植物生态学报 ›› 2017, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 279-289.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0222
• 研究论文 • 下一篇
常永兴, 陈振举*(), 张先亮, 白学平, 赵学鹏, 李俊霞, 陆旭
* 通信作者Author for correspondence (E-mail:基金资助:
Yong-Xing CHANG, Zhen-Ju CHEN*(), Xian-Liang ZHANG, Xue-Ping BAI, Xue-Peng ZHAO, Jun-Xia LI, Xu LU
Zhen-Ju CHEN
About author:
KANG Jing-yao(1991-), E-mail: 摘要:
大兴安岭是我国气候变暖的敏感地区。为比较在升温过程中不同地区落叶松(Larix gmelinii)径向生长对温度的响应差异, 在大兴安岭主脉南段、中段和北段进行树木年轮取样, 建立了各点年轮宽度年表, 根据年表第一主成分载荷系数分类最终合成南部、中部和北部各区年轮指数。利用相关函数分析了落叶松径向生长与温度变化的关系, 结合主成分分析对比了不同地区树木年轮宽度变化对温度的响应差异。结果表明: 落叶松径向生长对温度变化的响应呈现明显的南北差异(中部>北部>南部); 南部年轮指数与上年11月到当年4月的平均温度显著相关, 中部年轮指数与上年生长季(6-8月)和当年3-10月的平均温度显著负相关, 北部年轮指数与生长季前(4-5月)的平均温度极显著正相关。气候变暖背景下, 高温引起的区域暖干化使土壤水分成为限制落叶松径向生长的主要因子, 土壤干旱程度加剧使落叶松生长对温度变化的响应增强。胸高断面积增量指示的落叶松生产力经历了从响应低温胁迫到响应高温引起的水分胁迫的转变。未来几十年, 若温度持续升高, 大兴安岭地区落叶松径向生长量将呈南部和中部降低、北部升高的趋势。
常永兴, 陈振举, 张先亮, 白学平, 赵学鹏, 李俊霞, 陆旭. 气候变暖下大兴安岭落叶松径向生长对温度的响应. 植物生态学报, 2017, 41(3): 279-289. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0222
Yong-Xing CHANG, Zhen-Ju CHEN, Xian-Liang ZHANG, Xue-Ping BAI, Xue-Peng ZHAO, Jun-Xia LI, Xu LU. Responses of radial growth to temperature in Larix gmelinii of the Da Hinggan Ling under climate warming. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2017, 41(3): 279-289. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0222
图1 研究区气象站和采样点分布位置。AEL, 阿尔山采样点; MHL, 漠河采样点; THL, 塔河采样点; TLH, 图里河采样点; YTL, 伊图里河采样点。
Fig. 1 Locations of sampling sites and meteorological stations in the study area. AEL, sampling site of Arxan; MHL, sampling site of Mohe; THL, sampling site of Tahe; TLH, sampling site of Tulihe; YTL, sampling site of Yitulihe.
图2 研究区月平均温度(曲线)和月降水量(柱形)。M, 大兴安岭主脉中段; N, 大兴安岭主脉北段; S, 大兴安岭主脉南段。
Fig. 2 Monthly mean temperature (curves) and monthly precipitation (bars) in the study area. M, middle section of the Da Hinggan Ling; N, northern section of the Da Hinggan Ling; S, southern section of the Da Hinggan Ling.
采样点 Sampling site | 阿尔山 Arxan | 图里河 Tulihe | 伊图里河 Yitulihe | 塔河 Tahe | 漠河 Mohe | |
年表代号 Codes of chronologies | AEL | TLH | YTL | THL | MHL | |
样芯/树 Number of cores/sample trees | 71/33 | 64/31 | 63/31 | 85/50 | 68/39 | |
平均敏感度 Mean sensitivity | 0.191 | 0.196 | 0.149 | 0.152 | 0.180 | |
标准偏差 Standard deviation | 0.226 | 0.230 | 0.163 | 0.195 | 0.206 | |
样本总体代表性 Expressed population signal | 0.957 | 0.976 | 0.928 | 0.964 | 0.974 | |
信噪比 Signal to noise ratio | 22.267 | 40.567 | 12.846 | 26.813 | 37.763 | |
成分载荷矩阵 Component matrix | PC1 PC2 | 0.431 0.694 | 0.890 0.304 | 0.820 0.219 | 0.722 -0.525 | 0.668 -0.555 |
表1 落叶松年表统计特征
Table 1 Statistical characteristics in the Larix gmelinii chronologies
采样点 Sampling site | 阿尔山 Arxan | 图里河 Tulihe | 伊图里河 Yitulihe | 塔河 Tahe | 漠河 Mohe | |
年表代号 Codes of chronologies | AEL | TLH | YTL | THL | MHL | |
样芯/树 Number of cores/sample trees | 71/33 | 64/31 | 63/31 | 85/50 | 68/39 | |
平均敏感度 Mean sensitivity | 0.191 | 0.196 | 0.149 | 0.152 | 0.180 | |
标准偏差 Standard deviation | 0.226 | 0.230 | 0.163 | 0.195 | 0.206 | |
样本总体代表性 Expressed population signal | 0.957 | 0.976 | 0.928 | 0.964 | 0.974 | |
信噪比 Signal to noise ratio | 22.267 | 40.567 | 12.846 | 26.813 | 37.763 | |
成分载荷矩阵 Component matrix | PC1 PC2 | 0.431 0.694 | 0.890 0.304 | 0.820 0.219 | 0.722 -0.525 | 0.668 -0.555 |
