植物生态学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (6): 585-598.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00054
XU Ge-Xi1,LUO Shui-Xing2,*(),GUO Quan-Shui1,PEI Shun-Xiang3,SHI Zuo-Min1,ZHU Li4,ZHU Ni-Ni1
LUO Shui-Xing
为了探讨我国热带地区植物物候与气候变化的关系, 利用海南岛尖峰岭热带树木园12种热带常绿阔叶乔木植物2003-2011年物候观测资料结合同期月平均气温和降水数据, 运用积分回归分析方法, 筛选出影响海南岛12种乔木(8种本地种、4种引入种)展叶始期与开花始期的气象因素以及不同气象因素月值变化(月平均气温和月降水量)综合作用对这些树种物候期的动态影响, 最终建立积分回归-物候预测模型, 对气候变化背景下我国热带地区植物物候变化趋势进行了预测。结果表明: 海南岛12种热带常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期与开花始期均对气候变化做出较明显的响应, 几乎所有的树种展叶始期与开花始期的发生都受到气温和降水的共同影响。多数树种展叶始期受展叶前冬季及春季气温影响显著, 且在临近展叶始期的月份, 气温的影响更显著。上一年秋季月降水量对各树种开花始期的影响比其他时段显著, 这验证了降水的滞后性假说。本地种展叶始期对气候变化的响应比其开花始期对气候变化的响应更敏感, 引入种则相反。各树种展叶和开花在受气温和降水综合影响最明显的月份(假设其余11个月份月平均气温和月降水量不变), 月平均气温升高0.1 ℃、月降水量增加10 mm可使展叶始期和开花始期提前或推迟1-3天。积分回归分析方法为解释海南岛热带常绿阔叶乔木物候与气温和降水的动态关系提供了有效的途径, 基于气温和降水与物候资料建立的积分回归-物候预测模型具有对气温和降水变化影响下物候响应的解释率和预测精度高(R2≥ 0.943)的优点, 对于预测气候变化影响下的植物物候变化趋势有一定的适用性。
许格希,罗水兴,郭泉水,裴顺祥,史作民,朱莉,朱妮妮. 海南岛尖峰岭12种热带常绿阔叶乔木展叶期与开花期对气候变化的响应. 植物生态学报, 2014, 38(6): 585-598. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00054
XU Ge-Xi,LUO Shui-Xing,GUO Quan-Shui,PEI Shun-Xiang,SHI Zuo-Min,ZHU Li,ZHU Ni-Ni. Responses of leaf unfolding and flowering to climate change in 12 tropical evergreen broadleaf tree species in Jianfengling, Hainan Island. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 38(6): 585-598. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2014.00054
种名 Species name | 物种代码 Species code | 科名 Family name | 物种来源 Species origin |
海南紫荆木 Madhuca hainanensis | MAHA | 山榄科 Sapotaceae | 本地种 Native species |
蝴蝶树 Heritiera parvifolia | HEPA | 梧桐科 Sterculiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
破布叶 Microcos paniculata | MIPA | 椴树科 Tiliaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海南大风子 Hydnocarpus hainanensis | HYHA | 大风子科 Flacourtiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海南苹婆 Sterculia hainanensis | STHA | 梧桐科 Sterculiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
细基丸 Polyalthia cerasoides | POCE | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 本地种 Native species |
囊瓣木 Saccopetalum prolificum | SAPR | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海杧果 Cerbera manghas | CEMA | 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae | 本地种 Native species |
酸豆 Tamarindus indica | TAIN | 苏木科 Caesalpiniaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
大叶桃花心木 Swietenia macrophylla | SWMA | 楝科 Meliaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
非洲楝 Khaya senegalensis | KHSE | 楝科 Meliaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
蝴蝶果 Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei | CLCA | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
表1 海南岛尖峰岭12种热带常绿阔叶乔木植物分类学信息
Table 1 Taxonomic information of 12 tropical evergreen broadleaf tree species in Jianfengling, Hainan Island
种名 Species name | 物种代码 Species code | 科名 Family name | 物种来源 Species origin |
海南紫荆木 Madhuca hainanensis | MAHA | 山榄科 Sapotaceae | 本地种 Native species |
蝴蝶树 Heritiera parvifolia | HEPA | 梧桐科 Sterculiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
破布叶 Microcos paniculata | MIPA | 椴树科 Tiliaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海南大风子 Hydnocarpus hainanensis | HYHA | 大风子科 Flacourtiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海南苹婆 Sterculia hainanensis | STHA | 梧桐科 Sterculiaceae | 本地种 Native species |
细基丸 Polyalthia cerasoides | POCE | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 本地种 Native species |
囊瓣木 Saccopetalum prolificum | SAPR | 番荔枝科 Annonaceae | 本地种 Native species |
海杧果 Cerbera manghas | CEMA | 夹竹桃科 Apocynaceae | 本地种 Native species |
酸豆 Tamarindus indica | TAIN | 苏木科 Caesalpiniaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
大叶桃花心木 Swietenia macrophylla | SWMA | 楝科 Meliaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
非洲楝 Khaya senegalensis | KHSE | 楝科 Meliaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
蝴蝶果 Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei | CLCA | 大戟科 Euphorbiaceae | 引入种 Introduced species |
图1 海南岛尖峰岭12种热带常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期与开花始期基本信息(平均值±标准误差)。物种代码同表1。
Fig. 1 Basic information for the onset of leaf unfolding and the onset of first flowering in 12 tropical evergreen broadleaf tree species in Jianfengling, Hainan Island (mean ± SE). Species codes are the same as in Table 1.
