Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (10): 1356-1374.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0008
Special Issue: 全球变化与生态系统; 生态遥感及应用
• Reviews • Previous Articles Next Articles
* (HAO Qing, HUANG Chang. A review of forest aboveground biomass estimation based on remote sensing data[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2023, 47(10): 1356-1374.
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植被指数 Vegetation index | 计算公式 Calculation formula | 特点 Characteristic |
归一化植被指数 Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) | NDVI = (NIR - Red)/(NIR + Red) | 应用广泛、反映植被空间分布与生长状况 It is widely used and reflects the spatial distribution and growth of vegetation |
增强型植被指数 Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | EVI = 2.5 × (NIR - Red)/(NIR + 6Red - 7.5Blue + 1) | 可纠正大气和土壤背景的影响, 不易饱和 It can correct the influence of atmospheric and soil background and is not easily saturated |
比值植被指数 Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | RVI = NIR/Red | 计算简单, 在植被密集区域灵敏度高 It’s easy to calculate and has high sensitivity in densely vegetated areas |
差值植被指数 Differential vegetation index (DVI) | DVI = NIR - Red | 对土壤背景变化敏感, 易区分土壤和植被 It’s sensitive to soil background changes and easy to distinguish between soil and vegetation |
重归一化植被指数 Re-normalized differential vegetation index (RDVI) | RDVI = (NIR – Red)/ | 可区分土壤和植被, 也可以反映植被信息 It can distinguish between soil and vegetation and reflect vegetation information |
土壤调节植被指数 Soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | SAVI = 1.5 × (NIR - Red)/(NIR + Red + 0.5) | 考虑土壤光学性质, 适用于稀疏植被区域 It can take into account soil optical properties and is suitable for areas of sparse vegetation |
修正土壤调节植被指数 Modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | MSAVI = 1/2 × (2NIR + 1 – | 可消除土壤背景 It can remove the soil background |
垂直植被指数 Perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) | PVI = (NIR – 0.791Red – 0.043)/ | 用于地表植被参数的反演 It can be used for inversion of surface vegetation parameters |
Table 1 Several popular vegetation indices and their characteristics
植被指数 Vegetation index | 计算公式 Calculation formula | 特点 Characteristic |
归一化植被指数 Normalized differential vegetation index (NDVI) | NDVI = (NIR - Red)/(NIR + Red) | 应用广泛、反映植被空间分布与生长状况 It is widely used and reflects the spatial distribution and growth of vegetation |
增强型植被指数 Enhanced vegetation index (EVI) | EVI = 2.5 × (NIR - Red)/(NIR + 6Red - 7.5Blue + 1) | 可纠正大气和土壤背景的影响, 不易饱和 It can correct the influence of atmospheric and soil background and is not easily saturated |
比值植被指数 Ratio vegetation index (RVI) | RVI = NIR/Red | 计算简单, 在植被密集区域灵敏度高 It’s easy to calculate and has high sensitivity in densely vegetated areas |
差值植被指数 Differential vegetation index (DVI) | DVI = NIR - Red | 对土壤背景变化敏感, 易区分土壤和植被 It’s sensitive to soil background changes and easy to distinguish between soil and vegetation |
重归一化植被指数 Re-normalized differential vegetation index (RDVI) | RDVI = (NIR – Red)/ | 可区分土壤和植被, 也可以反映植被信息 It can distinguish between soil and vegetation and reflect vegetation information |
土壤调节植被指数 Soil-adjusted vegetation index (SAVI) | SAVI = 1.5 × (NIR - Red)/(NIR + Red + 0.5) | 考虑土壤光学性质, 适用于稀疏植被区域 It can take into account soil optical properties and is suitable for areas of sparse vegetation |
修正土壤调节植被指数 Modified soil-adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI) | MSAVI = 1/2 × (2NIR + 1 – | 可消除土壤背景 It can remove the soil background |
垂直植被指数 Perpendicular vegetation index (PVI) | PVI = (NIR – 0.791Red – 0.043)/ | 用于地表植被参数的反演 It can be used for inversion of surface vegetation parameters |
Fig. 2 Performance of aboveground biomass estimation with different machine learning models: multiple stepwise linear regression (MLSR), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector regression (SVR), and random forest (RF) (modified from Zhang et al. (2019a)). R2, coefficient of determination; RMSE, root mean squared error; RMSEr, relative root mean squared error.
