植物生态学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 1573-1584.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0036
• 研究论文 • 上一篇
*于海英, E-mail: 基金资助:
YU Hai-Ying(), YANG Li-Lin, FU Su-Jing, ZHANG Zhi-Min, YAO Qi-Fu
Supported by:
为了解气候急剧变暖造成的冬春季节的低温和热量积累变化对自然环境中植物春季物候产生的影响, 利用北京东灵山暖温带森林25种木本植物2003-2019年的展叶始期数据, 采用偏最小二乘回归、动力学模型和生长度小时模型等方法模拟了各物种展叶始期所需的低温和热量累积量, 并应用线性回归分析了展叶始期对低温和热量累积变化的响应, 利用单因素方差分析对比了灌木和乔木展叶始期及其对低温和热量累积变化响应的差异。结果显示: (1) 25种木本植物展叶始期的平均低温和热量累积期分别在10月6日至次年3月17日和1月21日至4月26日之间, 平均低温和热量累积量分别为66.16冷激份额(CP)和2 933.12生长度小时(GDH)。(2)展叶始期对低温和热量累积变化的响应敏感度均值分别为每10 CP延迟3.54 d和每1 000 GDH延迟7.09 d, 各有2个和23个物种显著, 说明暖温带木本植物展叶始期主要受热量累积的影响。(3)灌木的展叶始期比乔木早3.87 d, 热量累积比乔木少543.56 GDH, 且展叶始期越早的植物, 所需热量累积也越少, 可能与其采取机会主义生存策略有关。(4)灌木和乔木展叶始期对热量累积的响应敏感度分别为每1 000 GDH延迟8.10和延迟6.13 d, 两者的差异呈边缘显著。这意味着随着气候变暖, 灌木展叶始期提前的速度可能比乔木更快。
于海英, 杨莉琳, 付素静, 张志敏, 姚琦馥. 暖温带森林木本植物展叶始期对低温和热量累积变化的响应. 植物生态学报, 2022, 46(12): 1573-1584. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0036
YU Hai-Ying, YANG Li-Lin, FU Su-Jing, ZHANG Zhi-Min, YAO Qi-Fu. Response of leaf-unfolding dates of woody species to variation of chilling and heat accumulation in warm temperate forests. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2022, 46(12): 1573-1584. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2022.0036
图1 1955-2020年怀来气象站(黑色曲线)和2002-2019年北京森林站(灰色曲线)年平均气温年际变化趋势。
Fig. 1 Interannual change trend of mean annual temperature of the Huailai Meteorological Station during 1955-2020 (black curve) and Beijing Forestry Ecosystem Research Station during 2002-2019 (grey curve).
物种 Species | 生活型 Life form | 平均展叶始期 Mean leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 最早展叶始期 The earliest leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 最晚展叶始期 The latest leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 观测年数 Number of observed years |
白桦 Betula platyphylla | 乔木 Tree | 05-04 | 04-27 | 05-17 | 15 |
大花溲疏 Deutzia grandiflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-28 | 04-11 | 05-17 | 15 |
蒿柳 Salix schwerinii | 灌木 Shrub | 04-23 | 04-10 | 05-10 | 15 |
黑桦 Betula dahurica | 乔木 Tree | 05-04 | 04-25 | 05-13 | 11 |
胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica | 乔木 Tree | 05-02 | 04-20 | 05-15 | 11 |
花曲柳 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla | 乔木 Tree | 05-02 | 04-21 | 05-18 | 11 |
华北落叶松 Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii | 乔木 Tree | 04-22 | 04-09 | 05-08 | 11 |
金花忍冬 Lonicera chrysantha | 灌木 Shrub | 04-25 | 04-10 | 05-11 | 14 |
辽东栎 Quercus wutaishansea | 乔木 Tree | 05-03 | 04-20 | 05-15 | 16 |
裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-15 | 05-09 | 15 |
六道木 Zabelia biflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-13 | 05-09 | 16 |
毛榛 Corylus mandshurica | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-20 | 05-05 | 14 |
蒙椴 Tilia mongolica | 乔木 Tree | 04-30 | 04-17 | 05-08 | 15 |
巧玲花 Syringa pubescens | 灌木 Shrub | 04-19 | 04-03 | 05-06 | 11 |
青杨 Populus cathayana | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-12 | 05-07 | 15 |
山桃 Prunus davidiana | 乔木 Tree | 04-21 | 04-06 | 05-14 | 16 |
山杏 Prunus sibirica | 乔木 Tree | 04-26 | 04-10 | 05-10 | 16 |
土庄绣线菊 Spiraea pubescens | 灌木 Shrub | 04-28 | 04-18 | 05-14 | 11 |
