植物生态学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (2): 238-248.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2021.0472

所属专题: 稳定同位素生态学 根系生态学

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


路晨曦1, 徐漫1, 石学瑾1, 赵成1, 陶泽1, 李敏1,*(), 司炳成1,2   

  1. 1西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室, 陕西杨凌 712100
    2Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon S7N5A8, Canada
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-14 接受日期:2022-07-06 出版日期:2023-02-20 发布日期:2023-02-28
  • 通讯作者: *(limin2016@nwafu.edu.cn)
  • 基金资助:

Effects of different water isotope input methods based on Bayesian model MixSIAR on water uptake characteristic analysis results in apple orchards

LU Chen-Xi1, XU Man1, SHI Xue-Jin1, ZHAO Cheng1, TAO Ze1, LI Min1,*(), SI Bing-Cheng1,2   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Agricultural Soil and Water Engineering in Arid and Semiarid Areas, Ministry of Education, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
    2Department of Soil Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon S7N5A8, Canada
  • Received:2021-12-14 Accepted:2022-07-06 Online:2023-02-20 Published:2023-02-28
  • Contact: *(limin2016@nwafu.edu.cn)
  • Supported by:
    National Natural Science Foundation of China(41601222);National Natural Science Foundation of China(41630860)


准确量化浅、中、深3层土壤水源对植物根系吸水的贡献是明确植物水分利用策略的前提。为探究同位素混合模型MixSIAR中不同水同位素输入方法对预估植物水分来源的影响, 该研究于2019年5-9月在陕西长武塬区对7年和18年苹果园共进行5次土壤和植物木质部取样, 测定对应样品水同位素比值(δ2H、δ18O)和土壤含水量, 并分别利用基于单同位素(2H、18O)、双同位素(2H & 18O)和经木质部氢同位素校正后双同位素(2H(+8.1) & 18O)输入的MixSIAR模型计算了根区不同土层(0-0.4、0.4-2、>2 m根系深度)土壤水对苹果(Malus pumila)树根系吸水的贡献率。结果表明: 与2H单同位素方法相比, 利用18O单同位素方法得到的2 m以下深层土壤水的贡献率更低, 而表层(0-0.4 m)土壤水的贡献率更高, 且更接近于2H(+8.1) & 18O同位素方法。与2H & 18O双同位素方法相比, 利用2H(+8.1) & 18O方法得到的表层土壤水的贡献率在表层土壤水同位素值富集时较高, 在表层土壤水同位素值贫化时较低。苹果树木质部氢同位素校正后更靠近于土壤水同位素所在的蒸发线, 因而相比于2H和2H & 18O, 18O和2H(+8.1) & 18O分析方法更符合根系吸水过程同位素质量守恒定律。与7年苹果园相比, 18年苹果园浅层(0-2 m)土壤水的季节性变异更大, 对表层土壤水的依赖更强。对于7年和18年苹果园, 深层土壤水对其根系吸水贡献率的年平均值为19%和23%, 两者无显著性差异。综上, 建议今后在利用水稳定同位素研究植物水分来源时要进一步明确不同水同位素输入方法对植物水源划分分析结果的影响。

关键词: 氢稳定同位素, 氧稳定同位素, MixSIAR, 木质部氢同位素校正, 长武塬区, 苹果园


Aims Accurately quantifying the contribution of shallow, middle and deep soil water sources to the root water uptake is the prerequisite for understanding water uptake strategy of plants. This paper evaluates the effects of different water isotopes input methods on plant water sources analysis results in Bayesian mixing model MixSIAR.

Methods Soil and plant xylem samples were taken five times from May to September in 2019 in two apple (Malus pumila) orchards at 7- and 18-year age in Changwu Tableland of Shaanxi Province. Soil water contents and isotope ratios (δ2H and δ18O) were measured, and the different input methods of single isotope (2H and 18O), dual isotopes (2H & 18O) and xylem hydrogen corrected dual isotopes (2H(+8.1) & 18O) coupled with MixSIAR model were used to estimate the contribution ratio of different soil layers (0-0.4, 0.4-2, >2 m root depth) to orchards root water uptake.

Important findings The results showed that compared to the 2H isotope method, the contribution from soil layer below 2 m was lower and that from the surface 0-0.4 m was higher using the 18O isotope method, which was close to the 2H(+8.1) & 18O isotope method. Compared with 2H & 18O dual isotopes method, the contribution ratio from surface 0-0.4 m soil layer was higher using the 2H(+8.1) & 18O method when the surface soil water isotope was enriched, and that was lower when the surface soil water isotope was depleted. The corrected apple xylem hydrogen isotopes were closer to the evaporation line of soil water isotopes, thus the analysis methods of 18O and 2H(+8.1) & 18O accorded more with the isotope mass balance during root water uptake than 2H and 2H & 18O methods. Soil water contents in 0-2 m in 18 years old apple orchard showed greater seasonal variation than that in 7 years old apple orchard, and are more dependent on 0-0.4 m surface soil water. For the root water uptakes in 7- and 18-year apple orchard, the yearly-averaged contributions of deep soil water were 19% and 23%, respectively, showing no significant difference. We suggest that more attention should be drawn on the influence of different isotope input methods when using water stable isotopes to estimate plant water sources contribution in future studies.

Key words: stable hydrogen isotope, stable oxygen isotope, MixSIAR, xylem hydrogen isotope correction, Changwu Tableland, apple orchard