Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 1127-1139.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2017.0092
• Research Articles • Next Articles
Ming-Zhe MA1,2, Guo-Zhen SHEN1, Gao-Ming XIONG1, Chang-Ming ZHAO1, Wen-Ting XU1, You-Bing ZHOU1, Zong-Qiang XIE1,2,*()
Zong-Qiang XIE
Ming-Zhe MA, Guo-Zhen SHEN, Gao-Ming XIONG, Chang-Ming ZHAO, Wen-Ting XU, You-Bing ZHOU, Zong-Qiang XIE. Characteristic and representativeness of the vertical vegetation zonation along the altitudinal gradient in Shennongjia Natural Heritage[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2017, 41(11): 1127-1139.
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国家 Country | 地区 Area | 植被类型 Vegetation type | 位置 Location | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual temperature (℃) | 年降水量 Mean annual precipitation (mm) | 优势种 Dominant species | 土壤类型 Soil type |
中国 China | 神农架 Shennongjia | 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest | 31.27° N, 110.48° E | 1 670 | 10.6 | 1 200 | 米心水青冈, 青冈 Fagus engleriana, Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 山地黄棕壤 Mountain yellow brown soil |
日本 Japan | 本州南部低地, 四国, 九州和琉球群岛的北部 The southern lowlands of Honshu, north part of Shikoku, Kyushu and Ryuryu | 常绿阔叶林 Evergreen broad-leaved forest | 26.58°-35.5° N, 130°- 140° E | 250-1 100 | 13-21 | 1 300-2 500 | Castanopsis cuspidata, C. cuspidate var. sieboldii, Quercus salicina, Q. acuta, Q. sessilifolia, Machilus thunbergii | 棕壤 Brown soil |
法国、意大利、西班牙、 希腊 France, Italy, Spain, and Greece, | 地中海沿岸 Mediterranean | 硬叶常绿阔叶林 Sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest | 30.25°- 45.83° N, 0°-30° E | 300-2 800 | 16-20 | 300-1 000 | Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex, Q. suber, Pistacia lentiscus | 红壤和黄壤 Red soil and yellow soil |
美国 USA | 大烟山 Great Smoky Mountains | 温带阔叶林 Temperate broad-leaved forest | 35.6° N, 83.48° W | 1 830 | 12 | 1 270-2 030 | Quercus borealis, Tilia heterophylla, Betula alleghenicnsis, Acer rubrum | 山地棕壤 Mountain brown soil |
北非 North Africa | 撒哈拉沙漠北部 North of the Sahara Desert | 荒漠 Desert | 25°-35° N, 15°W-50° E | - | >30 | 90-450 | 金合欢属, 蒿属, 三芒草属, 画眉草属, 稷属 Acacia, Artemisia, Aristida, Eragrostis, Panicum | 石漠(岩漠)、砾漠和沙漠 Rock desert (rock desert), gravel desert and desert |
Table 1 Overview of Shennongjia and its counterparts in the same latitude
国家 Country | 地区 Area | 植被类型 Vegetation type | 位置 Location | 海拔 Altitude (m) | 年平均气温 Mean annual temperature (℃) | 年降水量 Mean annual precipitation (mm) | 优势种 Dominant species | 土壤类型 Soil type |
中国 China | 神农架 Shennongjia | 常绿落叶阔叶混交林 Evergreen deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest | 31.27° N, 110.48° E | 1 670 | 10.6 | 1 200 | 米心水青冈, 青冈 Fagus engleriana, Cyclobalanopsis glauca | 山地黄棕壤 Mountain yellow brown soil |
日本 Japan | 本州南部低地, 四国, 九州和琉球群岛的北部 The southern lowlands of Honshu, north part of Shikoku, Kyushu and Ryuryu | 常绿阔叶林 Evergreen broad-leaved forest | 26.58°-35.5° N, 130°- 140° E | 250-1 100 | 13-21 | 1 300-2 500 | Castanopsis cuspidata, C. cuspidate var. sieboldii, Quercus salicina, Q. acuta, Q. sessilifolia, Machilus thunbergii | 棕壤 Brown soil |
法国、意大利、西班牙、 希腊 France, Italy, Spain, and Greece, | 地中海沿岸 Mediterranean | 硬叶常绿阔叶林 Sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest | 30.25°- 45.83° N, 0°-30° E | 300-2 800 | 16-20 | 300-1 000 | Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex, Q. suber, Pistacia lentiscus | 红壤和黄壤 Red soil and yellow soil |
美国 USA | 大烟山 Great Smoky Mountains | 温带阔叶林 Temperate broad-leaved forest | 35.6° N, 83.48° W | 1 830 | 12 | 1 270-2 030 | Quercus borealis, Tilia heterophylla, Betula alleghenicnsis, Acer rubrum | 山地棕壤 Mountain brown soil |
北非 North Africa | 撒哈拉沙漠北部 North of the Sahara Desert | 荒漠 Desert | 25°-35° N, 15°W-50° E | - | >30 | 90-450 | 金合欢属, 蒿属, 三芒草属, 画眉草属, 稷属 Acacia, Artemisia, Aristida, Eragrostis, Panicum | 石漠(岩漠)、砾漠和沙漠 Rock desert (rock desert), gravel desert and desert |