卫矛 Euonymus alatus | 灌木 Shrub | 04-22 | 04-04 | 05-11 | 14 |
五角枫 Acer pictum subsp. mono | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-16 | 05-08 | 14 |
小花溲疏 Deutzia parviflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-29 | 04-11 | 05-17 | 16 |
小叶鼠李 Rhamnus parvifolia | 灌木 Shrub | 04-21 | 04-09 | 05-15 | 15 |
迎红杜鹃 Rhododendron mucronulatum | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-15 | 05-11 | 15 |
油松 Pinus tabuliformis | 乔木 Tree | 05-09 | 04-22 | 05-30 | 15 |
照山白 Rhododendron micranthum | 灌木 Shrub | 05-02 | 04-15 | 05-22 | 15 |
表1 研究所选物种及相关信息
Table 1 List of the species used in the study and related information
物种 Species | 生活型 Life form | 平均展叶始期 Mean leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 最早展叶始期 The earliest leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 最晚展叶始期 The latest leaf-unfolding date (month-day) | 观测年数 Number of observed years |
白桦 Betula platyphylla | 乔木 Tree | 05-04 | 04-27 | 05-17 | 15 |
大花溲疏 Deutzia grandiflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-28 | 04-11 | 05-17 | 15 |
蒿柳 Salix schwerinii | 灌木 Shrub | 04-23 | 04-10 | 05-10 | 15 |
黑桦 Betula dahurica | 乔木 Tree | 05-04 | 04-25 | 05-13 | 11 |
胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica | 乔木 Tree | 05-02 | 04-20 | 05-15 | 11 |
花曲柳 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla | 乔木 Tree | 05-02 | 04-21 | 05-18 | 11 |
华北落叶松 Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii | 乔木 Tree | 04-22 | 04-09 | 05-08 | 11 |
金花忍冬 Lonicera chrysantha | 灌木 Shrub | 04-25 | 04-10 | 05-11 | 14 |
辽东栎 Quercus wutaishansea | 乔木 Tree | 05-03 | 04-20 | 05-15 | 16 |
裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-15 | 05-09 | 15 |
六道木 Zabelia biflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-13 | 05-09 | 16 |
毛榛 Corylus mandshurica | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-20 | 05-05 | 14 |
蒙椴 Tilia mongolica | 乔木 Tree | 04-30 | 04-17 | 05-08 | 15 |
巧玲花 Syringa pubescens | 灌木 Shrub | 04-19 | 04-03 | 05-06 | 11 |
青杨 Populus cathayana | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-12 | 05-07 | 15 |
山桃 Prunus davidiana | 乔木 Tree | 04-21 | 04-06 | 05-14 | 16 |
山杏 Prunus sibirica | 乔木 Tree | 04-26 | 04-10 | 05-10 | 16 |
土庄绣线菊 Spiraea pubescens | 灌木 Shrub | 04-28 | 04-18 | 05-14 | 11 |
卫矛 Euonymus alatus | 灌木 Shrub | 04-22 | 04-04 | 05-11 | 14 |
五角枫 Acer pictum subsp. mono | 乔木 Tree | 04-27 | 04-16 | 05-08 | 14 |
小花溲疏 Deutzia parviflora | 灌木 Shrub | 04-29 | 04-11 | 05-17 | 16 |
小叶鼠李 Rhamnus parvifolia | 灌木 Shrub | 04-21 | 04-09 | 05-15 | 15 |
迎红杜鹃 Rhododendron mucronulatum | 灌木 Shrub | 04-27 | 04-15 | 05-11 | 15 |
油松 Pinus tabuliformis | 乔木 Tree | 05-09 | 04-22 | 05-30 | 15 |
照山白 Rhododendron micranthum | 灌木 Shrub | 05-02 | 04-15 | 05-22 | 15 |
图2 东灵山蒙椴和大花溲疏展叶始期与日低温(A, B, E, F)和热量累积量(C, D, G, H)的偏最小二乘回归分析。图中黑色代表系数显著(变量投影重要性(VIP) ≥0.8)。
Fig. 2 Results of Partial Least Squares regression between daily chilling (A, B, E, F) and heat accumulation (C, D, G, H) and leaf-unfolding dates of Tilia mongolica and Deutzia grandiflora in Dongling Mountain. Black bars indicate the coefficients are significant (variable importance in the projection (VIP) ≥0.8).
