植物生态学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 942-951.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0001
Da-Yong FAN*(), Zeng-Juan FU, Zong-Qiang XIE, Rong-Gui LI, Shu-Min ZHANG
Da-Yong FAN
研究叶片内部光合能力及其异质性, 是光合作用生化模型、光抑制机理、光保护机理等光合生理生态热点问题的重要前提, 但目前缺少可以进行活体测定的装置。该文作者对Vogelmann和Evans (2002)的装置进行了改进, 获得了叶片内部光系统II (PSII)最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)及其异质性影像, 并采用基于Matlab软件自编的图像处理程序对其进行了分析, 研究了不同时间光抑制处理导致的叶内Fv/Fm及其异质性的变化。研究发现: 叶片内部不同层叶肉组织Fv/Fm存在异质性。强光照射导致叶片内部不同层叶肉组织Fv/Fm值下降, 但靠近上表皮的栅栏组织具有较强的抗光抑制能力。光抑制导致叶片内部Fv/Fm异质性的变化, 短期光抑制导致Fv/Fm异质性变大, 这可能与部分叶绿体避光运动相关, 长期光抑制导致Fv/Fm异质性变小, 说明叶绿体避光运动这种光保护机制已经失效。相比于其他类型叶绿素荧光仪, 此装置可以完整获得活体叶片内部Fv/Fm及其异质性影像数据, 这对于系统研究叶片内部光合能力及其异质性机制, 以及为进一步研究一些光合生理生态热点问题提供了有力工具, 具有进一步研发和应用的前景。
樊大勇, 付增娟, 谢宗强, 李荣贵, 张淑敏. 调制式荧光影像新技术: 叶片内部最大光化学量子效率及其异质性的活体测定. 植物生态学报, 2016, 40(9): 942-951. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0001
Da-Yong FAN, Zeng-Juan FU, Zong-Qiang XIE, Rong-Gui LI, Shu-Min ZHANG. A new technology of modulated Chl a fluorescence image: In vivo measurement of the PSII maximum photochemical efficiency and its heterogeneity within leaves. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, 40(9): 942-951. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2016.0001
参数 Index | 型号 Type | |||
PAM101-102-1031) | IMAGING-PAM | PEA | 本仪器 This set-up | |
信号采集方式 Signal acquisition mode | 调制-锁相放大 Lock-in amplifier | CCD连续采集 CCD continuous collection | 光电连续采集 Photoelectric continuous collection | CCD连续采集 CCD continuous collection |
荧光数据形式 Fluorescence data format | 点式 Point | 图像 Image | 点式 Point | 图像 Image |
测量光光强 The measuring light intensity | 20-302) | 10-1 000 | 3 000 | 1 0003) |
测量光脉冲宽度 The measuring light pulse width | 2 μs4) | 1.8 ms | 2 s | 160 μs |
测量光周期 The measuring cycle duration | 600 μs5) | 125-1 000 ms | NA | 3.3 ms |
测量光脉冲宽度在OJIP的位置 The position of the measuring light pulse in OJIP curve | O段 At O stage | 接近J段 Close to J stage | NA | 接近O段 Close to O stage |
测量光占空比 The measuring light duty cycle | 1/300 | 1.8/(125-1000) | NA | 1/30 |
饱和光光强 Saturating light intensity (μmol·m-2·s-1) | >3 000 | 800-1 200 | 3 000 | 1 000 |
测量光光强是否与饱和光光强一致 Is the measuring light intensity consistent with the saturating light intensity? | 否 No | 否6) No6) | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
可否得到叶水平面荧光异质性 Can the fluorescence image on the leaf surface be obtained? | 否 No | 可以 Yes | 否 No | 可以7) Yes7) |
可否得到叶横截面荧光异质性 Can the fluorescence across leaf section be obtained? | 否 No | 否8) No8) | 否 No | 可以9) Yes9) |
测量光和饱和光的均匀性 The uniformity of measuring and saturating light source | 均匀 Uniform | 一定范围内均匀 Uniform within a specific range | 均匀 Uniform | 均匀10) Uniform10) |
表1 目前常见进行叶绿素荧光最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)测定的荧光仪性能对比
Table 1 The comparison of current fluorometers which can measure maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm)
参数 Index | 型号 Type | |||
PAM101-102-1031) | IMAGING-PAM | PEA | 本仪器 This set-up | |
信号采集方式 Signal acquisition mode | 调制-锁相放大 Lock-in amplifier | CCD连续采集 CCD continuous collection | 光电连续采集 Photoelectric continuous collection | CCD连续采集 CCD continuous collection |
荧光数据形式 Fluorescence data format | 点式 Point | 图像 Image | 点式 Point | 图像 Image |
测量光光强 The measuring light intensity | 20-302) | 10-1 000 | 3 000 | 1 0003) |
测量光脉冲宽度 The measuring light pulse width | 2 μs4) | 1.8 ms | 2 s | 160 μs |
测量光周期 The measuring cycle duration | 600 μs5) | 125-1 000 ms | NA | 3.3 ms |
