植物生态学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 496-507.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0043 cstr: 32100.14.cjpe.2023.0043
杨尚锦1,2,3,*, 范云翔2,3,*, 章毓文2,3, 韩巧玲1, 赵玥1, 段劼2,3, 邸楠4,**(), 席本野2,3
** (基金资助:
YANG Shang-Jin1,2,3,*, FAN Yun-Xiang2,3,*, ZHANG Yu-Wen2,3, HAN Qiao-Ling1, ZHAO Yue1, DUAN Jie2,3, DI Nan4,**(), XI Ben-Ye2,3
** (Supported by:
夜间液流可通过叶片气孔流失, 即夜间蒸腾, 也可存储在茎干中, 即茎干充水。从夜间液流中区分夜间蒸腾与夜间茎干充水是一个亟待解决的难题。预测充水法由于其便捷性被广泛应用, 但其准确性备受质疑。为了系统分析现有的不同预测充水法在夜间液流组分划分中的准确性与适用性, 该研究以毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)为实验材料, 利用热扩散探针在高1.3 m处和7.0 m处进行液流测量, 结合高度差法和预测充水法分别在茎干充水和夜间蒸腾上的准确性优势, 分析对比4种传统预测充水法的估算效果。就4种预测充水法对不同高度液流进行分析得出的夜间蒸腾量而言, 仅基于线性衰减模型的预测充水法(Line法)误差不显著, 其他方法均存在较大偏差。采用4种预测充水法估算的茎干充水量与高度差法所得结果相比, 仅基于蒸腾反推的预测充水法(Et法)的预测结果与之存在极显著差异, 其余预测法差异均不显著, 且Line法偏差最小。基于以上结果, 该研究提出“液流高度差预测充水法”作为夜间液流组分划分新方法, 可将夜间液流划分为3个组分, 即茎干充水、冠层充水和夜间蒸腾。新方法通过高度差法提高对冠层以下茎干充水量估算的准确性, 通过误差最小的Line法提高冠层充水组分和叶片蒸腾组分划分的准确性。新方法计算的夜间充水约为76.5%, 较现有研究提高了19.8%-26.5%。划分出的夜间液流组分对环境因子的响应结果表明, 空气水汽压亏缺(VPD)与浅层土壤含水率为夜间充水的主要影响因子, 夜间蒸腾在夜间液流中的占比与VPD呈非线性负相关关系。
杨尚锦, 范云翔, 章毓文, 韩巧玲, 赵玥, 段劼, 邸楠, 席本野. 树木夜间液流组分划分方法对比——以毛白杨为例. 植物生态学报, 2024, 48(4): 496-507. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0043
YANG Shang-Jin, FAN Yun-Xiang, ZHANG Yu-Wen, HAN Qiao-Ling, ZHAO Yue, DUAN Jie, DI Nan, XI Ben-Ye. Comparison of methods for dividing nighttime sap flow components in Populus tomentosa trees. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 2024, 48(4): 496-507. DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0043
图1 实验设计以及夜间液流组分划分方法示意图。Ah, 高度差法计算的茎干充水量; A1 + B1, 通过1.3 m处预测充水法计算的夜间茎干充水量; B2, 通过7.0 m处预测充水法计算的夜间冠层充水量; C1, 通过1.3 m处预测充水法计算的夜间蒸腾量; C2, 通过7.0 m处预测充水法计算的夜间蒸腾量; F1.3 m, 1.3 m处的液流速率; F7.0 m, 7.0 m处的液流速率; Q1.3 m, 1.3 m处的夜间液流量; Q7.0 m, 7.0 m处的夜间液流量; P1, 夜间液流速率下降由快到慢的拐点; P2, 液流速率下降到趋于稳定前的拐点。Et法, 基于蒸腾反推的预测充水法; Exp法, 基于指数衰减模型的预测充水法; Line法, 基于线性衰减模型的预测充水法; Re法, 基于“时间段”分割的预测充水法。
Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of experimental design and component division of nocturnal sap flow. Ah, nocturnal refilling of stems by height difference method; A1 + B1, nocturnal refilling of stems by prediction methods at 1.3 m; B2, nocturnal canopy refilling by prediction methods at 7.0 m; C1, nocturnal transpiration by prediction methods at 1.3 m; C2, nocturnal transpiration by prediction methods at 7.0 m; F1.3 m, nocturnal sap flow rate at 1.3 m; F7.0 m, nocturnal sap flow rate at 7.0 m; Q1.3 m, nighttime sap flow volume at 1.3 m; Q7.0 m, nighttime sap flow volume at 7.0 m; P1, inflection point where the nighttime sap flow rate decrease changes from rapid to slow; P2, inflection point before the sap flow rate decrease tends to stabilize. Et method, the prediction method based on transpiration inversion; Exp method, the water-refilling prediction method based on Exponential decay model; Line method, the water-refilling prediction method based on linear decay model; Re method, the water-refilling prediction method based on “Time Segment”.
图2 采用4种预测充水法利用不同树干高度处液流数据估算得到的毛白杨夜间蒸腾量(A)和茎干充水量(B)对比(平均值±标准误)。Ah, 高度差法计算的茎干充水量; A1, 通过预测充水法计算的茎干充水量; C1, 利用树干1.3 m高处液流计算的夜间蒸腾量; C2, 利用7.0 m高处液流计算的夜间蒸腾量; Et, 基于蒸腾反推的预测充水法; Exp, 基于指数衰减模型的预测充水法; Line, 基于线性衰减模型的预测充水法; Re, 基于“时间段”分割的预测充水法。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。
Fig. 2 Comparison of nocturnal transpiration (A) and nocturnal refilling of stems (B) predicted by four prediction methods using night-time sap flow data in different heights of stem (mean ± SE). Ah, nocturnal refilling of stems by height difference method; A1, nocturnal refilling of stems by four prediction methods; C1, nocturnal transpiration at 1.3 m; C2, night-time transpiration at 7.0 m; Et, the prediction method based on extend transpiration inversion; Exp, the water-refilling prediction method based on Exponential decay model; Line, the water-refilling prediction method based on linear decay model; Re, the water-refilling prediction method based on “Time Segment”. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01.
图3 夜间液流各组分对夜间环境因子的响应。*, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01。A, 采用Line模型估算的茎干充水量; Bline, 采用Line模型估算的冠层充水量; Cline, 采用Line模型估算的蒸腾量。
Fig. 3 Responses of components of nocturnal sap flow to nighttime environmental factors. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01. A, estimate the stem refilling using the Line Method; Bline, estimate the canopy refilling using the Line Method; Cline, estimate the transpiration using the Line Method.
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