Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2011, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 275-283.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1258.2011.00275
• Research Articles • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Wei1,2,*(), WANG Ji-Ming3, WANG Zhi-Ping1
LIU Wei, WANG Ji-Ming, WANG Zhi-Ping. Plant functional type effects on methane uptake by soils in typical grasslands of Inner Mongolia[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2011, 35(3): 275-283.
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植物功能型数 Number of PFTs | 植物功能型组合 Combination of PFTs |
0 1 2 3 4 | BL PR, PB, PF, AB PR + PB, PR + PF, PR + AB, PB + PF, PB + AB, PF + AB PR + PB + PF, PR + PB + AB, PR + PF + AB, PB + PF + AB CK (PR + PB + PF + AB) |
Table 1 Combination of plant functional types (PFTs)
植物功能型数 Number of PFTs | 植物功能型组合 Combination of PFTs |
0 1 2 3 4 | BL PR, PB, PF, AB PR + PB, PR + PF, PR + AB, PB + PF, PB + AB, PF + AB PR + PB + PF, PR + PB + AB, PR + PF + AB, PB + PF + AB CK (PR + PB + PF + AB) |
Fig. 1 Seasonal variation of soil CH4 uptake of bare land (BL) and control (CK) (A) (mean ± SE, n = 3), precipitation (B), and monthly average air temperature (C). * represents significant differences (p < 0.05) in soil CH4 uptake between BL and CK.
F | p | |
植物功能型(PFT) 取样时间(D) 植物功能型×取样时间(PFT × D) | 1.38 58.81 1.10 | NS ** * |
Table 2 Repeated measures ANOVA of soil CH4 uptake affected by plant functional type (PFT) over September- November, 2008 and May-August, 2009
F | p | |
植物功能型(PFT) 取样时间(D) 植物功能型×取样时间(PFT × D) | 1.38 58.81 1.10 | NS ** * |
Fig. 2 Soil CH4 uptake of PR, PB, PF, or AB (mean ± SE, n = 3). A, 2008. B, 2009. Different letters represent significant differences (p < 0.05) in soil CH4 uptake between plant functional types. AB, annuals/biennials; PB, perennial bunchgrass; PF, perennial forbs; PR, perennial rhizome forbs.
Fig. 3 Soil CH4 uptake of two or three plant functional types (PFTs) (mean ± SE, n = 3). (A) and (B) show soil CH4 uptake in two or three PFTs, respectively. Different letters represent significant differences (p < 0.05) between treatments. AB, annuals/biennials; PB, perennial bunchgrass; PF, perennial forbs; PR, perennial rhizome forbs.
Fig. 4 Effect of plant communities with/without PR, PB, PF, or AB on soil CH4 uptake (mean ± SE, n = 24). A, B, C and D show soil CH4 uptake in the treatments of PR, PB, PF and AB, respectively. For example, plant communities with PR include CK (PR+PB+PF+AB), PR+PF+AB, PR+PB+AB, PR+PB+PF, PR+AB, PR+PF, PR+PB, and PR. While plant communities without PR include PB+PF+AB, PF+AB, PB+AB, PB+PF, AB, PF, PB, and BL. Soil CH4 uptake of two groups were compared. * represents significant differences (p < 0.05) between each other. AB, BL, CK, PB, PF, and PR see Table 1.
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