Fig. 2 The distribution of main plant formations in Shennongjia along the elevation gradient. Capital English letters represent vertical vegetation zones: A, subtropical zone of evergreen broad-leaved forest; B, north subtropical zone of Mixed evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest; C, warm temperate zone of broadleaved deciduous forest; D, temperate zone of mixed broadleaf-conifer forest; E, cold temperate zone of coniferous forest; F, subalpine zone of shrub meadow. The abscissa represents different formations: 1, Form. Chimonanthus praecox; 2, Form. Phoebe zhennan, Cyclobalanopsis gracilis; 3, Form. Coriaria sinica, Cotinus coggyqria var. pubescens; 4, Form. Pinus massoniana, Quercus variabilis; 5, Form. Cunninghamia lanceolata; 6, Form. Quercus variabilis; 7, Form. Lindera communis, Cyclobalanopsis gracilis, Platycarya strobilacea, Betula luminifera; 8, Form. Pinus massoniana; 9, Form. Quercus acrodonta; 10, Form. Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, Sycopsis chinense, Quercus engleriana, Cyclobanopsis myrsinaefolia; 11, Form. Quercus philyraeoides, Q. acrodonta, Carpinus sp., Platycarya strobilacea; 12, Form. Juglans cathayensis; 13, Form. Quercus variabilis, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata, Castanea segyinii; 14, Form. Quercus engleriana, Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon, Betula luminifera, Platycarya strobilacea; 15, Form. Quercus spinosa; 16, Form. Quercus glandulifera var. brevipetiolata; 17, Form. Castanea seguinii; 18, Form. Pinus henryi; 19, Form. Betula luminifera, Platycarya strobilacea, Carpinus sp.; 20, Form. Pinups armandii, Betula utilis; 21, Form. Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata; 22, Form. Abies chensiensis; 23, Form. Corylus heterophylla var. sutchuenensis, Viburnum opulus var. calvescens, Malus hupehensis; 24, Form. Carex sp., Sanguisorba officinalis var. longifolia, Anaphalis sinica, Geranium henryi; 25, Form. Rhus verniciflua, Quercus acutidentata, Cornus controversa, Platycarya strobilacea; 26, Form. Miscanthus sinensis, Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum; 27, Form. Lespedeza formosa, L. buergeri; 28, Form. Carex sp., Juncus concinus, Sanguisorba officicnalis var. longifolia, Chamaenerion angustifolium; 29, Form. Pinus armandii, Querus aliena var. acuteserrata; 30, Form. Pinus armandii; 31, Form. Fagus engleriana; 32, Form. Abies chensiensis, Picea wilsonii; 33, Form. Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata, Fagus engleriana, Betula albosinensis; 34, Form. Betula albosinensis; 35, Form. Pinus armandii, Populus davidiana, Betula albosinensis; 36, Form. Pinus armandii, Populus davidiana; 37, Form. Salix carprea var. inica, Crataegus wilsonii, Sorbus hupehensis; 38, Form. Abies fargesii, Betula albosinensis, Acer sp.; 39, Form. Salix cupularis; 40, Form. Berberis dasystachya; 41, Form. Sinarundinaria nitida; 42, Form. Cotoneaster horizontalis; 43, Form. Abies fargesii; 44, Form. Rhododendron fargesii; 45, Form. Sabina pingii var. wilsonii; 46, Form. Trisetum clarkei, Festuca rubra, Deyeuxia scabrescens. Formation distribution along the elevation was based on Tian (2002).
Fig. 3 Sketch map of Shennongjia mountain. A, Shennongding, the summit of the heritage site with the elevation of 3 106.2 m; B, Xiaguping, the lowest point of the south slope of the heritage site with the elevation of 400 m; C, Hanjiaping, the lowest point of the north slope of the heritage site with the elevation of 600 m.
Table 2 The altitudinal vegetation zonation of the Eastern Deciduous Forest Biogeographic Province in the Classification of the Biogeographical Provinces of the World by Udvardy
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