物种 Species | 低温累积期 Chilling periods | 低温累积量 Chilling accumulation (CP) | 热量累积期 Forcing periods | 热量累积量 Heat accumulation (GDH) | ||
开始日期 Start date (month-day) | 结束日期 End date (month-day) | 开始日期 Start date (month-day) | 结束日期 End date (month-day) | |||
白桦 Betula platyphylla | 09-30 | 01-11 | 43.37 ± 5.79 | 03-22 | 05-03 | 3 640.58 ± 963.76 |
大花溲疏 Deutzia grandiflora | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.26 ± 6.64 | 01-04 | 04-27 | 2 924.49 ± 824.72 |
蒿柳 Salix schwerinii | 10-06 | 03-07 | 60.57 ± 6.14 | 03-03 | 04-22 | 2 304.28 ± 699.59 |
黑桦 Betula dahurica | 10-31 | 03-23 | 55.55 ± 7.03 | 01-26 | 05-03 | 3 887.06 ± 1 105.56 |
胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica | 09-29 | 03-23 | 74.46 ± 7.52 | 12-19 | 05-01 | 3 562.93 ± 1 066.70 |
花曲柳 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla | 10-04 | 03-20 | 70.33 ± 6.99 | 01-04 | 05-01 | 3 562.62 ± 1 066.71 |
华北落叶松 Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii | 10-26 | 03-07 | 48.92 ± 6.77 | 01-26 | 04-21 | 2 279.80 ± 775.96 |
金花忍冬 Lonicera chrysantha | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.28 ± 6.84 | 12-22 | 04-24 | 2 566.87 ± 783.05 |
辽东栎 Quercus wutaishansea | 10-26 | 03-23 | 58.23 ± 6.29 | 01-26 | 05-02 | 3 669.40 ± 928.35 |
裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.62 ± 6.74 | 01-26 | 04-26 | 2 799.27 ± 797.50 |
六道木 Zabelia biflora | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.07 ± 6.47 | 12-13 | 04-26 | 2 750.16 ± 796.11 |
毛榛 Corylus mandshurica | 09-28 | 03-02 | 61.20 ± 6.76 | 12-22 | 04-26 | 2 808.29 ± 931.77 |
蒙椴 Tilia mongolica | 10-26 | 03-23 | 58.52 ± 5.89 | 01-23 | 04-29 | 3 200.84 ± 884.28 |
巧玲花 Syringa pubescens | 09-02 | 03-24 | 79.72 ± 7.54 | 01-26 | 04-17 | 1 949.79 ± 711.70 |
青杨 Populus cathayana | 12-05 | 03-24 | 36.79 ± 5.91 | 03-02 | 04-26 | 2 777.00 ± 512.17 |
山桃 Prunus davidiana | 09-02 | 03-23 | 78.39 ± 6.43 | 03-20 | 04-20 | 1 879.42 ± 652.17 |
山杏 Prunus sibirica | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.40 ± 6.47 | 12-22 | 04-25 | 2 626.39 ± 773.89 |
土庄绣线菊 Spiraea pubescens | 10-05 | 03-23 | 71.86 ± 6.97 | 12-17 | 04-27 | 2 995.08 ± 936.94 |
卫矛 Euonymus alatus | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.28 ± 6.84 | 03-19 | 04-21 | 2 059.65 ± 709.69 |
五角枫 Acer pictum subsp. mono | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.60 ± 6.84 | 01-22 | 04-26 | 2 808.06 ± 831.75 |
小花溲疏 Deutzia parviflora | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.44 ± 6.56 | 12-22 | 04-28 | 3 012.81 ± 844.57 |
