Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2019, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (9): 774-782.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0249
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Xue-Jiao1, GAO Xian-Ming2, JI Cheng-Jun1, KANG Mu-Yi3,4, WANG Ren-Qing5, YUE Ming6, ZHANG Feng7, TANG Zhi-Yao1,*()
TANG Zhi-Yao
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ZHANG Xue-Jiao, GAO Xian-Ming, JI Cheng-Jun, KANG Mu-Yi, WANG Ren-Qing, YUE Ming, ZHANG Feng, TANG Zhi-Yao. Response of abundance distribution of five species of Quercus to climate change in northern China[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2019, 43(9): 774-782.
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物种 Species | 样方数 Plot number | 平均密度 Mean density (Ind.·1000 m-2) | 样方的气温范围 Air temperature range of plots (℃) | 样方的降水范围 Precipitation range of plots (mm) |
栓皮栎 Q. variabilis | 304 | 89 ± 101 | 6.8-15.9 | 529-1 431 |
麻栎 Q. acutissima | 195 | 39 ± 55 | 4.1-15.8 | 451-1 614 |
槲栎 Q. aliena | 188 | 22 ± 43 | 3.6-16.0 | 335-1 775 |
锐齿槲栎 Q. aliena | 147 | 37 ± 34 | 1.4-11.6 | 337-1 502 |
蒙古栎 Q. mongolica | 492 | 55 ± 68 | 0.1-14.4 | 335-1 006 |
Table 1 Survey statistics of plots of five species in Quercus in the northern China
物种 Species | 样方数 Plot number | 平均密度 Mean density (Ind.·1000 m-2) | 样方的气温范围 Air temperature range of plots (℃) | 样方的降水范围 Precipitation range of plots (mm) |
栓皮栎 Q. variabilis | 304 | 89 ± 101 | 6.8-15.9 | 529-1 431 |
麻栎 Q. acutissima | 195 | 39 ± 55 | 4.1-15.8 | 451-1 614 |
槲栎 Q. aliena | 188 | 22 ± 43 | 3.6-16.0 | 335-1 775 |
锐齿槲栎 Q. aliena | 147 | 37 ± 34 | 1.4-11.6 | 337-1 502 |
蒙古栎 Q. mongolica | 492 | 55 ± 68 | 0.1-14.4 | 335-1 006 |
Fig. 2 Relationship between observed and predicted species abundances for five species in Quercus with random forest model (RF), generalized additive model (GAM), generalized linear model (GLM) and comparison of the accuracy of five species based on general linear model and random forest. A, Q. variabilis (Qva). B, Q. acutissima (Qac). C, Q. aliena (Qal). D, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata (Qaa). E, Q. mongolica (Qm). F, Model fitness of the three models, differed lowercase letters indicated significant differences between the models (p < 0.05).
Fig. 3 Species abundance (number·1 000 m-2) distribution maps of the North China for five species produced by random forest model, based on bioclimatic variables at year 1960-1990. A, Quercus variabilis. B, Q. acutissima. C, Q. aliena. D, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata. E, Q. mongolica.
Fig. 4 Future distribution maps of rate of abundance change in the North China for five species produced by random forest model, based on bioclimatic variables under RCP 2.6 dispersal scenario (A-E) and RCP 8.5 dispersal scenario (F-J) in year 2050. A, F, Quercus variabilis. B, G, Q. acutissima. C, H, Q. aliena. D, I, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata. E, J, Q. mongolica.
Fig. 5 Future distribution maps of rate of abundance change in the North China for five species produced by Random Forest models, based on bioclimatic variables under RCP 2.6 dispersal scenario (A-E) and RCP 8.5 dispersal scenario (F-J) in year 2070. A, F, Quercus variabilis. B, G, Q. acutissima. C, H, Q. aliena. D, I, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata. E, J, Q. mongolica.
Fig. 6 Elevation distribution of abundance change ratio of different periods under different scenario in North China. A, Quercus variabilis. B, Q. acutissima. C, Q. aliena. D, Q. aliena var. acuteserrata. E, Q. mongolica.
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