Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2007, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (3): 497-504.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2007.0062
Special Issue: 红树林及红树植物; 植物功能性状
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MU Mei-Rong, JIANG Qiao-Lan, WANG Wen-Qing*()
WANG Wen-Qing
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类别 Groups | 物种名 Plant species | 单位叶面 积Cl含量 Cl content per unit leaf area | 肉质化程度 Succulence | 取样地及分布潮滩 Site and tide | 土壤Cl含量 Cl content of soil |
真红树植物 True mangrove plants | 1. 红海榄 Rhizophora stylosa | 0.65±0.04 | 5.03±0.02 | 东寨港(中潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso-tide bank) | 8.36 |
2. 正红树R. apiculata | 0.57±0.06 | 4.68±0.27 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 8.23 | |
3. 木榄 Bruguiera gymnorhiza | 0.57±0.12 | 3.48±0.71 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 10.04 | |
4. 海莲 B. sexangula | 0.31±0.02 | 2.41±0.30 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 15.56 | |
5. 尖瓣海莲 B. sexangula var. rhynchopetala | 0.29±0.02 | 2.53±0.27 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 13.04 | |
6. 秋茄 Kandelia obovata | 0.26±0.03 | 3.43±0.08 | 东寨港(中潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso-tide bank) | 6.6 | |
7. 角果木 Ceriops tagal | 0.47±0.16 | 4.39±1.37 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 8.82 | |
8. 瓶花木 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea | 0.66±0.04 | 4.58±0.19 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 9.20 | |
9. 榄李 Lumnitzera racemosa | 0.62±0.10 | 4.82±0.85 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 9.20 | |
10. 红榄李 L. littorea | 0.63±0.05 | 4.73±0.29 | 铁炉港(高潮滩) Tielu Harbour (High-tide bank) | 5.34 | |
11. 海桑 Sonneratia caeseolaris | 0.44±0.04 | 4.65±0.36 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 5.81 | |
12. 拟海桑 S. × gulngai | 0.35±0.10 | 3.59±0.39 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 6.75 | |
13. 杯萼海桑 S. alba | 0.43±0.14 | 4.15±0.58 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 6.32 | |
14. 卵叶海桑 S. ovata | 0.44±0.01 | 4.28±0.07 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide Bank) | 5.11 | |
15. 白骨壤 Avicennia marina | 0.28±0.04 | 2.82±0.19 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 7.07 | |
16. 桐花树 Aegiceras corniculatum | 0.25±0.03 | 2.81±0.05 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 8.15 | |
平均值 Average | 0.45±0.15 | 3.90±0.89 | 8.35±2.78 | ||
半红树植物 Semi-mangrove plants | 17. 黄槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus | 0.04±0.00 | 1.70±0.18 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 0.59 |
18. 水黄皮 Pongamia pinnata | 0.02±0.00 | 0.81±0.11 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.02 | |
19. 杨叶肖槿 Thespesia populnea | 0.09±0.01 | 1.59±0.02 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.57 | |
20. 海滨猫尾木Dolichandrone spathaceae | 0.03 | 1.38 | 清澜港(特大高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (Megalo-tide bank) | 0.50 | |
21. 阔苞菊 Pluchea indica | 0.09±0.01 | 2.26±0.20 | 东寨港(特大高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Megalo-tide bank) | 2.00 | |
22. 玉蕊 Barringtonia racemosa | 0.06±0.01 | 2.65±0.13 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.57 | |
23. 海芒果 Cerbera manghas | 0.036 | 3.23 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 0.58 | |
24. 莲叶桐 Hernandia sonora | 0.26 | 3.58 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | - | |
