植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (5): 460-467.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00042
所属专题: 青藏高原植物生态学:群落生态学
LU Ning-Na1,ZHAO Zhi-Gang2,*()
ZHAO Zhi-Gang
植物花对称性与传粉系统密切相关, 花特征的变异性受到传粉者的选择作用。由于特化的传粉者对两侧对称的花的稳定选择, Berg假说认为两侧对称植物花大小的变异性比辐射对称植物的更低; 而且, 在传粉者的选择作用下花特征比植物营养特征明显有更低的变异性, 因为后者更易受环境影响。该文对青藏高原东部高山草甸植物群落的50种开花植物(包括19种两侧对称植物和31种辐射对称植物)的花和叶特征进行了测定和分析。结果表明不论是两侧对称植物还是辐射对称植物, 花大小的变异性都显著低于叶片大小的变异性, 表明传粉者对花施加的稳定选择有利于花的稳定性。但是, 辐射对称物种花大小的变异程度和两侧对称物种的相似, 即使在控制物种系统发育的影响后, 也没有发现显著的差异, 这与Berg假说不一致。高山生态系统中传粉者种类相对较少, 以熊蜂和蝇类为主, 传粉者的活动受局域气候环境影响较大, 因此传粉昆虫对植物花的选择作用强度可能有较大的变异性。
路宁娜,赵志刚. 花对称性与植物花大小的变异性: 在高寒草甸植物群落检验Berg的假说. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(5): 460-467. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00042
LU Ning-Na,ZHAO Zhi-Gang. Flower symmetry and flower size variability: an examination of Berg’s hypotheses in an alpine meadow. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(5): 460-467. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00042
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
辐射对称物种 Radial species | |||
喉毛花 Comastoma pulmonarium4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.242 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.144 | ||
湿生扁蕾 Gentianopsis paludosa4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.355 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.134 | ||
瞿麦 Dianthus superbus6 | 石竹科 Caryophyllaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.262 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.118 | ||
沼生柳叶菜 Epilobium palustre6 | 柳叶菜科 Onagraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.280 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.136 | ||
柳兰 Chamerion angustifolium6 | 柳叶菜科 Onagraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.200 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.055 | ||
花荵 Polemonium caeruleum6 | 花荵科 Polemoniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.239 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.082 | ||
莓叶委陵菜 Potentilla fragarioides2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.198 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.119 | ||
银露梅 Potentilla glabra2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.185 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.119 | ||
金露梅 Potentilla fruticosa2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.222 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.064 | ||
丝叶毛茛 Ranunculus tanguticus var. capillaceus1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.575 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.136 | ||
钝裂银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.464 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.140 | ||
高山唐松草 Thalictrum alpinum1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.113 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.154 | ||
小花草玉梅 Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.143 | ||
毛茛状金莲花 Trollius ranunculoides1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.137 |
甘青老鹳草 Geranium pylzowianum6 | 牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.127 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.096 | ||
鼠掌老鹳草 Geranium sibiricum6 | 牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.281 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.155 | ||
水团花 Adina pilulifera3 | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.236 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.114 | ||
直立点地梅 Androsace erecta6 | 报春花科 Primulaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.067 |
黄帚橐吾 Ligularia virgaurea5 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.233 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.161 | ||
毛连菜 Picris hieracioides6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.153 | ||
沼生苦苣菜 Sonchus palustris6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.100 |
黑褐千里光 Senecio atrofuscus6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.127 |
缘毛紫菀 Aster souliei6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.132 |
高山紫菀 Aster alpinus6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.172 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.172 | ||
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
甘青微孔草 Microula pseudotrichocarpa3 | 紫草科 Boraginaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.105 |
刺芒龙胆 Gentiana aristata4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 花大小(花冠筒长、花冠直径、花冠裂片长、花冠裂片宽、花冠筒直径) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla diameter, corolla lobe length, corolla lobe width, corolla tube diameter) | 0.093 |