国家或机构 Country or agency | 卫星名称 Satellite name | 年份 Year | 极化方式 Polarization mode |
中国 China | HJ-1 | 2012 | VV (S波段) VV (S band) |
GF-3 | 2016 | 可选单极化(C波段) Optional unipolarization (C band) | |
Qilu-1 | 2021 | Ku谱段 Ku band | |
海丝一号 Hisea-1 | 2022 | VV (C波段) VV (C band) | |
LT-1A | 2022 | 全极化(L波段) Full polarization (L band) | |
LT-1B | 2022 | 全极化(L波段) Full polarization (L band) | |
巢湖一号 Chaohu-1 | 2022 | (C波段) (C band) | |
美国 USA | Seasat-A | 1978 | HH (L波段) HH (L band) |
Capalla-1 | 2018 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-2 | 2020 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-3 | 2021 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-4 | 2021 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
欧洲航天局 European Space Agency (ESA) | ENVISAT | 2002 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) |
Sentinel-1A | 2014 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) | |
Sentinel-1B | 2016 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) | |
加拿大 Canada | RADARSAT-2 | 2006 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
德国宇航局 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | TerraSAR-X | 2007 | 单极化、双极化、全极化(X波段) Unipolarization, bipolarization, full polarization (X band) |
TanDEM-X | 2010 | 单极化、双极化、全极化(X波段) Unipolarization, bipolarization, full polarization (X band) | |
日本 Japan | ALOS-PALSAR1 | 2006 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
ALOS2-PALSAR2 | 2014 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
Table 2 Synthetic aperture radar satellites commonly used for biomass estimation
国家或机构 Country or agency | 卫星名称 Satellite name | 年份 Year | 极化方式 Polarization mode |
中国 China | HJ-1 | 2012 | VV (S波段) VV (S band) |
GF-3 | 2016 | 可选单极化(C波段) Optional unipolarization (C band) | |
Qilu-1 | 2021 | Ku谱段 Ku band | |
海丝一号 Hisea-1 | 2022 | VV (C波段) VV (C band) | |
LT-1A | 2022 | 全极化(L波段) Full polarization (L band) | |
LT-1B | 2022 | 全极化(L波段) Full polarization (L band) | |
巢湖一号 Chaohu-1 | 2022 | (C波段) (C band) | |
美国 USA | Seasat-A | 1978 | HH (L波段) HH (L band) |
Capalla-1 | 2018 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-2 | 2020 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-3 | 2021 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
Capalla-4 | 2021 | HH (X波段) HH (X band) | |
欧洲航天局 European Space Agency (ESA) | ENVISAT | 2002 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) |
Sentinel-1A | 2014 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) | |
Sentinel-1B | 2016 | 双极化(C波段) Bipolarization (C band) | |
加拿大 Canada | RADARSAT-2 | 2006 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
德国宇航局 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | TerraSAR-X | 2007 | 单极化、双极化、全极化(X波段) Unipolarization, bipolarization, full polarization (X band) |
TanDEM-X | 2010 | 单极化、双极化、全极化(X波段) Unipolarization, bipolarization, full polarization (X band) | |
日本 Japan | ALOS-PALSAR1 | 2006 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
ALOS2-PALSAR2 | 2014 | 全极化(L、C波段) Full polarization (L, C band) |
遥感类型 Sensor type | 优势 Advantage | 不足 Disadvantage |
光学遥感 Optical remote sensing | 光谱信息丰富, 易得多种时空分辨率影像, 可用于不同尺度的生物量估算研究。数据提取方法较简便, 结果可视化程度较高 Spectral information is abundant, and various spatial and temporal resolution images are easily available, which can be used for biomass estimation research at different scales. The data extraction methods are relatively straightforward, and the results can be visualized to a high degree | 光学传感器易受天气影响, 遥感信号难以到达植被冠层之下, 不能有效反映森林的垂直结构信息, 且受植被密度影响而易导致光饱和现象 Optical sensors are susceptible to weather conditions, and remote sensing signals struggle to penetrate beneath the vegetation canopy, thus failing to effectively capture vertical structural information of forests. Additionally, optical sensors are prone to saturation effects due to variations in vegetation density |