测量光脉冲宽度在OJIP的位置 The position of the measuring light pulse in OJIP curve | O段 At O stage | 接近J段 Close to J stage | NA | 接近O段 Close to O stage |
测量光占空比 The measuring light duty cycle | 1/300 | 1.8/(125-1000) | NA | 1/30 |
饱和光光强 Saturating light intensity (μmol·m-2·s-1) | >3 000 | 800-1 200 | 3 000 | 1 000 |
测量光光强是否与饱和光光强一致 Is the measuring light intensity consistent with the saturating light intensity? | 否 No | 否6) No6) | 是 Yes | 是 Yes |
可否得到叶水平面荧光异质性 Can the fluorescence image on the leaf surface be obtained? | 否 No | 可以 Yes | 否 No | 可以7) Yes7) |
可否得到叶横截面荧光异质性 Can the fluorescence across leaf section be obtained? | 否 No | 否8) No8) | 否 No | 可以9) Yes9) |
测量光和饱和光的均匀性 The uniformity of measuring and saturating light source | 均匀 Uniform | 一定范围内均匀 Uniform within a specific range | 均匀 Uniform | 均匀10) Uniform10) |
图3 本仪器设置的调制光对叶绿素荧光最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)测定值的影响(平均值±标准偏差)。
Fig. 3 Effect of the current set-up of modulated measuring light on maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) values (mean ± SD).
图1 仪器装置图。1 叶夹; 2 垫片; 3 叶片; 4 显微镜物镜; 5 入射调制测量光(用于测定Fo)及饱和强光(用于测定Fm); 6 蓝色激光LED; 7 斩波器(在测定Fo时打开, 产生调制测量光, 在测定Fm时关闭, 使得饱和强光通过); 8 恒流源; 9 显微镜二向分光镜; 10 叶绿素荧光; 11 短波截止滤光片(RG9); 12 显微镜自带CCD; 13 计算机。Fo, 暗适应状态下的最小荧光产量; Fm, 暗适应状态下的最大荧光产量。
Fig. 1 Block diagram of the experimental set-up of measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence yield within leaves. 1, leaf clip; 2, leaf pad; 3, leaf disk; 4, microscope objective; 5, incident modulated measuring light (for the determination of Fo) and saturate light (for the determination of Fm); 6, blue laser LED; 7, chopper (when turned on, modulated measuring light is created, for the determination of Fo; when turned off, continuous strong light is created, for the determination of Fm); 8, constant current source; 9, beam splitter; 10, chl a fluorescence; 11, short-wave cut-off filter (RG9); 12, charge coupled device (CCD); 13, computer. Fo, minimum fluorescence yield in dark-adapted state; Fm, maximum fluorescence yield in dark- adapted state
图2 1 W大功率蓝色激光二极管的光谱。用AvaSpec- ULS2048×64光纤光谱仪(Avantes, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands)测定。
Fig. 2 Spectrum of 1 W high power blue laser diode. Measured by a fiber optic spectrometer AvaSpec-ULS2048×64 (Avantes, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands).
图4 对照叶片和光抑制处理后沿叶横截面的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)异质性假彩色影像。A, 徒手切片。B, 0小时。C, 1小时。D, 3小时。
Fig. 4 The false color images of maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) across leaf section after photoinhibition. A, free-hand section showing the thickness of leaf. B, 0 h. C, 1 h. D, 3 h.
图6 光抑制1小时后叶片沿叶横截面的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)异质性。
Fig. 6 Maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) heterogeneity across leaf section of leaf with 1 hour photoinhibition.
图7 光抑制3 h后沿叶横截面的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)异质性。
Fig. 7 Maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) heterogeneity across leaf section of leaf with 3 h photoinhibition.
图8 对照和光抑制处理后沿叶横截面的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)差异。
Fig. 8 Maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) curves across leaf section of the control and photoinhibited leaves.
图9 对照和光抑制处理后沿叶横截面的最大光化学量子效率(Fv/Fm)变异性(S.D.)。
Fig. 9 Maximum photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) variability (S.D.) along the cross section of control and photoinhibited leaves.
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