鳞叶龙胆 Gentiana squarrosa4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花冠筒长、花冠直径、花冠裂片长、花冠裂片宽、花冠筒直径) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla diameter, corolla lobe length, corolla lobe width, corolla tube diameter) | 0.240 | ||
狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme6 | 瑞香科 Thymelaeaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.128 |
夏河缬草 Valeriana xiaheensis5 | 败酱科 Valerianaceae | 花大小(花冠筒长、花冠筒直径、花直径、花瓣长、花瓣宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, corolla diameter, petal length and width) | 0.220 |
高山韭 Allium sikkimense | 百合科 Liliaceae | 花大小(花瓣长、宽) Flower size (length and width) | 0.115 |
高原鸢尾 Iris collettii | 鸢尾科 Iridaceae | 花大小(外花被直径、内花被直径、外花瓣长、外花瓣宽、内花瓣长、内花瓣宽) Flower size (outside perianth diameter, inside perianth diameter, outside petal length and width, inside petal length and width ) | 0.080 |
两侧对称物种 Bilateral species | |||
碎米蕨叶马先蒿 Pedicularis cheilanthifolia5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.248 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.102 | ||
甘肃马先蒿 Pedicularis kansuensis5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.101 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.077 | ||
四川马先蒿 Pedicularis szetschuanica5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.286 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.124 | ||
露蕊乌头 Gymnaconitum gymnandrum1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.259 |
花大小(盔高、萼片直径、侧萼片宽、侧萼片高、侧萼片间距) Flower size (galea height, sepal diameter, Lateral sepal width and length, distance between lateral sepals) | 0.122 | ||
展毛翠雀花 Delphinium kamaonense1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.124 |
花大小(花冠直径、距长、上萼片宽、下萼片宽) Flower size (corolla diameter, spur length, upper sepal width, under sepal width) | 0.068 | ||
黄花棘豆 Oxytropis ochrocephala2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.247 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.158 | ||
甘肃米口袋 Gueldenstaedtia gansuensis2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.092 |
花大小(龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长、龙骨瓣宽、翼瓣长、旗瓣宽) Flower size (keel length and width, wing petal length, flag petal length and width) | 0.199 | ||
青海苜蓿 Medicago archiducis-nicolai2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.292 |
花大小(龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长、龙骨瓣宽、翼瓣长、旗瓣宽) Flower size (keel length and width, wing petal length and width, flag petal length and width) | 0.09 | ||
歪头菜 Vicia unijuga2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.198 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.208 | ||
苦马豆 Sphaerophysa salsula2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.064 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.05 | ||
山黧豆 Lathyrus quinquenervius2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.276 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长和宽、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length and width, flag petal length) | 0.124 | ||
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
救荒野豌豆 Vicia sativa2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.060 |
大叶鼠尾草 `Salvia grandifolia4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.181 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、上下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, lower lip length and width, distance between lips) | 0.099 | ||
藏荆芥 Nepeta angustifolia4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.187 |
花大小(花萼筒长、花萼筒直径、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.076 | ||
异色黄芩 Scutellaria discolor4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.225 |
花大小(花萼筒长、花萼筒直径、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.080 | ||
毛果婆婆纳 Veronica eriogyne3 | 玄参科 Scrophulariaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.111 |
花大小(花萼筒直径、上唇宽、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube diameter, upper lip width, lower lip width) | 0.129 | ||
短腺小米草 Euphrasia regelii3 | 玄参科 Scrophulariaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.204 |
花大小(上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽、上下唇间距) Flower size (upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width, distance between lips) | 0.151 | ||
灯笼草 Clinopodium polycephalum4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.167 |
花大小(花萼筒长、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.118 | ||
陕西紫堇 Corydalis shensiana6 | 罂粟科 Papaveraceae | 叶大小(长、宽)Leaf size (length and width) | 0.264 |
花大小(上花瓣长、距长、下花瓣长、下花瓣宽、上下瓣间距) Flower size (upper petal length, lower petal length and width, distance between petals, spur length) | 0.180 |
表1 50个物种花及叶特征的变异系数*
Table 1 Coefficients of variation (CV) in flower and leaf traits in 50 species*
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
辐射对称物种 Radial species | |||
