Chin J Plant Ecol ›› 2018, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 946-954.DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2018.0066
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NING Yao1,LEI Jin-Rui2,SONG Xi-Qiang1,3,*(),HAN Shu-Mei1,3,ZHONG Yun-Fang1,*()
Xi-Qiang SONG,Yun-Fang ZHONG
Supported by:
NING Yao, LEI Jin-Rui, SONG Xi-Qiang, HAN Shu-Mei, ZHONG Yun-Fang. Modeling the potential suitable habitat of Impatiens hainanensis, a limestone-endemic plant[J]. Chin J Plant Ecol, 2018, 42(9): 946-954.
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地点 Sites | 种群编码 Populations code | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
俄贤岭 Exian Moutain | Pop1 | 109.094° E | 19.013° N | 945 |
Pop 2 | 109.098° E | 19.010° N | 890 | |
Pop 3 | 109.097° E | 19.007° N | 1 000 | |
Pop 4 | 109.109° E | 19.104° N | 490 | |
Pop 5 | 109.112° E | 19.013° N | 1 050 | |
王下乡 Wangxia Village | Pop6 | 109.117° E | 19.024° N | 450 |
Pop7 | 109.109° E | 19.019° N | 590 | |
Pop8 | 109.128° E | 19.018° N | 350 | |
Pop9 | 109.129° E | 19.019° N | 460 | |
皇帝洞 Huangdidong | Pop10 | 109.137° E | 18.960° N | 250 |
猕猴岭保护区 Mihouling Reserve | Pop11 | 109.065° E | 18.929° N | 480 |
Pop12 | 109.065° E | 18.928° N | 400 | |
Pop13 | 109.063° E | 18.927° N | 340 |
Supplement I Basic information for the 13 Impatiens hainanensis populations investigated in the field
地点 Sites | 种群编码 Populations code | 经度 Longitude | 纬度 Latitude | 海拔 Altitude (m) |
俄贤岭 Exian Moutain | Pop1 | 109.094° E | 19.013° N | 945 |
Pop 2 | 109.098° E | 19.010° N | 890 | |
Pop 3 | 109.097° E | 19.007° N | 1 000 | |
Pop 4 | 109.109° E | 19.104° N | 490 | |
Pop 5 | 109.112° E | 19.013° N | 1 050 | |
王下乡 Wangxia Village | Pop6 | 109.117° E | 19.024° N | 450 |
Pop7 | 109.109° E | 19.019° N | 590 | |
Pop8 | 109.128° E | 19.018° N | 350 | |
Pop9 | 109.129° E | 19.019° N | 460 | |
皇帝洞 Huangdidong | Pop10 | 109.137° E | 18.960° N | 250 |
猕猴岭保护区 Mihouling Reserve | Pop11 | 109.065° E | 18.929° N | 480 |
Pop12 | 109.065° E | 18.928° N | 400 | |
Pop13 | 109.063° E | 18.927° N | 340 |
变量及数据 Variable and data | 代码 Code | 来源 Source | 原始坐标系 Original coordinate system |
昼夜温差月平均值 Mean diurnal range (Mean of monthly (max temperature - min temperature)) | bio2 | 世界气候数据库 Worldclim | WGS84 |
等温性 Isothermality | bio3 | ||
气温季节性变化标准偏差 Standard deviation of air temperature seasonality | bio4 | ||
气温年较差 Air temperature annual range | bio7 | ||
最冷季平均气温 Mean air temperature of coldest quarter | bio11 | ||
年降水量 Annual precipitation | bio12 | ||
降水量季节性变异系数 Coefficient of variation of precipitation seasonality | bio15 | ||
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | bio16 | ||
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | bio17 | ||
海拔 Elevation | ele | 地理空间数据云 Geospatial data cloud (Computer network information center of Chinese academy of sciences) | WGS84 |
坡度 Slope | slo | ||
坡向 Aspect | asp | ||
海南凤仙花分布点 Distribution points of Impatiens hainanensis | - | 实地调查 Field survey | WGS84 |
海南岛土地覆被类型图 Land cover type map of Hainan Island | - | 海南省林业厅 Forestry department of Hainan | WGS84 |
Table 1 Data information of habitat evaluation
变量及数据 Variable and data | 代码 Code | 来源 Source | 原始坐标系 Original coordinate system |
昼夜温差月平均值 Mean diurnal range (Mean of monthly (max temperature - min temperature)) | bio2 | 世界气候数据库 Worldclim | WGS84 |
等温性 Isothermality | bio3 | ||
气温季节性变化标准偏差 Standard deviation of air temperature seasonality | bio4 | ||
气温年较差 Air temperature annual range | bio7 | ||
最冷季平均气温 Mean air temperature of coldest quarter | bio11 | ||
年降水量 Annual precipitation | bio12 | ||
降水量季节性变异系数 Coefficient of variation of precipitation seasonality | bio15 | ||
最湿季降水量 Precipitation of wettest quarter | bio16 | ||
最干季降水量 Precipitation of driest quarter | bio17 | ||
海拔 Elevation | ele | 地理空间数据云 Geospatial data cloud (Computer network information center of Chinese academy of sciences) | WGS84 |
坡度 Slope | slo | ||
坡向 Aspect | asp | ||
海南凤仙花分布点 Distribution points of Impatiens hainanensis | - | 实地调查 Field survey | WGS84 |
海南岛土地覆被类型图 Land cover type map of Hainan Island | - | 海南省林业厅 Forestry department of Hainan | WGS84 |
评估指标 Evaluate index | 失败 Fail | 很差 Very poor | 一般 Common | 较准确 Good | 优秀 Excellent | 本实验结果值(平均值±标准偏差) Result value of this experiment (mean ± SD) |
AUC | 0.50-0.60 | 0.60-0.70 | 0.70-0.80 | 0.80-0.90 | 0.90-1.00 | 0.98 ± 0.02 |
Kappa | 0-0.40 | 0.40-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.96 ± 0.08 |
TSS | 0-0.40 | 0.40-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.96 ± 0.08 |
Overall accuracy | 0-0.40 | 0-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.98 ± 0.04 |
Table 2 The criteria of the four evaluate indexes(area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), kappa coefficient, true skill statistic (TSS), overall accuracy)
评估指标 Evaluate index | 失败 Fail | 很差 Very poor | 一般 Common | 较准确 Good | 优秀 Excellent | 本实验结果值(平均值±标准偏差) Result value of this experiment (mean ± SD) |
AUC | 0.50-0.60 | 0.60-0.70 | 0.70-0.80 | 0.80-0.90 | 0.90-1.00 | 0.98 ± 0.02 |
Kappa | 0-0.40 | 0.40-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.96 ± 0.08 |
TSS | 0-0.40 | 0.40-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.96 ± 0.08 |
Overall accuracy | 0-0.40 | 0-0.55 | 0.55-0.70 | 0.70-0.85 | 0.85-1.00 | 0.98 ± 0.04 |
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