小叶鼠李 Rhamnus parvifolia | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.26 ± 6.64 | 01-22 | 04-20 | 2 106.40 ± 666.57 |
迎红杜鹃 Rhododendron mucronulatum | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.62 ± 6.74 | 12-22 | 04-26 | 2 799.54 ± 797.67 |
油松 Pinus tabuliformis | 10-22 | 03-08 | 51.62 ± 6.26 | 03-03 | 05-08 | 4 829.02 ± 1 002.10 |
照山白 Rhododendron micranthum | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.60 ± 6.63 | 12-22 | 05-01 | 3 528.25 ± 932.79 |
均值 Average | 10-06 | 03-17 | 66.16 ± 11.26 | 01-21 | 04-26 | 2 933.12 ± 677.50 |
表2 东灵山25种木本植物展叶始期的低温和热量累积期及累积量(平均值±标准差)
Table 2 Chilling and heat accumulation (mean ± SD) during each chilling and forcing periods for 25 woody species in Dongling Mountain
物种 Species | 低温累积期 Chilling periods | 低温累积量 Chilling accumulation (CP) | 热量累积期 Forcing periods | 热量累积量 Heat accumulation (GDH) | ||
开始日期 Start date (month-day) | 结束日期 End date (month-day) | 开始日期 Start date (month-day) | 结束日期 End date (month-day) | |||
白桦 Betula platyphylla | 09-30 | 01-11 | 43.37 ± 5.79 | 03-22 | 05-03 | 3 640.58 ± 963.76 |
大花溲疏 Deutzia grandiflora | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.26 ± 6.64 | 01-04 | 04-27 | 2 924.49 ± 824.72 |
蒿柳 Salix schwerinii | 10-06 | 03-07 | 60.57 ± 6.14 | 03-03 | 04-22 | 2 304.28 ± 699.59 |
黑桦 Betula dahurica | 10-31 | 03-23 | 55.55 ± 7.03 | 01-26 | 05-03 | 3 887.06 ± 1 105.56 |
胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica | 09-29 | 03-23 | 74.46 ± 7.52 | 12-19 | 05-01 | 3 562.93 ± 1 066.70 |
花曲柳 Fraxinus chinensis subsp. rhynchophylla | 10-04 | 03-20 | 70.33 ± 6.99 | 01-04 | 05-01 | 3 562.62 ± 1 066.71 |
华北落叶松 Larix gmelinii var. principis-rupprechtii | 10-26 | 03-07 | 48.92 ± 6.77 | 01-26 | 04-21 | 2 279.80 ± 775.96 |
金花忍冬 Lonicera chrysantha | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.28 ± 6.84 | 12-22 | 04-24 | 2 566.87 ± 783.05 |
辽东栎 Quercus wutaishansea | 10-26 | 03-23 | 58.23 ± 6.29 | 01-26 | 05-02 | 3 669.40 ± 928.35 |
裂叶榆 Ulmus laciniata | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.62 ± 6.74 | 01-26 | 04-26 | 2 799.27 ± 797.50 |
六道木 Zabelia biflora | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.07 ± 6.47 | 12-13 | 04-26 | 2 750.16 ± 796.11 |
毛榛 Corylus mandshurica | 09-28 | 03-02 | 61.20 ± 6.76 | 12-22 | 04-26 | 2 808.29 ± 931.77 |
蒙椴 Tilia mongolica | 10-26 | 03-23 | 58.52 ± 5.89 | 01-23 | 04-29 | 3 200.84 ± 884.28 |
巧玲花 Syringa pubescens | 09-02 | 03-24 | 79.72 ± 7.54 | 01-26 | 04-17 | 1 949.79 ± 711.70 |
青杨 Populus cathayana | 12-05 | 03-24 | 36.79 ± 5.91 | 03-02 | 04-26 | 2 777.00 ± 512.17 |
