李娇,刘庆. 模拟采食干扰下克隆整合对两种箭竹分株种群更新的影响. 植物生态学报, 2013, 37(8): 699-708. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00073
WEI Yu-Hang,ZHOU Xiao-Bo,CHEN Jin-Song,CHEN Li-Min,LI Jiao,LIU Qing. Effect of clonal integration on ramet population regeneration of two Fargesia (bamboo) species under simulated ingesting interference. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2013, 37(8): 699-708. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2013.00073
图1 实验处理。虚线和实线分别表示样方内外箭竹分株根状茎切断和连接。
Fig. 1 Experimental treatments. Bold solid and dotted lines represent the rhizome of Fargesia ramets intact and severed between inside and outside of the quadrat, respectively.
效应 Effect | 累积出笋率 Accumulated bamboo shooting rate | |
df | F | |
S | 1, 63 | 105.978*** |
R | 1, 63 | 8.516** |
C | 3, 63 | 2.275ns |
S × R | 1, 63 | 10.245** |
S × C | 3, 63 | 5.841** |
R × C | 3, 63 | 0.237ns |
S × R × C | 3, 63 | 5.530** |
时间 Time (T) | 8, 56 | 129.698*** |
T × S | 8, 56 | 26.750*** |
T × R | 8, 56 | 4.700*** |
T × C | 24, 174 | 1.071ns |
T × S × R | 8, 56 | 3.705** |
T × S × C | 24, 174 | 1.987** |
T × R × C | 24, 174 | 0.844ns |
T × S × R × C | 24, 174 | 1.851* |
表1 物种(S)、根状茎处理(R)、剪除强度(C)对糙花箭竹和缺苞箭竹分株种群累计出笋率的影响及其交互作用
Table 1 Effects of species (S), rhizomes dispose (R), clipping intensity (C) and the interactions on accumulated bamboo shooting rates of Fargesia scabrida and F. denudata ramet population
效应 Effect | 累积出笋率 Accumulated bamboo shooting rate | |
df | F | |
S | 1, 63 | 105.978*** |
R | 1, 63 | 8.516** |
C | 3, 63 | 2.275ns |
S × R | 1, 63 | 10.245** |
S × C | 3, 63 | 5.841** |
R × C | 3, 63 | 0.237ns |
S × R × C | 3, 63 | 5.530** |
时间 Time (T) | 8, 56 | 129.698*** |
T × S | 8, 56 | 26.750*** |
T × R | 8, 56 | 4.700*** |
T × C | 24, 174 | 1.071ns |
T × S × R | 8, 56 | 3.705** |
T × S × C | 24, 174 | 1.987** |
T × R × C | 24, 174 | 0.844ns |
T × S × R × C | 24, 174 | 1.851* |
图2 糙花箭竹和缺苞箭竹分株种群累积出笋率随时间的变化。RI, 根状茎连接的样方; RS, 根状茎切断的样方。图例中的百分比表示样方内剪除的分株数量。
Fig. 2 Variations of accumulated bamboo shooting rates of Fargesia scabrida and F. denudata ramet population with time. RI, plots with rhizomes intact; RS, plots with rhizomes severed. Percentage in legend means clipping number of ramets in each quadrat.
效应 Effect | df | F | ||||
出笋率 Bamboo shooting rate | 补充率 Recruitment rate | 株高 Ramet height | 基径 Basal diameter | 单株生物量 Biomass per ramet | ||
S | 1, 78 | 61.833*** | 103.391*** | 174.822*** | 115.962*** | 78.091*** |
R | 1, 78 | 3.672ns | 1.701ns | 16.967*** | 5.057* | 2.036* |
C | 3, 78 | 2.724ns | 1.218ns | 20.710*** | 14.223*** | 15.157*** |
S × R | 1, 78 | 6.870* | 4.492 * | 0.465ns | 1.216ns | 7.492** |
S × C | 3, 78 | 4.366** | 3.595* | 3.057* | 1.220ns | 2.222ns |
R × C | 3, 78 | 0.133ns | 0.156 ns | 1.764ns | 0.264ns | 1.392ns |
S × R × C | 3, 78 | 6.475** | 8.417 *** | 0.458ns | 0.346ns | 0.972ns |
表2 物种(S)、根状茎处理(R)、剪除强度(C)及其交互作用对糙花箭竹和缺苞箭竹分株种群更新的影响
Table 2 Effects of species (S), rhizomes dispose (R), clipping intensity (C) and the interactions on regeneration of Fargesia scabrida and F. denudata ramet population
效应 Effect | df | F | ||||
出笋率 Bamboo shooting rate | 补充率 Recruitment rate | 株高 Ramet height | 基径 Basal diameter | 单株生物量 Biomass per ramet | ||
S | 1, 78 | 61.833*** | 103.391*** | 174.822*** | 115.962*** | 78.091*** |
R | 1, 78 | 3.672ns | 1.701ns | 16.967*** | 5.057* | 2.036* |
C | 3, 78 | 2.724ns | 1.218ns | 20.710*** | 14.223*** | 15.157*** |
S × R | 1, 78 | 6.870* | 4.492 * | 0.465ns | 1.216ns | 7.492** |
S × C | 3, 78 | 4.366** | 3.595* | 3.057* | 1.220ns | 2.222ns |
R × C | 3, 78 | 0.133ns | 0.156 ns | 1.764ns | 0.264ns | 1.392ns |
S × R × C | 3, 78 | 6.475** | 8.417 *** | 0.458ns | 0.346ns | 0.972ns |
图3 糙花箭竹和缺苞箭竹分株种群在8种实验处理下的出笋率和补充率(平均值±标准误差)。具有不同字母的柱体表示在95%水平上差异显著。
Fig. 3 Bamboo shooting rate and recruitment rate of Fargesia scabrida and F. denudata ramet population under eight experimental treatments (mean ± SE). Bars sharing different letters show significant difference at p = 0.05.
图4 糙花箭竹和缺苞箭竹在8种实验处理下新生分株的株高、基径和单株生物量(平均值±标准误差)。具有不同字母的柱体表示在95%水平上差异显著。
Fig. 4 Ramet height, basal diameter and biomass per ramet of Fargesia scabrida and F. denudata new ramets under eight experimental treatments (mean ± SE). Bars sharing different letters show significant difference at p = 0.05.
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