喉毛花 Comastoma pulmonarium4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.242 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.144 | ||
湿生扁蕾 Gentianopsis paludosa4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.355 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.134 | ||
瞿麦 Dianthus superbus6 | 石竹科 Caryophyllaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.262 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.118 | ||
沼生柳叶菜 Epilobium palustre6 | 柳叶菜科 Onagraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.280 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.136 | ||
柳兰 Chamerion angustifolium6 | 柳叶菜科 Onagraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.200 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.055 | ||
花荵 Polemonium caeruleum6 | 花荵科 Polemoniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.239 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.082 | ||
莓叶委陵菜 Potentilla fragarioides2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.198 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.119 | ||
银露梅 Potentilla glabra2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.185 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.119 | ||
金露梅 Potentilla fruticosa2 | 蔷薇科 Rosaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.222 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.064 | ||
丝叶毛茛 Ranunculus tanguticus var. capillaceus1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.575 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.136 | ||
钝裂银莲花 Anemone obtusiloba1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.464 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.140 | ||
高山唐松草 Thalictrum alpinum1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.113 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.154 | ||
小花草玉梅 Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.143 | ||
毛茛状金莲花 Trollius ranunculoides1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.137 |
甘青老鹳草 Geranium pylzowianum6 | 牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.127 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.096 | ||
鼠掌老鹳草 Geranium sibiricum6 | 牻牛儿苗科 Geraniaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.281 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.155 | ||
水团花 Adina pilulifera3 | 茜草科 Rubiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.236 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.114 | ||
直立点地梅 Androsace erecta6 | 报春花科 Primulaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.067 |
黄帚橐吾 Ligularia virgaurea5 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.233 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.161 | ||
毛连菜 Picris hieracioides6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.153 | ||
沼生苦苣菜 Sonchus palustris6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.100 |
黑褐千里光 Senecio atrofuscus6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.127 |
缘毛紫菀 Aster souliei6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.132 |
高山紫菀 Aster alpinus6 | 菊科 Asteraceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.172 |
花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.172 | ||
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
甘青微孔草 Microula pseudotrichocarpa3 | 紫草科 Boraginaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.105 |
刺芒龙胆 Gentiana aristata4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 花大小(花冠筒长、花冠直径、花冠裂片长、花冠裂片宽、花冠筒直径) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla diameter, corolla lobe length, corolla lobe width, corolla tube diameter) | 0.093 |
鳞叶龙胆 Gentiana squarrosa4 | 龙胆科 Gentianaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length, width) | 0.223 |
花大小(花冠筒长、花冠直径、花冠裂片长、花冠裂片宽、花冠筒直径) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla diameter, corolla lobe length, corolla lobe width, corolla tube diameter) | 0.240 | ||
狼毒 Stellera chamaejasme6 | 瑞香科 Thymelaeaceae | 花大小(花直径、瓣长、瓣宽) Flower size (diameter, length, width) | 0.128 |
夏河缬草 Valeriana xiaheensis5 | 败酱科 Valerianaceae | 花大小(花冠筒长、花冠筒直径、花直径、花瓣长、花瓣宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, corolla diameter, petal length and width) | 0.220 |
高山韭 Allium sikkimense | 百合科 Liliaceae | 花大小(花瓣长、宽) Flower size (length and width) | 0.115 |
高原鸢尾 Iris collettii | 鸢尾科 Iridaceae | 花大小(外花被直径、内花被直径、外花瓣长、外花瓣宽、内花瓣长、内花瓣宽) Flower size (outside perianth diameter, inside perianth diameter, outside petal length and width, inside petal length and width ) | 0.080 |
两侧对称物种 Bilateral species | |||
碎米蕨叶马先蒿 Pedicularis cheilanthifolia5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.248 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.102 | ||