类别 Groups | 物种名 Plant species | 单位叶面 积Cl含量 Cl content per unit leaf area | 肉质化程度 Succulence | 取样地及分布潮滩 Site and tide | 土壤Cl含量 Cl content of soil |
25. 许树 Clerodendrum inerme | 0.39±0.12 | 3.75±0.93 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.98 | |
26. 水芫花 Pemphis acidula | 1.32 | 6.99 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | - | |
平均值Average | 0.23±0.40 | 2.79±1.77 | 1.35±0.86 | ||
争议物种 Controversial species | 27. 银叶树 Heritiera littoralis | 0.06±0.00 | 1.88±0.19 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 5.19 |
28. 卤蕨 Acrostichum aureum | 0.15±0.03 | 2.23±0.12 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.97 | |
29. 尖叶卤蕨 A. speciosum | 0.15±0.02 | 2.26±0.10 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.77 | |
30. 海漆 Excoecaria agallocha | 0.15±0.06 | 2.25±0.38 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.82 | |
31. 木果楝 Xylocarpus granatum | 0.29±0.03 | 2.72±0.12 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 3.40 | |
32. 老鼠簕Acanthus ilicifolius | 0.44 | 4.47 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 7.58 | |
33. 小花老鼠簕A. ebrecteatus | 0.42 | 4.58 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 4.70 | |
样品总体平均值 Average in total | 0.34±0.27 | 3.36±1.33 | 6.02±4.08 |
Table 1 Cl content per unit area (mg·cm-2) and succulence (g·dm-2) of mature leaves for 33 mangrove species and their sites,tides and Cl content (mg·g-1) of soil for each species in China
类别 Groups | 物种名 Plant species | 单位叶面 积Cl含量 Cl content per unit leaf area | 肉质化程度 Succulence | 取样地及分布潮滩 Site and tide | 土壤Cl含量 Cl content of soil |
真红树植物 True mangrove plants | 1. 红海榄 Rhizophora stylosa | 0.65±0.04 | 5.03±0.02 | 东寨港(中潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso-tide bank) | 8.36 |
2. 正红树R. apiculata | 0.57±0.06 | 4.68±0.27 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 8.23 | |
3. 木榄 Bruguiera gymnorhiza | 0.57±0.12 | 3.48±0.71 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 10.04 | |
4. 海莲 B. sexangula | 0.31±0.02 | 2.41±0.30 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 15.56 | |
5. 尖瓣海莲 B. sexangula var. rhynchopetala | 0.29±0.02 | 2.53±0.27 | 东寨港(中高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 13.04 | |
6. 秋茄 Kandelia obovata | 0.26±0.03 | 3.43±0.08 | 东寨港(中潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso-tide bank) | 6.6 | |
7. 角果木 Ceriops tagal | 0.47±0.16 | 4.39±1.37 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 8.82 | |
8. 瓶花木 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea | 0.66±0.04 | 4.58±0.19 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 9.20 | |
9. 榄李 Lumnitzera racemosa | 0.62±0.10 | 4.82±0.85 | 清澜港(中高潮滩) Qianglan Harbour (Meso- and high-tide bank) | 9.20 | |
10. 红榄李 L. littorea | 0.63±0.05 | 4.73±0.29 | 铁炉港(高潮滩) Tielu Harbour (High-tide bank) | 5.34 | |
11. 海桑 Sonneratia caeseolaris | 0.44±0.04 | 4.65±0.36 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 5.81 | |
12. 拟海桑 S. × gulngai | 0.35±0.10 | 3.59±0.39 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 6.75 | |
13. 杯萼海桑 S. alba | 0.43±0.14 | 4.15±0.58 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 6.32 | |
14. 卵叶海桑 S. ovata | 0.44±0.01 | 4.28±0.07 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide Bank) | 5.11 | |
15. 白骨壤 Avicennia marina | 0.28±0.04 | 2.82±0.19 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 7.07 | |
16. 桐花树 Aegiceras corniculatum | 0.25±0.03 | 2.81±0.05 | 东寨港(中低潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Meso- and low-tide Bank) | 8.15 | |