山桃 Prunus davidiana | 09-02 | 03-23 | 78.39 ± 6.43 | 03-20 | 04-20 | 1 879.42 ± 652.17 |
山杏 Prunus sibirica | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.40 ± 6.47 | 12-22 | 04-25 | 2 626.39 ± 773.89 |
土庄绣线菊 Spiraea pubescens | 10-05 | 03-23 | 71.86 ± 6.97 | 12-17 | 04-27 | 2 995.08 ± 936.94 |
卫矛 Euonymus alatus | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.28 ± 6.84 | 03-19 | 04-21 | 2 059.65 ± 709.69 |
五角枫 Acer pictum subsp. mono | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.60 ± 6.84 | 01-22 | 04-26 | 2 808.06 ± 831.75 |
小花溲疏 Deutzia parviflora | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.44 ± 6.56 | 12-22 | 04-28 | 3 012.81 ± 844.57 |
小叶鼠李 Rhamnus parvifolia | 09-30 | 03-23 | 73.26 ± 6.64 | 01-22 | 04-20 | 2 106.40 ± 666.57 |
迎红杜鹃 Rhododendron mucronulatum | 09-29 | 03-23 | 73.62 ± 6.74 | 12-22 | 04-26 | 2 799.54 ± 797.67 |
油松 Pinus tabuliformis | 10-22 | 03-08 | 51.62 ± 6.26 | 03-03 | 05-08 | 4 829.02 ± 1 002.10 |
照山白 Rhododendron micranthum | 09-30 | 03-22 | 72.60 ± 6.63 | 12-22 | 05-01 | 3 528.25 ± 932.79 |
均值 Average | 10-06 | 03-17 | 66.16 ± 11.26 | 01-21 | 04-26 | 2 933.12 ± 677.50 |
图3 东灵山25种木本植物展叶始期与低温和热量累积期内平均气温及低温和热量累积量的回归系数。A, 低温累积期平均气温。B, 热量累积期平均气温。C, 低温累积量。D, 热量累积量。图中灰色代表回归系数显著(p < 0.05), 白色代表回归系数不显著。CP, 冷激份额; GDH, 生长度小时。
Fig. 3 Regression coefficients between mean temperature, chilling and heat accumulation and leaf-unfolding dates during chilling and forcing periods for 25 woody species in Dongling Mountain. A, Mean temperature during chilling period. B, Mean temperature during forcing period. C, Chilling accumulation. D, Heat accumulation. Grey bars indicate regression coefficients are significant (p < 0.05), and white bars indicate regression coefficients are insignificant.CP, chilling portion; GDH, growing degree hour.
图4 东灵山灌木和乔木的展叶始期及其对气候变暖响应的差异比较(平均值±标准差)。H, 展叶始期与热量累积期平均气温的回归系数。I, 展叶始期与热量累积量的回归系数。DOY, 年序日。CP, 冷激份额; GDH, 生长度小时。
Fig. 4 Difference between leaf-unfolding dates of shrubs and trees and their responses to climate warming in Dongling Mountain (mean ± SD). H, Regression coefficients between leaf-unfolding dates and mean temperature during forcing period. I, Regression coefficients between leaf-unfolding dates and heat accumulation. DOY, day of the year. CP, chilling portion; GDH, growing degree hour.
图5 东灵山12种灌木和13种乔木的热量累积量与展叶始期的关系。DOY, 年序日; GDH, 生长度小时。
Fig. 5 Linear regression between heat accumulation and leaf-unfolding dates of 12 shrubs and 13 trees in Dongling Mountain. DOY, day of the year; GDH, growing degree hour.
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