图2 展叶始期发生前月平均气温升高0.1 ℃、月降水量增加10 mm对12种乔木展叶始期的影响。物种代码同表1。
Fig. 2 The influences of a 0.1 °C rise in mean air temperature and a 10 mm increase in precipitation in each of the preceding month on the onset of leaf unfolding in 12 tree species. Species codes are the same as in Table 1.
图3 开花始期发生前月平均气温升高0.1 ℃, 月降水量增加10 mm对12种乔木开花始期的影响。物种代码同表1。
Fig. 3 The influences of a 0.1 °C rise in mean air temperature and a 10 mm increase in precipitation in each of the preceding month on the onset of first flowering in 12 tree species. Species codes are the same as in Table 1.
树种 Tree species | 物候期 Phenophase | 物候预测模型 Model of phenological prediction | df | R2 | p |
海南紫荆木 MAHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.38228{{T}_{0}}-0.63656{{T}_{4}}-0.00135{{P}_{5}}+917.67182$ | 3, 1 | >0.99 | 0.014 |
开花始期奋OFL | $y=-\text{0}\text{.00879}{{T}_{3}}-0.01756{{P}_{0}}+0.00081{{P}_{2}}-0.00011{{P}_{4}}+184.08273$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
蝴蝶树 HEPA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-1.61897{{T}_{0}}+0.05895{{T}_{4}}+0.00801{{P}_{1}}+0.00048{{P}_{2}}-0.00314{{P}_{4}}+648.65012$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.017 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.30489{{T}_{1}}+0.32204{{T}_{2}}-0.02228{{P}_{0}}-0.00108{{P}_{1}}+0.00109{{P}_{2}}-25.57393$ | 5, 3 | >0.99 | <0.001 | |
破布叶 MIPA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.29822{{T}_{2}}+0.34796{{T}_{4}}-0.00219{{P}_{2}}+200.64790$ | 3, 4 | 0.951 | 0.006 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.07539{{T}_{5}}-0.07119{{P}_{0}}-0.00750{{P}_{1}}+0.00221{{P}_{3}}+0.00174{{P}_{4}}+294.71511$ | 5, 2 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
海南大风子 HYHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.29424{{T}_{0}}+0.07539{{T}_{2}}-0.09409{{P}_{0}}+0.00139{{P}_{4}}+337.34806$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.013 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.07740{{T}_{3}}+224.64306$ | 1, 3 | 0.978 | 0.002 | |
海南苹婆 STHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=0.74999{{T}_{1}}+0.58373{{T}_{3}}-0.15748{{T}_{4}}-0.01991{{T}_{5}}-0.01532{{P}_{1}}+0.00059{{P}_{3}}+0.00034{{P}_{5}}-3.92288$ | 7, 1 | >0.99 | 0.004 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.26684{{T}_{0}}-0.03156{{T}_{2}}-0.14139{{T}_{4}}+0.05450{{T}_{5}}-0.00179{{P}_{1}}-30.75027$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
细基丸 POCE | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=0.14537{{T}_{3}}-0.13648{{T}_{4}}+0.02903{{P}_{0}}-0.00071{{P}_{4}}+15.75967$ | 4, 3 | 0.976 | 0.007 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.56060{{T}_{1}}-0.03974{{T}_{3}}+0.02169{{T}_{5}}+0.00164{{P}_{2}}+0.00347{{P}_{3}}-4.71946$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.012 | |
囊瓣木 SAPR | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-11.03330{{T}_{0}}+0.81146{{T}_{1}}-0.60157{{T}_{3}}+0.02282{{P}_{1}}\text{+3741}\text{.54475}$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.075 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-11.93835{{T}_{0}}-0.81942{{T}_{1}}-0.14417{{P}_{0}}-0.00540{{P}_{5}}+3724.18480$ | 4, 1 | 0.943 | 0.221 | |
海杧果 CEMA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=\text{0}\text{.92868}{{T}_{1}}-0.15218{{T}_{3}}-0.00026{{T}_{4}}+0.00271{{P}_{5}}+116.50025$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.023 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.02314{{T}_{2}}-0.13206{{T}_{4}}+0.03085{{T}_{5}}+0.00185{{P}_{3}}+0.00083{{P}_{5}}+67.07923$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.022 | |