平均值 Average | 0.45±0.15 | 3.90±0.89 | 8.35±2.78 | ||
半红树植物 Semi-mangrove plants | 17. 黄槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus | 0.04±0.00 | 1.70±0.18 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 0.59 |
18. 水黄皮 Pongamia pinnata | 0.02±0.00 | 0.81±0.11 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.02 | |
19. 杨叶肖槿 Thespesia populnea | 0.09±0.01 | 1.59±0.02 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.57 | |
20. 海滨猫尾木Dolichandrone spathaceae | 0.03 | 1.38 | 清澜港(特大高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (Megalo-tide bank) | 0.50 | |
21. 阔苞菊 Pluchea indica | 0.09±0.01 | 2.26±0.20 | 东寨港(特大高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (Megalo-tide bank) | 2.00 | |
22. 玉蕊 Barringtonia racemosa | 0.06±0.01 | 2.65±0.13 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.57 | |
23. 海芒果 Cerbera manghas | 0.036 | 3.23 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 0.58 | |
24. 莲叶桐 Hernandia sonora | 0.26 | 3.58 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | - | |
类别 Groups | 物种名 Plant species | 单位叶面 积Cl含量 Cl content per unit leaf area | 肉质化程度 Succulence | 取样地及分布潮滩 Site and tide | 土壤Cl含量 Cl content of soil |
25. 许树 Clerodendrum inerme | 0.39±0.12 | 3.75±0.93 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.98 | |
26. 水芫花 Pemphis acidula | 1.32 | 6.99 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | - | |
平均值Average | 0.23±0.40 | 2.79±1.77 | 1.35±0.86 | ||
争议物种 Controversial species | 27. 银叶树 Heritiera littoralis | 0.06±0.00 | 1.88±0.19 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 5.19 |
28. 卤蕨 Acrostichum aureum | 0.15±0.03 | 2.23±0.12 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.97 | |
29. 尖叶卤蕨 A. speciosum | 0.15±0.02 | 2.26±0.10 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 1.77 | |
30. 海漆 Excoecaria agallocha | 0.15±0.06 | 2.25±0.38 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 2.82 | |
31. 木果楝 Xylocarpus granatum | 0.29±0.03 | 2.72±0.12 | 清澜港(高潮滩) Qinglan Harbour (High-tide bank) | 3.40 | |
32. 老鼠簕Acanthus ilicifolius | 0.44 | 4.47 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 7.58 | |
33. 小花老鼠簕A. ebrecteatus | 0.42 | 4.58 | 东寨港(高潮滩) Dongzhai Harbour (High-tide bank) | 4.70 | |
样品总体平均值 Average in total | 0.34±0.27 | 3.36±1.33 | 6.02±4.08 |
Fig.1 The relationship between leaf Cl content and succulence for mangroves in China a:真红树 True mangrove plants b:半红树 Semi-mangrove plants c:全部植物 All species
Fig.2 The specific leaf area (SLA) for 33 mangrove species in China ○:每种植物比叶面积的平均值 Represent mean SLA for each species ●:两类红树植物的平均值 Represent the average values for two groups of mangroves F值和p值为两类红树植物的方差分析结果 F-value and p-value, and sample number (n) are given for One-Way ANOVAs
类别 Groups | 物种 Plant species | 单位重量叶氮含量 Nmass(mg·g-1) | 单位面积叶氮含量 Narea(g·m-2) |
真红树植物 True mangrove plants | 1. 红海榄Rhizophora stylosa | 14.22±1.35 | 2.83±0.03 |
2. 正红树 Rhizophora apiculata | 12.13±2.30 | 2.77±0.04 | |
3. 木榄 Bruguiera gymnorhiza | 15.11±2.04 | 2.17±0.00 | |
4. 海莲 B. sexangula | 13.19±0.44 | 1.98±0.04 | |
5. 尖瓣海莲 B. sexangula var. rhynchopetala | 13.92±1.17 | 1.66±0.02 | |
6. 秋茄 Kandelia obovata | 18.96±1.58 | 2.96±0.03 | |
7. 角果木 Ceriops tagal | 8.56±0.93 | 2.12±0.05 | |
8. 瓶花木 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea | 10.06±1.43 | 1.24±0.02 | |
9. 榄李 Lumnitzera racemosa | 14.03±1.67 | 1.51±0.01 | |
10. 红榄李 L. littorea | 9.56±0.84 | 1.57±0.01 | |
11. 海桑 Sonneratia caeseolaris | 26.66±0.92 | 3.04±0.04 | |