甘肃马先蒿 Pedicularis kansuensis5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.101 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.077 | ||
四川马先蒿 Pedicularis szetschuanica5 | 列当科 Orobanchaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.286 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、花冠与下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, Lower lip length and width, distance between corolla and lower lip) | 0.124 | ||
露蕊乌头 Gymnaconitum gymnandrum1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.259 |
花大小(盔高、萼片直径、侧萼片宽、侧萼片高、侧萼片间距) Flower size (galea height, sepal diameter, Lateral sepal width and length, distance between lateral sepals) | 0.122 | ||
展毛翠雀花 Delphinium kamaonense1 | 毛茛科 Ranunculaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.124 |
花大小(花冠直径、距长、上萼片宽、下萼片宽) Flower size (corolla diameter, spur length, upper sepal width, under sepal width) | 0.068 | ||
黄花棘豆 Oxytropis ochrocephala2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.247 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.158 | ||
甘肃米口袋 Gueldenstaedtia gansuensis2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.092 |
花大小(龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长、龙骨瓣宽、翼瓣长、旗瓣宽) Flower size (keel length and width, wing petal length, flag petal length and width) | 0.199 | ||
青海苜蓿 Medicago archiducis-nicolai2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.292 |
花大小(龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长、龙骨瓣宽、翼瓣长、旗瓣宽) Flower size (keel length and width, wing petal length and width, flag petal length and width) | 0.09 | ||
歪头菜 Vicia unijuga2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.198 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.208 | ||
苦马豆 Sphaerophysa salsula2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.064 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.05 | ||
山黧豆 Lathyrus quinquenervius2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.276 |
花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长和宽、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length and width, flag petal length) | 0.124 | ||
科 Family | 特征 Trait | 变异系数 Mean CV | |
救荒野豌豆 Vicia sativa2 | 豆科 Fabaceae | 花大小(翼瓣长、龙骨瓣长、旗瓣长) Flower size (wing petal length, keel length, flag petal length) | 0.060 |
大叶鼠尾草 `Salvia grandifolia4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.181 |
花大小(花冠筒长、下唇长、下唇宽、上下唇间距) Flower size (corolla tube length, lower lip length and width, distance between lips) | 0.099 | ||
藏荆芥 Nepeta angustifolia4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.187 |
花大小(花萼筒长、花萼筒直径、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.076 | ||
异色黄芩 Scutellaria discolor4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.225 |
花大小(花萼筒长、花萼筒直径、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, corolla tube diameter, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.080 | ||
毛果婆婆纳 Veronica eriogyne3 | 玄参科 Scrophulariaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.111 |
花大小(花萼筒直径、上唇宽、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube diameter, upper lip width, lower lip width) | 0.129 | ||
短腺小米草 Euphrasia regelii3 | 玄参科 Scrophulariaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.204 |
花大小(上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽、上下唇间距) Flower size (upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width, distance between lips) | 0.151 | ||
灯笼草 Clinopodium polycephalum4 | 唇形科 Lamiaceae | 叶大小(长、宽) Leaf size (length and width) | 0.167 |
花大小(花萼筒长、上唇长、上唇宽、下唇长、下唇宽) Flower size (corolla tube length, upper lip length and width, lower lip length and width) | 0.118 | ||
陕西紫堇 Corydalis shensiana6 | 罂粟科 Papaveraceae | 叶大小(长、宽)Leaf size (length and width) | 0.264 |
花大小(上花瓣长、距长、下花瓣长、下花瓣宽、上下瓣间距) Flower size (upper petal length, lower petal length and width, distance between petals, spur length) | 0.180 |
图1 辐射对称与两侧对称物种花和叶大小变异系数的比较(平均值±标准误差)。*, 花和叶大小变异系数差异显著(p < 0.05)。
Fig. 1 Comparisons of the coefficient of variation (CV) in flower size and leaf size between species with radial and bilateral flowers (mean ± SE). *, there is a significant difference between the CV of flower size and that of leaf size (p < 0.05).
图2 辐射对称与两侧对称物种花大小变异的系统发育独立比较。共6个分类组, 每一组包括两侧对称和辐射对称的物种对, 分别估计变异系数的平均值, 然后对6组值进行非参数检验: Mann-Whitney U, Z = - 0.964, p = 0.394。
Fig. 2 Pairwise phylogenetic comparisons of flower size in bilaterally and radially symmetrical species. The paired points represent family means or means of higher taxonomic groups for six independent cases where the phylogeny branches dichotomously into a bilateral and radial pair. A non-parametric test was used to examine the differences in mean coefficient of variation (CV) of the six pairs, Mann-Whitney U, Z = - 0.964, p = 0.394.
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