图3 区域平均温度(Tr)、伊万诺夫干湿指数(K值)、冻结指数(F值)、胸高断面积增量(BAI)的变化及其31年滑动趋势系数。A, 区域平均温度及其11年滑动平均值(11 Mov)。B, K值。C, F值。D, 落叶松胸高断面积增量。E、F、G、H分别为Tr、K值、F值、BAI的趋势变化。M, 大兴安岭主脉中段; N, 大兴安岭主脉北段; S, 大兴安岭主脉南段。
Fig. 3 Changes in the regional mean temperature (Tr), Mr Ivanov dry wet index (K value), freezing index (F value), the basal area increment (BAI) and their 31-year moving trend coefficients. A, Regional mean temperature and its 11-year moving mean (11 Mov). B, K value of various parts. C, F value of various parts. D, The basal area increment in Larix gmelinii in various parts. E, F, G and H presented the tendency coefficient of Tr, K value, F value and BAI. M, middle section of the Da Hinggan Ling; N, northern section of the Da Hinggan Ling; S, southern section of the Da Hinggan Ling.
图4 落叶松年轮宽度指数与温度的相关关系。A, 大兴安岭南部落叶松年轮宽度指数与温度的相关系数。B, 大兴安岭中部落叶松年轮宽度指数与温度的相关系数。 C, 大兴安岭北部落叶松年轮宽度指数与温度的相关系数。P6, 前一年的6月; P7, 前一年的7月; P8, 前一年的8月; P9, 前一年的9月; P10, 前一年的10月; P11, 前一年的11月; P12, 前一年的12月; BG, 生长季前; CG, 当年生长季; PA, 上年秋季; PG, 上年生长季; PW, 上年冬季; Tm, 月/季度平均温度; Tmax, 月/季度平均最高温度; Tmin, 月/季度平均最低温度。
Fig. 4 Correlations between tree-ring width index in Larix gmelinii and temperature. A, Correlation coefficients between tree-ring width index and temperature in the southern section of the Da Hinggan Ling. B, Correlation coefficients between tree-ring width index and temperature in the middle section of the Da Hinggan Ling. C, Correlation coefficients between tree-ring width index and temperature in the northern section of the Da Hinggan Ling. P6, last June; P7, last July; P8, last August; P9, last September; P10, last October; P11, last November; P12, last December; BG, pre-growth season; CG, current growth season; PA, last autumn; PG, last growth season; PW, last winter. Tm, mean temperature on a monthly and seasonal basis; Tmax, mean maximum temperature on a monthly and seasonal basis; Tmin, mean minimum temperature on a monthly and seasonal basis.
图5 落叶松年轮宽度指数对温度变化响应的稳定性。A, 大兴安岭南部落叶松年轮宽度指数与11-4月区域平均温度的31年滑动响应系数和11-4月区域平均温度的趋势系数随时间的变化。B, 大兴安岭中部落叶松年轮宽度指数与3-10月区域平均温度的31年滑动响应系数和3-10月区域平均温度的趋势系数随时间的变化。C, 大兴安岭北部落叶松年轮宽度指数与4-5月区域平均温度的31年滑动响应系数和4-5月区域平均温度趋势系数随时间的变化。柱形为31年滑动响应系数, 曲线为温度趋势系数。
Fig. 5 The climate response stabilities of tree-ring width index to temperature variations in Larix gmelinii. A, Temporal changes of 31-year moving response coefficient between tree-ring width index in L. gmelinii in the southern part of the Da Hinggan Ling and the regional mean temperature of November to April, together with the tendency coefficient of the regional mean temperature of November to April. B, Temporal changes of 31-year moving response coefficient between tree-ring width index in L. gmelinii in the middle part of the Da Hinggan Ling and the regional mean temperature of March to October, together with the tendency coefficient of the regional mean temperature of March to October. C, Temporal changes of 31-year moving response coefficient between tree-ring width index in L. gmelinii in the northern part of the Da Hinggan Ling and the regional mean temperature of April to May, together with the tendency coefficient of the regional mean temperature of April to May. Cylindrical bars represent the 31-year moving response coefficients, and the thick curves represented the thermal tendency coefficients.
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