SAR | 能与树叶、树干和树冠发生作用, 成像受云雨影响小, 可快速获取大区域、全覆盖的影像, 对生物量敏感 SAR can interact with leaves, tree trunks, and canopies, with minimal impact from clouds and rain. It can rapidly acquire large-area, full-coverage images and is highly sensitive to biomass measurements | SAR影像来源相对较少, 数据处理较为复杂, 受地形和土壤条件影响较大, 后向散射系数估算存在饱和性 SAR images have relatively limited data sources and require more complex data processing. They are significantly influenced by terrain and soil conditions. Estimating the backscattering coefficient in SAR images can be subject to saturation effects |
LiDAR | LiDAR数据的空间分辨率较高, 不仅能够获取森林的垂直结构信息, 而且还克服了信号饱和的局限性 LiDAR data possesses a high spatial resolution, enabling the acquisition of vertical structural information of forests. Moreover, LiDAR data overcomes the limitations of signal saturation | 成本较高, 缺乏历史数据, 具体模型方法受研究区域限制; 机载LiDAR在大尺度空间上采样不连续, 无法达到无缝覆盖, 波形受林下地形和树木空间结构影响较大 LiDAR technology is associated with higher costs and lacks historical data. The specific models and methods may be limited by the research area. Airborne LiDAR suffers from discontinuous sampling at large spatial scales, making it challenging to achieve seamless coverage. The LiDAR waveform is greatly affected by the understory terrain and spatial structure of trees |
Table 3 Biomass estimation comparison using optical remote sensing, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
遥感类型 Sensor type | 优势 Advantage | 不足 Disadvantage |
光学遥感 Optical remote sensing | 光谱信息丰富, 易得多种时空分辨率影像, 可用于不同尺度的生物量估算研究。数据提取方法较简便, 结果可视化程度较高 Spectral information is abundant, and various spatial and temporal resolution images are easily available, which can be used for biomass estimation research at different scales. The data extraction methods are relatively straightforward, and the results can be visualized to a high degree | 光学传感器易受天气影响, 遥感信号难以到达植被冠层之下, 不能有效反映森林的垂直结构信息, 且受植被密度影响而易导致光饱和现象 Optical sensors are susceptible to weather conditions, and remote sensing signals struggle to penetrate beneath the vegetation canopy, thus failing to effectively capture vertical structural information of forests. Additionally, optical sensors are prone to saturation effects due to variations in vegetation density |
SAR | 能与树叶、树干和树冠发生作用, 成像受云雨影响小, 可快速获取大区域、全覆盖的影像, 对生物量敏感 SAR can interact with leaves, tree trunks, and canopies, with minimal impact from clouds and rain. It can rapidly acquire large-area, full-coverage images and is highly sensitive to biomass measurements | SAR影像来源相对较少, 数据处理较为复杂, 受地形和土壤条件影响较大, 后向散射系数估算存在饱和性 SAR images have relatively limited data sources and require more complex data processing. They are significantly influenced by terrain and soil conditions. Estimating the backscattering coefficient in SAR images can be subject to saturation effects |
LiDAR | LiDAR数据的空间分辨率较高, 不仅能够获取森林的垂直结构信息, 而且还克服了信号饱和的局限性 LiDAR data possesses a high spatial resolution, enabling the acquisition of vertical structural information of forests. Moreover, LiDAR data overcomes the limitations of signal saturation | 成本较高, 缺乏历史数据, 具体模型方法受研究区域限制; 机载LiDAR在大尺度空间上采样不连续, 无法达到无缝覆盖, 波形受林下地形和树木空间结构影响较大 LiDAR technology is associated with higher costs and lacks historical data. The specific models and methods may be limited by the research area. Airborne LiDAR suffers from discontinuous sampling at large spatial scales, making it challenging to achieve seamless coverage. The LiDAR waveform is greatly affected by the understory terrain and spatial structure of trees |
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