12. 拟海桑 S. × gulngai | 24.99±2.89 | 2.69±0.06 | |
13. 杯萼海桑 S. alba | 30.89±1.53 | 4.10±0.03 | |
14. 卵叶海桑 S. ovata | 13.00±0.97 | 1.73±0.01 | |
15. 白骨壤 Avicennia marina | 22.86±1.37 | 3.14±0.02 | |
16. 桐花树 Aegiceras corniculatum | 13.35±0.51 | 2.02±0.01 | |
平均值 Average | 16.34±6.60 | 2.35±0.77 | |
半红树植物 Semi-mangrove plants | 17. 黄槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus | 25.95±1.74 | 2.02±0.01 |
18. 水黄皮 Pongamia pinnata | 36.07±6.41 | 1.81±0.03 | |
19. 杨叶肖槿 Thespesia populnea | 15.93±1.81 | 1.11±0.00 | |
20. 海滨猫尾木Dolichandrone spathaceae | 29.02 | 1.36 | |
21. 阔苞菊 Pluchea indica | 30.22±3.41 | 1.74±0.01 | |
22. 玉蕊 Barringtonia racemosa | 23.69±1.18 | 1.64±0.01 | |
23. 海芒果 Cerbera manghas | 36.46 | 1.6 | |
24. 莲叶桐 Hernandia sonora | 24.94 | 1.86 | |
25. 许树 Clerodendrum inerme | 24.58±2.81 | 1.60±0.03 | |
26. 水芫花 Pemphis acidula | 15.93 | 1.78 | |
平均值 Average | 26.28±7.06 | 1.51±0.54 | |
争议树种 Controversial species | 27. 银叶树 Heritiera littoralis | 16.68±0.62 | 2.36±0.04 |
28. 卤蕨 Acrostichum aureum | 16.14±1.32 | 1.52±0.05 | |
29. 尖叶卤蕨 A. speciosum | 22.24±2.03 | 1.55±0.01 | |
30. 海漆 Excoecaria agallocha | 23.14±2.06 | 1.80±0.03 | |
31. 木果楝 Xylocarpus granatum | 22.82±1.43 | 1.82±0.02 | |
32. 老鼠 | 21.96 | 2.21 | |
33. 小花老鼠 | 18.93 | 1.74 | |
样品总体平均值 Average in total | 20.19±7.42 | 1.99±0.72 |
Table 2 Measurements of Nmass, Narea for 33 mangroves species in China
类别 Groups | 物种 Plant species | 单位重量叶氮含量 Nmass(mg·g-1) | 单位面积叶氮含量 Narea(g·m-2) |
真红树植物 True mangrove plants | 1. 红海榄Rhizophora stylosa | 14.22±1.35 | 2.83±0.03 |
2. 正红树 Rhizophora apiculata | 12.13±2.30 | 2.77±0.04 | |
3. 木榄 Bruguiera gymnorhiza | 15.11±2.04 | 2.17±0.00 | |
4. 海莲 B. sexangula | 13.19±0.44 | 1.98±0.04 | |
5. 尖瓣海莲 B. sexangula var. rhynchopetala | 13.92±1.17 | 1.66±0.02 | |
6. 秋茄 Kandelia obovata | 18.96±1.58 | 2.96±0.03 | |
7. 角果木 Ceriops tagal | 8.56±0.93 | 2.12±0.05 | |
8. 瓶花木 Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea | 10.06±1.43 | 1.24±0.02 | |
9. 榄李 Lumnitzera racemosa | 14.03±1.67 | 1.51±0.01 | |
10. 红榄李 L. littorea | 9.56±0.84 | 1.57±0.01 | |
11. 海桑 Sonneratia caeseolaris | 26.66±0.92 | 3.04±0.04 | |
12. 拟海桑 S. × gulngai | 24.99±2.89 | 2.69±0.06 | |
13. 杯萼海桑 S. alba | 30.89±1.53 | 4.10±0.03 | |
14. 卵叶海桑 S. ovata | 13.00±0.97 | 1.73±0.01 | |
15. 白骨壤 Avicennia marina | 22.86±1.37 | 3.14±0.02 | |
16. 桐花树 Aegiceras corniculatum | 13.35±0.51 | 2.02±0.01 | |
平均值 Average | 16.34±6.60 | 2.35±0.77 | |
半红树植物 Semi-mangrove plants | 17. 黄槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus | 25.95±1.74 | 2.02±0.01 |
18. 水黄皮 Pongamia pinnata | 36.07±6.41 | 1.81±0.03 | |
19. 杨叶肖槿 Thespesia populnea | 15.93±1.81 | 1.11±0.00 | |
20. 海滨猫尾木Dolichandrone spathaceae | 29.02 | 1.36 | |
21. 阔苞菊 Pluchea indica | 30.22±3.41 | 1.74±0.01 | |
22. 玉蕊 Barringtonia racemosa | 23.69±1.18 | 1.64±0.01 | |
23. 海芒果 Cerbera manghas | 36.46 | 1.6 | |
24. 莲叶桐 Hernandia sonora | 24.94 | 1.86 | |
25. 许树 Clerodendrum inerme | 24.58±2.81 | 1.60±0.03 | |
26. 水芫花 Pemphis acidula | 15.93 | 1.78 | |
平均值 Average | 26.28±7.06 | 1.51±0.54 | |
争议树种 Controversial species | 27. 银叶树 Heritiera littoralis | 16.68±0.62 | 2.36±0.04 |
28. 卤蕨 Acrostichum aureum | 16.14±1.32 | 1.52±0.05 | |
29. 尖叶卤蕨 A. speciosum | 22.24±2.03 | 1.55±0.01 | |
30. 海漆 Excoecaria agallocha | 23.14±2.06 | 1.80±0.03 | |
31. 木果楝 Xylocarpus granatum | 22.82±1.43 | 1.82±0.02 | |
32. 老鼠 | 21.96 | 2.21 | |
33. 小花老鼠 | 18.93 | 1.74 | |
样品总体平均值 Average in total | 20.19±7.42 | 1.99±0.72 |
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