酸豆 TAIN | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.33273{{T}_{1}}-0.16320{{T}_{2}}+0.03014{{T}_{4}}+0.00214{{P}_{0}}+0.00022{{P}_{2}}+0.00172{{P}_{3}}+0.00005{{P}_{4}}+113.40775$ | 4, 2 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=2.06823{{T}_{0}}-0.25660{{T}_{4}}+0.08053{{P}_{0}}-0.00481{{P}_{3}}+0.00759{{P}_{5}}-550.00567$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.020 | |
大叶桃花心木 SWMA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.89018{{T}_{0}}-0.06850{{T}_{2}}+0.01177{{T}_{3}}-0.11516{{T}_{4}}+0.00383{{T}_{5}}-0.00133{{P}_{3}}-0.00131{{P}_{5}}+900.06504$ | 7, 1 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=4.22220{{T}_{0}}-1.20205{{T}_{1}}-0.31324{{T}_{3}}-0.01633{{T}_{4}}-0.05578{{T}_{5}}-0.00106{{P}_{4}}-1286.86831$ | 6, 1 | >0.99 | 0.011 | |
非洲楝 KHSE | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.59746{{T}_{0}}-0.11448{{T}_{2}}-0.00390{{P}_{3}}-0.00091{{P}_{5}}+808.78470$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.08557{{T}_{2}}+0.00276{{P}_{4}}+90.17318$ | 2, 3 | 0.972 | 0.006 | |
蝴蝶果 CLCA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-1.76916{{T}_{0}}-0.00544{{T}_{2}}+0.01952{{P}_{1}}+0.00028{{P}_{5}}+655.81729$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.005 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.08547{{T}_{2}}-0.04329{{T}_{5}}+0.02425{{P}_{1}}+211.96571$ | 3, 1 | >0.99 | 0.025 |
表2 12种常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期和开花始期基于气温和降水共同作用的积分回归-物候预测模型
Table 2 Integrate air temperature and precipitation regression models for predicting the onset of leaf unfolding and the onset of first flowering in 12 evergreen broadleaf tree species
树种 Tree species | 物候期 Phenophase | 物候预测模型 Model of phenological prediction | df | R2 | p |
海南紫荆木 MAHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.38228{{T}_{0}}-0.63656{{T}_{4}}-0.00135{{P}_{5}}+917.67182$ | 3, 1 | >0.99 | 0.014 |
开花始期奋OFL | $y=-\text{0}\text{.00879}{{T}_{3}}-0.01756{{P}_{0}}+0.00081{{P}_{2}}-0.00011{{P}_{4}}+184.08273$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
蝴蝶树 HEPA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-1.61897{{T}_{0}}+0.05895{{T}_{4}}+0.00801{{P}_{1}}+0.00048{{P}_{2}}-0.00314{{P}_{4}}+648.65012$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.017 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.30489{{T}_{1}}+0.32204{{T}_{2}}-0.02228{{P}_{0}}-0.00108{{P}_{1}}+0.00109{{P}_{2}}-25.57393$ | 5, 3 | >0.99 | <0.001 | |
破布叶 MIPA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.29822{{T}_{2}}+0.34796{{T}_{4}}-0.00219{{P}_{2}}+200.64790$ | 3, 4 | 0.951 | 0.006 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.07539{{T}_{5}}-0.07119{{P}_{0}}-0.00750{{P}_{1}}+0.00221{{P}_{3}}+0.00174{{P}_{4}}+294.71511$ | 5, 2 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
海南大风子 HYHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.29424{{T}_{0}}+0.07539{{T}_{2}}-0.09409{{P}_{0}}+0.00139{{P}_{4}}+337.34806$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.013 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.07740{{T}_{3}}+224.64306$ | 1, 3 | 0.978 | 0.002 | |
海南苹婆 STHA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=0.74999{{T}_{1}}+0.58373{{T}_{3}}-0.15748{{T}_{4}}-0.01991{{T}_{5}}-0.01532{{P}_{1}}+0.00059{{P}_{3}}+0.00034{{P}_{5}}-3.92288$ | 7, 1 | >0.99 | 0.004 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.26684{{T}_{0}}-0.03156{{T}_{2}}-0.14139{{T}_{4}}+0.05450{{T}_{5}}-0.00179{{P}_{1}}-30.75027$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.002 | |
细基丸 POCE | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=0.14537{{T}_{3}}-0.13648{{T}_{4}}+0.02903{{P}_{0}}-0.00071{{P}_{4}}+15.75967$ | 4, 3 | 0.976 | 0.007 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.56060{{T}_{1}}-0.03974{{T}_{3}}+0.02169{{T}_{5}}+0.00164{{P}_{2}}+0.00347{{P}_{3}}-4.71946$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.012 | |
囊瓣木 SAPR | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-11.03330{{T}_{0}}+0.81146{{T}_{1}}-0.60157{{T}_{3}}+0.02282{{P}_{1}}\text{+3741}\text{.54475}$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.075 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-11.93835{{T}_{0}}-0.81942{{T}_{1}}-0.14417{{P}_{0}}-0.00540{{P}_{5}}+3724.18480$ | 4, 1 | 0.943 | 0.221 | |
海杧果 CEMA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=\text{0}\text{.92868}{{T}_{1}}-0.15218{{T}_{3}}-0.00026{{T}_{4}}+0.00271{{P}_{5}}+116.50025$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.023 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.02314{{T}_{2}}-0.13206{{T}_{4}}+0.03085{{T}_{5}}+0.00185{{P}_{3}}+0.00083{{P}_{5}}+67.07923$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.022 | |
酸豆 TAIN | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-0.33273{{T}_{1}}-0.16320{{T}_{2}}+0.03014{{T}_{4}}+0.00214{{P}_{0}}+0.00022{{P}_{2}}+0.00172{{P}_{3}}+0.00005{{P}_{4}}+113.40775$ | 4, 2 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=2.06823{{T}_{0}}-0.25660{{T}_{4}}+0.08053{{P}_{0}}-0.00481{{P}_{3}}+0.00759{{P}_{5}}-550.00567$ | 5, 1 | >0.99 | 0.020 | |
大叶桃花心木 SWMA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.89018{{T}_{0}}-0.06850{{T}_{2}}+0.01177{{T}_{3}}-0.11516{{T}_{4}}+0.00383{{T}_{5}}-0.00133{{P}_{3}}-0.00131{{P}_{5}}+900.06504$ | 7, 1 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=4.22220{{T}_{0}}-1.20205{{T}_{1}}-0.31324{{T}_{3}}-0.01633{{T}_{4}}-0.05578{{T}_{5}}-0.00106{{P}_{4}}-1286.86831$ | 6, 1 | >0.99 | 0.011 | |
非洲楝 KHSE | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-2.59746{{T}_{0}}-0.11448{{T}_{2}}-0.00390{{P}_{3}}-0.00091{{P}_{5}}+808.78470$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.003 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=-0.08557{{T}_{2}}+0.00276{{P}_{4}}+90.17318$ | 2, 3 | 0.972 | 0.006 | |
蝴蝶果 CLCA | 展叶始期 OLU | $y=-1.76916{{T}_{0}}-0.00544{{T}_{2}}+0.01952{{P}_{1}}+0.00028{{P}_{5}}+655.81729$ | 4, 1 | >0.99 | 0.005 |
开花始期 OFL | $y=0.08547{{T}_{2}}-0.04329{{T}_{5}}+0.02425{{P}_{1}}+211.96571$ | 3, 1 | >0.99 | 0.025 |
图4 基于气温和降水积分回归-物候预测模型对12种乔木展叶始期和开花始期的模拟值与实测值比较。物种代码同表1。
Fig. 4 Simulated values based on the integrate air temperature and precipitation regression models for phenological predictions versus measured values of the onset of leaf unfolding and the onset of first flowering in 12 tree species. Species codes are the same as in Table 1.
图5 12种常绿阔叶乔木展叶始期与开花始期物候模拟值与实测值的差值分布。物种代码同表1。
Fig. 5 Distribution of the differences between simulated values and measured values of the onset of leaf unfolding and the onset of first flowering in 12 tropical evergreen broadleaf tree species. Species codes are the same as in Table 1.
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